Guinn Wizard
Joined: 03 Mar 2001 Posts: 1127 Location: London
Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2007 10:50 pm
[2.09] Lua variables with certain default settings |
I can't track down exactly what's causing this crash yet, but I think it's to do with variables being created as Lua variables.
If you set the default settings so that Lua is the default scripting language, then create a new package that would inherit that setting, then I am sometimes getting crashes when assigning variables from the command line
test = "blah1|blah2"
which would create a variable with xml
<var name="test" type="Literal" usedef="true" language="Lua" id="10"/>
I didn't get the error message unfortunately but it looks like a Lua parsing error where it's saying it's expecting a '|' character.
I think it seems to occur when you're creating a stringlist from the command line
Sorry it's a patchy report so far, but it's proving a bit awkward to find a way to duplicate it reliably. I'll keep on trying and post more if I find out what exactly is up, but if anyone else fancies playing around with changing the default script language to Lua in a package higher up the hierarchy... |
_________________ CMUD Pro, Windows Vista x64
Core2 Q6600, 4GB RAM, GeForce 8800GT
Because you need it for text... ;) |

Joined: 25 Sep 2000 Posts: 23379 Location: Colorado, USA
Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2007 1:40 am |
Yep, I can see where this would be a problem. I need to exclude variables from the default script setting so this doesn't happen.
Guinn Wizard
Joined: 03 Mar 2001 Posts: 1127 Location: London
Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2007 12:30 pm |
Found the crash again today. Still can't replicate it at will, but the variables being changed (whoList and whoOld) were set as Lua variables.
Any changes to those variables were just using #ADDITEM, then an alias used called whoChange that also uses them:
Code: |
$whoJoined = @whoList
$whoLeft = @whoOld
#FORALL {@whoOld} {$whoJoined = %delItem(%i, $whoJoined)}
#FORALL {@whoList} {$whoLeft = %delItem(%i, $whoLeft)}
#IF (%numitems($whoJoined) > 0) {
#SHOW *** Logged on @ %time( hh:mm:ss) : %expandlist($whoJoined, ", ")
#IF (%numitems($whoLeft) > 0) {
#SHOW ** Logged off @ %time( hh:mm:ss) : %expandlist($whoLeft, ", ")
whoOld = @whoList |
It crashed with the following message
And bugreport
Code: |
date/time : 2007-10-30, 12:24:16, 709ms
computer name :
user name :
operating system : Windows NT New build 6000
system language : English
system up time : 43 minutes 33 seconds
program up time : 1 minute 7 seconds
processor : AMD Athlon(tm) XP 3200+
physical memory : 465/1023 MB (free/total)
free disk space : (C:) 10.39 GB (D:) 7.37 GB
display mode : 1280x1024, 32 bit
process id : $f44
allocated memory : 69.04 MB
executable : cMUDPro.exe
exec. date/time : 2007-10-27 03:17
version :
madExcept version : 3.0b
contact name :
contact email :
callstack crc : $8ac92e94, $6b951500, $0d684929
exception number : 1
exception class : ELuaException
exception message : [string "code"](1) '=' expected near '<eof>'.
Main ($fe4):
00677301 +095 cMUDPro.exe LuaUtils 1239 +6 LuaLoadBuffer
00e31612 +072 cMUDPro.exe LuaBase 156 +6 ExecLua
00df008a +43e cMUDPro.exe CodeExec 1160 +59 ExecAlias
00df0675 +141 cMUDPro.exe CodeExec 1257 +15 PushPref
00df0ccb +2c3 cMUDPro.exe CodeExec 1361 +45 HandleVar
00df1508 +610 cMUDPro.exe CodeExec 1471 +84 HandleVarRef
00df625d +469 cMUDPro.exe CodeExec 2896 +60 TCodeExec.InternalExecute
00dede9e +08e cMUDPro.exe CodeExec 477 +12 TCodeExec.Expression
00de520e +086 cMUDPro.exe PrefDat 10666 +10 TCacheNode.GetCaption
00de19b7 +0bb cMUDPro.exe PrefDat 9162 +15 PrefRec.InternalGetCaption
00de0cd0 +010 cMUDPro.exe PrefDat 8920 +1 TrigNode.GetExpandPat
00d3c962 +9ee cMUDPro.exe MAIN 7307 +183 TMUDForm.HandleTrigger
00d3ba64 +00c cMUDPro.exe MAIN 6953 +1 TMUDForm.UserOutNewLine
00a1bc2d +039 cMUDPro.exe term 8442 +3 TTerm.DoTriggerLine
00a1a74a +1fa cMUDPro.exe term 8022 +34 HandleNewLine
00a1af25 +6cd cMUDPro.exe term 8146 +104 TTerm.PutText
00a1b499 +049 cMUDPro.exe term 8250 +2 TTerm.Add
00d28cf1 +0b1 cMUDPro.exe MAIN 1533 +8 TMUDForm.OutputStr
00d28f8d +09d cMUDPro.exe MAIN 1602 +15 TMUDForm.NextMUDLine
00d293b5 +019 cMUDPro.exe MAIN 1672 +4 TMUDForm.DoNextLine
00505ff3 +1df cMUDPro.exe Controls 4645 +53 TControl.WndProc
00509d22 +18e cMUDPro.exe Controls 6342 +33 TWinControl.WndProc
00526e00 +478 cMUDPro.exe Forms 3098 +103 TCustomForm.WndProc
005098f4 +034 cMUDPro.exe Controls 6237 +3 TWinControl.MainWndProc
0047ff58 +014 cMUDPro.exe Classes 10966 +8 StdWndProc
77843c85 +00a USER32.dll DispatchMessageA
0052eea8 +0ac cMUDPro.exe Forms 6873 +13 TApplication.ProcessMessage
0052eeef +00f cMUDPro.exe Forms 6892 +1 TApplication.HandleMessage
0052f18a +0a6 cMUDPro.exe Forms 6976 +16 TApplication.Run
00e69464 +088 cMUDPro.exe cMUDPro 348 +19 initialization
76c73831 +010 kernel32.dll BaseThreadInitThunk
77dda9bb +04b ntdll.dll LdrInitializeThunk
thread $ea4:
77e00f34 +00 ntdll.dll KiFastSystemCallRet
77e000ee +0a ntdll.dll NtRemoveIoCompletion
76c57942 +23 kernel32.dll GetQueuedCompletionStatus
0045d509 +0d cMUDPro.exe madExcept CallThreadProcSafe
0045d581 +45 cMUDPro.exe madExcept ThreadExceptFrame
76c73831 +10 kernel32.dll BaseThreadInitThunk
77dda9bb +4b ntdll.dll LdrInitializeThunk
>> created by Main ($fe4) at:
76abc12e +00 RPCRT4.dll
thread $f88:
77e00f34 +00 ntdll.dll KiFastSystemCallRet
77e0069e +0a ntdll.dll NtWaitForSingleObject
76c777ce +7e kernel32.dll WaitForSingleObjectEx
76c73831 +10 kernel32.dll BaseThreadInitThunk
77dda9bb +4b ntdll.dll LdrInitializeThunk
thread $da8: <priority:15>
77e00f34 +00 ntdll.dll KiFastSystemCallRet
77e0068e +0a ntdll.dll NtWaitForMultipleObjects
76c77e03 +00 kernel32.dll WaitForMultipleObjectsEx
76c7814b +13 kernel32.dll WaitForMultipleObjects
76c73831 +10 kernel32.dll BaseThreadInitThunk
77dda9bb +4b ntdll.dll LdrInitializeThunk
thread $880: <priority:15>
77e00f34 +00 ntdll.dll KiFastSystemCallRet
77e0068e +0a ntdll.dll NtWaitForMultipleObjects
76c77e03 +00 kernel32.dll WaitForMultipleObjectsEx
76c7814b +13 kernel32.dll WaitForMultipleObjects
76c73831 +10 kernel32.dll BaseThreadInitThunk
77dda9bb +4b ntdll.dll LdrInitializeThunk
UpdateThread ($bf0): <suspended>
77e00f34 +00 ntdll.dll KiFastSystemCallRet
77e0054e +0a ntdll.dll NtSuspendThread
76c84822 +0c kernel32.dll SuspendThread
0047df31 +31 cMUDPro.exe Classes 9648 +5 TThread.Suspend
00903cf2 +6e cMUDPro.exe IdThread 333 +20 TIdThread.Execute
0047da3a +36 cMUDPro.exe Classes 9372 +7 ThreadProc
00405acc +28 cMUDPro.exe System ThreadWrapper
76c73831 +10 kernel32.dll BaseThreadInitThunk
77dda9bb +4b ntdll.dll LdrInitializeThunk
thread $6d4:
77e00f34 +000 ntdll.dll KiFastSystemCallRet
77843c6f +124 USER32.dll PeekMessageA
76c73831 +010 kernel32.dll BaseThreadInitThunk
77dda9bb +04b ntdll.dll LdrInitializeThunk
thread $a3c:
77e00f34 +00 ntdll.dll KiFastSystemCallRet
77e0068e +0a ntdll.dll NtWaitForMultipleObjects
76c77e03 +00 kernel32.dll WaitForMultipleObjectsEx
7784c4b1 +00 USER32.dll MsgWaitForMultipleObjectsEx
77848b7e +1a USER32.dll MsgWaitForMultipleObjects
76c73831 +10 kernel32.dll BaseThreadInitThunk
77dda9bb +4b ntdll.dll LdrInitializeThunk
thread $7d4:
77e00f34 +00 ntdll.dll KiFastSystemCallRet
77e000ee +0a ntdll.dll NtRemoveIoCompletion
76c57942 +23 kernel32.dll GetQueuedCompletionStatus
76c73831 +10 kernel32.dll BaseThreadInitThunk
77dda9bb +4b ntdll.dll LdrInitializeThunk
thread $bcc:
77e00f34 +00 ntdll.dll KiFastSystemCallRet
778519c8 +26 USER32.dll GetMessageW
76c73831 +10 kernel32.dll BaseThreadInitThunk
77dda9bb +4b ntdll.dll LdrInitializeThunk
thread $654: <priority:15>
77e00f34 +00 ntdll.dll KiFastSystemCallRet
77e0068e +0a ntdll.dll NtWaitForMultipleObjects
76c77e03 +00 kernel32.dll WaitForMultipleObjectsEx
76c73831 +10 kernel32.dll BaseThreadInitThunk
77dda9bb +4b ntdll.dll LdrInitializeThunk
thread $6b8: <priority:2>
77e00f34 +00 ntdll.dll KiFastSystemCallRet
77843acc +3b USER32.dll GetMessageA
0045d509 +0d cMUDPro.exe madExcept CallThreadProcSafe
0045d581 +45 cMUDPro.exe madExcept ThreadExceptFrame
76c73831 +10 kernel32.dll BaseThreadInitThunk
77dda9bb +4b ntdll.dll LdrInitializeThunk
>> created by Main ($fe4) at:
751930a4 +d1 winmm.dll PlaySoundW
thread $ff4:
77e00f34 +00 ntdll.dll KiFastSystemCallRet
77e0069e +0a ntdll.dll NtWaitForSingleObject
76c777ce +7e kernel32.dll WaitForSingleObjectEx
76c7773d +0d kernel32.dll WaitForSingleObject
0045d509 +0d cMUDPro.exe madExcept CallThreadProcSafe
0045d581 +45 cMUDPro.exe madExcept ThreadExceptFrame
76c73831 +10 kernel32.dll BaseThreadInitThunk
77dda9bb +4b ntdll.dll LdrInitializeThunk
>> created by Main ($fe4) at:
77996162 +31 ws2_32.dll WSAAsyncGetHostByName
thread $d88: <priority:1>
77e00f34 +00 ntdll.dll KiFastSystemCallRet
77e000ee +0a ntdll.dll NtRemoveIoCompletion
76c73831 +10 kernel32.dll BaseThreadInitThunk
77dda9bb +4b ntdll.dll LdrInitializeThunk
thread $f20: <suspended>
77e00f34 +00 ntdll.dll KiFastSystemCallRet
77e0054e +0a ntdll.dll NtSuspendThread
76c84822 +0c kernel32.dll SuspendThread
0047df31 +31 cMUDPro.exe Classes 9648 +5 TThread.Suspend
00903cf2 +6e cMUDPro.exe IdThread 333 +20 TIdThread.Execute
0047da3a +36 cMUDPro.exe Classes 9372 +7 ThreadProc
00405acc +28 cMUDPro.exe System ThreadWrapper
76c73831 +10 kernel32.dll BaseThreadInitThunk
77dda9bb +4b ntdll.dll LdrInitializeThunk
thread $e10: <suspended>
77e00f34 +00 ntdll.dll KiFastSystemCallRet
77e0054e +0a ntdll.dll NtSuspendThread
76c84822 +0c kernel32.dll SuspendThread
0047df31 +31 cMUDPro.exe Classes 9648 +5 TThread.Suspend
00903cf2 +6e cMUDPro.exe IdThread 333 +20 TIdThread.Execute
0047da3a +36 cMUDPro.exe Classes 9372 +7 ThreadProc
00405acc +28 cMUDPro.exe System ThreadWrapper
76c73831 +10 kernel32.dll BaseThreadInitThunk
77dda9bb +4b ntdll.dll LdrInitializeThunk
thread $a84:
77e00f34 +00 ntdll.dll KiFastSystemCallRet
77e000ee +0a ntdll.dll NtRemoveIoCompletion
76c57942 +23 kernel32.dll GetQueuedCompletionStatus
0045d509 +0d cMUDPro.exe madExcept CallThreadProcSafe
0045d581 +45 cMUDPro.exe madExcept ThreadExceptFrame
76c73831 +10 kernel32.dll BaseThreadInitThunk
77dda9bb +4b ntdll.dll LdrInitializeThunk
>> created by thread $ea4 at:
76abc12e +00 RPCRT4.dll |
Hope that's enough to help a bit |
_________________ CMUD Pro, Windows Vista x64
Core2 Q6600, 4GB RAM, GeForce 8800GT
Because you need it for text... ;) |
Seb Wizard
Joined: 14 Aug 2004 Posts: 1269
Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2007 1:46 am |
Ooh, I see what you mean about CMUD looking pretty on Vista! Even the errors have style! 
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