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Fang Xianfu

Joined: 26 Jan 2004
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 04, 2007 12:21 pm   

[1.34] Multistate trigger GUI change/bug?
I only just noticed that the multistate trigger GUI has changed. There used to be a blue arrow next to whichever state was current - that's vanished. If it's a bug, it needs fixing. If it's a deliberate change, it needs reverting - there's now no way to tell which state is active!

I think this happened at the same time that double-clicking on a state changed the enabled flag of the state, because if I remember rightly, doing that used to set the current state instead. That means that there's also no way to set the current state from the GUI like there used to be.

These changes have made trying to debug the script I posted in this thread virtually impossible since there's no way to see/correct the current state of the trigger.
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 04, 2007 5:26 pm   
It still works just fine for me here. Here is the test that I used:

1) Run CMUD and close the session window
2) Type the following commands into the command line
#trig {test1} {#show fired1}
#cond {test2} {#show fired2}
#cond {test3} {#show fired3}
#cond {test4} {#show fired4}

3) Type the following:

#show test1

the following is shown in the output window:

4) Click the Triggers button. Expand the test1 trigger if necessary. On my system, it shows the blue arrow marker next to the "test2" state.

5) Type the following on the command line:

#show test2

4) Now the settings editor shows a green circle next to the "test2" state (indicating that it fired), and the blue arrow is now next to the "test3" state.

So, it all seems to be working fine for me here.

Double-clicking does not change the state of a trigger. It currently disables the main parent trigger. This will be changed when I remove the double-click option. Once I remove the "double-click to disable/enable" code, then double-clicking won't do anything. Because I'm trying to remove any side effects from double-clicking, I do not plan to allow double-clicking to change a trigger state. But I'll try to add an option to the right-click menu for that.
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