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Joined: 16 Sep 2001
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 19, 2002 4:49 am   

Gag Command
I've got a gag command: #GAG The Torch of Eternal Scintillation crackles with the light of justice.

I was wondering if theres any way to gag that line but not receive a blank line.

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Joined: 14 Oct 2000
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 19, 2002 7:21 am   
If you want to gag all blank lines, use this.

#TR {$} {#GAG}

If you want to gag the blank lines surrounding a pattern, try something like this.

#TR {pattern} {#gag -1;#gag}

I think that might work... but the fist is probably more effective and more graceful.

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PostPosted: Tue Mar 19, 2002 1:23 pm   
I believe that this also works:
#TRIGGER {pattern$} {#GAG}

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Joined: 14 Oct 2000
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 19, 2002 4:46 pm   
Yep, that works too, if he matches all the way to the end of the line.
(which is probably a good idea).

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Joined: 23 Dec 2000
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 23, 2002 7:10 am   

I believe that this also works:
#TRIGGER {pattern$} {#GAG}


Would this happen to be a mud/machine-specific issue? I haven't much of a clue, since a blank-line trigger gets gagged correctly but all other triggers seem to ignore the return character no matter what I try (short of multiple gag commands).

li'l shmoe of Dragon's Gate MUD
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Joined: 23 Jul 2004
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 18, 2006 2:17 am   
[quote="Kjata"]I believe that this also works:
<b>#TRIGGER</b> {pattern$} {<b>#GAG</b>}

Doesn't seem to work for me. On Aardwolf I get spammed constantly with blank lines if I do this. :( Right now I am gagging all blank lines, but I don't want to do that if I don't have to. Any ideas?
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 18, 2006 8:25 pm   
I use gag a lot, and don't have any problems with it. It does not insert a blank line, it just removes the last line that you have in the window (as opposed to the last line received).

One thing I found useful was experimenting with it offline (using #SAY and #GAG).

What I suspect is that you are getting an extra blank line from the MUD, just to format this text properly. That is:

^$ <--- extra 'blank' line to separate the line you want gagged from the rest of the text
^Line You want gagged.$

When you gag the text, you're just left with the extra line. If this is the case, just add another #gag and see how it works.
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Joined: 01 Aug 2004
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 02, 2007 1:51 pm   
Hi. I'm scratching my head.

I have a trigger to gag out the timer now at message. It does not gag the line.

I tried deleting and remaking the trigger in a different folder etc.

Turning off 'informational messages' is not an option.

Any ideas? Please?
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 02, 2007 5:51 pm   
you could turn the information messages text color to match your background.... but then it would appear like a blank line even though its not
Discord: Shalimarwildcat
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Joined: 18 Oct 2000
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 02, 2007 7:51 pm   
Hmmm, sounds like the trigger isn't firing (did you try putting in an echo statement to confirm) or that you that the text you capturing also has several lines in it.

Also the GAG command takes an optional number as argument.

The default is 0 which gags the current line.
#GAG -2, will gage the previous 2 lines.
#GAG 3 will gag the next 3 lines.

Try that and see if it helps.
Asati di tempari!
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