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Joined: 12 Nov 2006
Posts: 16

PostPosted: Thu Apr 26, 2007 10:18 pm   

[1.30] Ansi colour behaving oddly + layout&customize
The highlight -tag with ansi doesn't work:

Sometimes (usually the first object in line) gets properly highlighted (the ansi bold option which is set highlight by default), and the rest of the should-be-highlighted object turn grey instead. Most of the time i only see grey things. I tried it with different terminal types in preferences/sessions but still result is the same. Also with my mud's ( 3000) different term ansi/ansi+ settings.

Of the layout: One thing in layout that has yet never been saved with cmud, is when I move the [sessions,settings,library,etc] toolbar to the right side of [file,edit,view,etc.] toolbar for more vertical space for the mud output...

Also the customize-option with (is it called main menu?) [file,edit,view,etc] is not working. Im not seeing in 'Layout' -menu 'save layout' or 'load layout' option. The customize option is strange (or I dont know how to use it), because the 'command' tab there does only show all the things, but doesn't let change anything.

EDIT: Also with settings editor, the 'Auto Update' option is turned on everytime editor is opened.
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Joined: 25 Sep 2000
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Location: Colorado, USA

PostPosted: Fri Apr 27, 2007 8:39 pm   
Please only report one problem per post, or at least number each problem. Otherwise it's impossible for people to really track your problems or give good answers.

1) Highlight problem: I have reproduced this problem and have added it to the bug list.

2) Layout problem: I have reproduced that problem and added it to the bug list. Looks like the menu/toolbar system always forces the main menu to be on it's own row no matter what gets saved to the layout file.

3) For the customization, click the down-arrow on the right side of the menu (just to the right of the Help menu) and select Customize from the dropdown list. Then go to the Commands tab. Select a category from the list on the this case I selected the Layout category. Now it displays the commands in that category on the right. What you need to do now is drag the command that you want to the toolbar/menu that you want, and then release the mouse button. For example, I can click on the Save Layout command, then hold down the mouse button and drag it up to the Layout menu (which opens automatically), and move it down to the position that I want, and then release the mouse button to drop it there.

This is the same drag/drop customization system that is used in Microsoft Office, which is why I choose the same method for CMUD.

Be careful using the Save Layout/Load's only for advanced users (which is why it was removed from the menu)

4) Auto Update option: Yes, that is true, and won't be changed. This option should normally remain turned on unless you are having some severe problem with the updates. The settings editor won't work properly over long periods of time with this option turned off since the settings display can get out of synch with your actual settings. Again, this is an advanced option and will probably be removed from the default menu list in some future version. If you are having a problem that requires Auto Update to be turned off, then create a new post to talk about the problem in more detail.
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