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Joined: 27 Apr 2007
Posts: 16

PostPosted: Fri Apr 27, 2007 6:29 am   

Odd Trigger Problems
I have a couple problems with Cmud coding/trigger set up. This same trigger
works on zmud but not on Cmud. I have a version of this trigger that is working
fine that is the exactly the same as the one below EXCEPT the addition of the "
, 899/899 mana". I tested it using the match and seqrec function and everything
comes our right except it does not #su the line its suppose to.

Here is my trigger set up:

From the Mud:
( Head)  1118/1118  hit,  204/204  move,  899/899  mana Someone

Pattern: &pos &hit/&maxhit hit, &mov/&maxmov move, &mana/&maxmana mana &name
#va hitdif @hit-@maxhit
#va hitper (@hit * 100)/@maxhit
#su {@pos @hit/@maxhit hit, @mov/@maxmov move, @mana/@maxmana mana    @name ==== @hitdif}

I am also trying to #cap the text ( Head) and put the line into another window
called Group. Now I have it working for (Front) but it will not work with ( Head). I have tried various ways but nothing works.

Here is my trigger set up for (Front):

Pattern: ^%pFront%p

This one works, but doesnt work for ( Head).

Just FYI, this is the code I use for this healthchecker that IS working with Cmud:

From Mud:
( Head)  1118/1118  hit,  204/204  move  Someone

(*) &hit/&maxhit hit, &mov/&maxmov move &Name

#va hitdif @hit-@maxhit
#va hitper (@hit * 100)/@maxhit
#su {%1 @hit/@maxhit hit, @mov/@maxmov move    @name ==== @hitdif}
#if (@hitper >= 95) {#co {@name ==== @hitdif} bold,green}
#if (@hitper <= 95) {#co {@name ==== @hitdif} brown}
#if (@hitper <= 90) {#co {@name ==== @hitdif} yellow}
#if (@hitper <= 80) {#co {@name ==== @hitdif} bold,purple}
#if (@hitper <= 50) {#co {@name ==== @hitdif} purple}
#if (@hitper <= 30) {#co {@name ==== @hitdif} bold,red}
#if (@hitper <= 5) {#co {@name ==== @hitdif} blink,high,red,red}
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Joined: 25 Mar 2003
Posts: 1113
Location: USA

PostPosted: Fri Apr 27, 2007 11:10 am   
Escape the parentheses in your pattern with ~ in front of each one?
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