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Joined: 19 Jun 2005
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Location: California

PostPosted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 5:01 pm   

I'm drawing a blank (and incorrect results)
I'm working on a script that is supposed to automate a turn order for a game. However, it's kind of complex the way I have to do it. I start out with dice rolls, and then I sort those dice rolls. For further scripting purposes, I have to number their position. Maybe the code below will give some idea of what I need done.

After the initial dice rolls, my database stands like this:

PlayerA | 34
PlayerB | 42
PlayerC | 12
PlayerD | 59
PlayerE | 2
PlayerF | 80

After I sort the values, they are placed in proper order, in this case: PlayerE, PlayerC, PlayerA, PlayerB, PlayerD, PlayerF. What I need for it to do is take that turn order, and put their numerical position behind it, so it reads as follows:

PlayerE | 1
PlayerC | 2
PlayerA | 3
PlayerB | 4
PlayerD | 5
PlayerF | 6

I tried it with #loop 1,%numitems(@players) {#FORALL @players {#addkey turnorder %j %i}} and #forall @players {#loop 1,%numitems(@players) {#addkey turnorder %i %j}}, neither which produce the result I want. Does anyone have a suggestion for this? Thanks!

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Joined: 05 Mar 2003
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 19, 2007 5:03 pm   
Hmm sounds familiar.
Have a look at this topic
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Joined: 19 Jun 2005
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Location: California

PostPosted: Thu Apr 19, 2007 8:02 pm   
Right - I've been using the sort for it, but it still doesn't change the values. It'll sort them in the order I want them to appear, but I need the values to be reset to a succession of numbers, i.e. PlayerA=23|PlayerB=28|PlayerC=44|PlayerD=62|PlayerE=78 needs to return PlayerA=1|PlayerB=2|PlayerC=3|PlayerD=4|PlayerE=5...

By the way, using what you suggested didn't work... this is what it returned:

#VARIABLE sortvar 35=Josh|50=Homer|45=Chris|99=Rezit|47=Barney|23=Skippy

#VARIABLE sortvar yppikS32yenraB74tizeR99sirhC54remoH05hsoJ53

As you can see, still not quite what I need. :P

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Joined: 05 Mar 2003
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Location: Canada

PostPosted: Thu Apr 19, 2007 9:24 pm   
First of all it looks like you didnt use the entire alias that i had written
It looks like you skipped a line or so because you the names are still going the wrong way.
Anyways lets see if we can do better.

#CLASS {DBNumericValSortB}
#ALIAS SortByVal {
  #var insort {}
  #var postsort {}
  #var insort %sort( %exec( "#loopdb %0 {#var insort %additem(%concat(%replace(%format('&7.f',%val),' ','0'),'=',%key),@insort)};@insort"))
  #var insort %subchar( @insort, "=|", %concat( %char( 30), %char( 29)))
  #var ndex 0
  #loopdb @insort {
    #add ndex 1
    #var postsort %addkey( @postsort, %val, @ndex)
#VAR postsort {} {}
#VAR ndex {}
#VAR insort {} {}

If you have a db variable named presort with the values you specified above:
PlayerA | 34
PlayerB | 42
PlayerC | 12
PlayerD | 59
PlayerE | 2
PlayerF | 80

SortByVal @presort
#showdb @postsort

Should show you this:

PlayerE: 1
PlayerC: 2
PlayerA: 3
PlayerB: 4
PlayerD: 5
PlayerF: 6

Thats what you wanted, no?
You said you were using a database variable, but if you want to use a string list and get the PlayerE=1 format
the #loopdb at the end could be changed to this
  #loopdb @insort {
    #add ndex 1
    #var postsort  %concat(@postsort,"|",%val,"=", @ndex))

or something like that anyways. I didnt test the last code block
"No matter how subtle the wizard, a knife between the shoulder blades will seriously cramp his style."
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Joined: 19 Jun 2005
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Location: California

PostPosted: Thu Apr 19, 2007 10:16 pm   
AWESOME. You're my new hero, Dharkael. This is exactly what I was looking for.

Also... I copied everything into the alias for the last one. :\ Copy/paste from the forums, but it didn't work still. :\

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Joined: 05 Mar 2003
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Location: Canada

PostPosted: Thu Apr 19, 2007 10:35 pm   
Oh well at least this scriptlet does what you want it to Wink

I'm pleased it worked out Very Happy
"No matter how subtle the wizard, a knife between the shoulder blades will seriously cramp his style."
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