Zugg |
Posted: Mon Jan 29, 2007 8:24 pm
Most needed CMUD features? |
What is the main reason you are waiting to upgrade CMUD? |
Mapper bug fixes |
27% |
[ 32 ] |
Chat system (zChat) |
5% |
[ 6 ] |
Scriptable zApp forms (custom frontends) |
6% |
[ 8 ] |
SSH (secure telnet protocol) |
6% |
[ 8 ] |
Multiplaying bug fixes |
9% |
[ 11 ] |
General stability |
30% |
[ 36 ] |
Other (post more details) |
11% |
[ 13 ] |
I never plan to use CMUD no matter what (why?) |
2% |
[ 3 ] |
Total Votes : 117 |
Guinn Wizard
Joined: 03 Mar 2001 Posts: 1127 Location: London
Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2007 11:59 pm |
With an alias you need to escape special characters using ~
So for an alias to send
I was watching "Jurassic park"
"I was watching ~"Jurassic park~" |
_________________ CMUD Pro, Windows Vista x64
Core2 Q6600, 4GB RAM, GeForce 8800GT
Because you need it for text... ;) |
Arminas Wizard
Joined: 11 Jul 2002 Posts: 1265 Location: USA
Posted: Mon Feb 12, 2007 3:27 pm |
More of what he would be looking for is.
Alias Whisper
~whisper %quote(%params)
Admittedly this is untested with cMud and could possibly not work due to some bug. But again I'm posting from work and STILL haven't installed cMud there. |
_________________ Arminas, The Invisible horseman
Windows 7 Pro 32 bit
AMD 64 X2 2.51 Dual Core, 2 GB of Ram |
Fang Xianfu GURU

Joined: 26 Jan 2004 Posts: 5155 Location: United Kingdom
Posted: Mon Feb 12, 2007 3:56 pm |
That won't work because the quote stripping happens before the parser executes the alias. I tried that yesterday looking at a similar thing.
Talonnb1 Beginner
Joined: 14 Apr 2006 Posts: 11
Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2007 2:09 am |
Add a choice for importing Zmud scripts to use Auto Append or not. Cause personally I don't want to use Auto Append, but it happens, and I have way too many aliases to go uncheck a box each one
Dumas Enchanter
Joined: 11 Feb 2003 Posts: 511 Location: USA
Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2007 4:03 am |
Money, mostly. :)
But if I had it, I would switch between it and zMUD mostly because of mapper issues. After you've worked had mapping 30,000+ rooms and have it working smoothly, it gets hard to switch. :) |
Full Throttle Wanderer
Joined: 07 Dec 2004 Posts: 65
Posted: Sun Feb 18, 2007 6:21 am |
ditto to what Obyron said. (like Obyron, I have not yet bought cmud)
i've heard "i have purchased a license for cmud, but i am not yet using it as my client" too many times. i'll wait to purchase a license when cmud is a clear upgrade to zmud.
i'd be curious to know what percent of cmud buyers use zmud as their main client. |
Tritt Newbie
Joined: 12 Aug 2004 Posts: 3
Posted: Mon Feb 19, 2007 3:56 pm |
Please move the 'new CMUD' mapper to the top of the "I'm working on it now list" :)
In my case, I'm just trying to do something really simple; have the mapper create a map while moving around the mud.
With zMud, I start in a room that has standard North, South, East, West exists and then select 'New configuration' under the Mapper's Config tab. I then click the Next button twice and confirm that the Mapper identified the Room Name, Room Desc, and Room Exits correctly. Click Finish and I'm ready to map!
With CMUD, same exact scenario and starting in the same room; the mapper does not correctly identify the exists.
Also with CMUD, if I go into 'Configuration Settings' under the Mapper Config tab and under the Room Exits tab and I check the box that says 'Exit line contains key' and type 'Exits' in the 'Exit line keyword' box, then add a room using the 'Add Room' button, and finally click 'Look(reload room info) under the Actions tab, CMUD Mapper still does not get the exits right. The Exits appear as part of the Room Desc when I look at the room properties. zMud mapper does this Correctly. |

Joined: 25 Sep 2000 Posts: 23379 Location: Colorado, USA
Posted: Mon Feb 19, 2007 8:48 pm |
Tritt: Make sure the mapper window in CMUD is undocked. That seems to cause most of the problems with the mapper.
Tritt Newbie
Joined: 12 Aug 2004 Posts: 3
Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 2:19 pm |
In my case, undocking the mapper window doesn't have any effect. It gets the Room Name and Room Description correct, but no matter what I try, it never finds the exits.
Also, if I manually configure the mapper, it still doesn't find the exits when using the 'Look (reload room info) Action. |

Joined: 25 Sep 2000 Posts: 23379 Location: Colorado, USA
Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 5:53 pm |
Go back to zMUD and configure the mapper there, and then copy the *.ZFG mapper configuration file from your zMUD character directory into your CMUD character directory. You can use the Config/Load menu to load that configuration.
The mapper in CMUD is exactly the same as the mapper in zMUD. So if it works in zMUD, it has to work in CMUD (baring the problems with having the mapper docked).
If you still have trouble with this, start a new forum topic about it, since this isn't really the proper thread for helping with detailed problems like this. |

Joined: 25 Sep 2000 Posts: 23379 Location: Colorado, USA
Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 5:54 pm |
Oh, and I thought about something else:
Make sure you have the "English Directions" package loaded for your character. Select the Edit Session action and then go to the Files tab. Make sure English Directions is listed in the list of packages to load.
Without the English Directions package, CMUD has no way to identify the standard English exit names in the mapper. That could cause it to not recognize your room exits. |
Tritt Newbie
Joined: 12 Aug 2004 Posts: 3
Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 5:35 pm |
Zugg wrote: |
Make sure you have the "English Directions" package loaded for your character. Select the Edit Session action and then go to the Files tab. Make sure English Directions is listed in the list of packages to load.
Without the English Directions package, CMUD has no way to identify the standard English exit names in the mapper. That could cause it to not recognize your room exits. |
And it doesn't seem to matter whether the mapper window is docked or not, it works just fine.
Thanks so much  |
Fizban1216 Apprentice
Joined: 03 Feb 2007 Posts: 170
Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2007 10:27 pm |
For me the two most annoying errors were windows becoming undocked, and the command line disappearing, and then when I click view command line twice to make it disappear and come back it often comes back with 2 or 3 "extra" command bars or won't come back at all.

Joined: 25 Sep 2000 Posts: 23379 Location: Colorado, USA
Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2007 4:09 pm |
Fizban, those issues should be fixed in the 1.26 version. Have you tried doing a fresh install of that latest version? If the command line disappears in that version, please make a new forum post to report the bug and how to reproduce it. Same for if you get multiple command lines. This usually indicates a corrupted layout file from a previous version, so make sure you do a fresh install.
For preventing windows from getting undocked, use the Lock Layout option in the Layout menu. |
Aleron Wanderer
Joined: 01 Aug 2005 Posts: 76
Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 2:47 am |
I vote for general stability. Since I can't leave CMUD running some of my scripts for hours (sometimes 1 hour, sometimes 6 hours..) on end without often returning and discovering the timer being busted and thus not running my scripts, it's of little use to me. I like a lot of the new features and what not, but they will get no use from me if I can't rely on the core system. And before it's said, I have no desire to modify a plethora of scripts to use #ALARM's when #TIMER still works perfectly fine in zMUD. Let me know when #TIMER's are fixed in CMUD and I'll purchase a license ASAP.

Joined: 25 Sep 2000 Posts: 23379 Location: Colorado, USA
Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 4:51 am |
Aleron, the #TIMER and #ALARMS work just fine in v1.26. If you are still having problems with them, create a new post in the forums and give the specifics of what are not working.
I'm going to remove this topic from the stickies since it was meant for v1.24 and it now very much out of date. |
Aleron Wanderer
Joined: 01 Aug 2005 Posts: 76
Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 11:46 am |
Zugg wrote: |
Aleron, the #TIMER and #ALARMS work just fine in v1.26. If you are still having problems with them, create a new post in the forums and give the specifics of what are not working. |
I am using 1.26, and that's the version I have seen them #TIMER misbehave. Please see my previous post here, in which I reported the problem. |
roima Newbie
Joined: 09 Apr 2007 Posts: 2
Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2007 7:30 am |
CMud has multiple bugs with its user interface. Controls are collapsing eachother and so on so on. It also seems bit messy. Too much stuff at from of you and the windowing scheme is annoying. Attaching windows back to the MDI is done most illogigal way.

Joined: 25 Sep 2000 Posts: 23379 Location: Colorado, USA
Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2007 4:35 pm |
Quote: |
CMud has multiple bugs with its user interface |
You should make a new forum post and describe these bugs in detail. I'm not aware of any "user interface" bugs in the current 1.26 version. The window docking interface used in CMUD is the same that is used in other modern applications that work with multiple windows, such as Microsoft Visual Studio. MDI applications haven't been recommended by Microsoft for many years because there is no need for the "parent" background window when you can just have windows organized over your desktop. CMUD is never going to do MDI. And since zMUD isn't MDI either, and the CMUD window docking works much better than the zMUD window docking, I don't really see how this applies to the topic of this thread which was why people might not be using CMUD instead of zMUD.
Quote: |
It also seems bit messy. Too much stuff at from of you |
Can't help much without more specifics on exactly what you think is "messy". The windows can be completely customized so that only the windows you want to see are shown. I think you maybe just haven't played with CMUD enough to learn all of the customization that you can use to make it look and work the way you want. Again, you should post this to a separate thread where you can get help since it doesn't really apply to the topic of this thread. |
umdbandit Wanderer
Joined: 31 Oct 2004 Posts: 94
Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2007 5:10 pm CMUD |
Well, first and foremost, from a 'power user' standpoint, I love making scripts in cmud way way way more than in zmud. The clear line between the local and global variables makes things simple, clear, and easy. Ocassionally I'll run into a bit of a spur... But hey... That is what the forum is for!
The things I'd put as highest priority for CMUD
1. New Mapper
2. Some kind of real databasing thing.
For the latter, I feel like there are a lot of open source flavors of DB management software... Why not simply tack on something like phpmyadmin? It is a quality product, easy to use, and i'm sure it is everything everyone here would wish for in a database managment interface.
Past that, I'd just add anything possible to make CMUD scripting easier for the casual user. I feel there are so many users out there who it is simply a screen with green text. |
_________________ Rufus- Winner of Stuff |
MattLofton GURU
Joined: 23 Dec 2000 Posts: 4834 Location: USA
Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2007 9:55 pm |
PHPMyAdmin doesn't seem like a good solution, given how heavily-invested in true database technology CMud already is. The package files, the mapper, the character list, and possibly the helpfiles are all database-driven at the moment, so really the only aspect the user sees that isn't is the actual DB module (pretty ironic, yes?)
_________________ EDIT: I didn't like my old signature |
umdbandit Wanderer
Joined: 31 Oct 2004 Posts: 94
Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2007 11:34 pm |
I too have found this quite ironic :P
_________________ Rufus- Winner of Stuff |

Joined: 25 Sep 2000 Posts: 23379 Location: Colorado, USA
Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2007 2:36 am |
Of course, the reason for this is that the DB module was written in zMUD *many* years ago before I had any real database technology in zMUD. Back then, even the character "database" was just a raw stream file. The MUD list was a text listing, etc. So yes...it's ironic.
The new database module to be written this year will use the ZeosLib database components that I used in zApp. You can look at the zApp documentation to learn more about this database support. It basically supports *any* database. It's very similar to the JDBC database system that is used by Java.
This probably isn't the topic to discuss this, so if you want more details on the DB plans, create a new topic thread. But it will be handled similar to zMapper in that there will be a separate standalone database manager/editor program (zSQL or cSQL for example) which will allow you to create and manage databases in any database format (or access databases on remote servers, etc). This will be a separate program with a separate charge, just like zMapper. When this program is installed, updated database scripting will be available from with CMUD. Without this module installed, the CMUD DB module will only support SQLite. This allows normal CMUD users to benefit from a real SQL database (albeit only a local database file), whereas power users who want to fully control remote databases from with CMUD will need the zSQL/cSQL database program to be installed. |
roima Newbie
Joined: 09 Apr 2007 Posts: 2
Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2007 6:51 am |
Zugg wrote: |
Quote: |
CMud has multiple bugs with its user interface |
You should make a new forum post and describe these bugs in detail. I'm not aware of any "user interface" bugs in the current 1.26 version. The window docking interface used in CMUD is the same that is used in other modern applications that work with multiple windows, such as Microsoft Visual Studio. MDI applications haven't been recommended by Microsoft for many years because there is no need for the "parent" background window when you can just have windows organized over your desktop. CMUD is never going to do MDI. And since zMUD isn't MDI either, and the CMUD window docking works much better than the zMUD window docking, I don't really see how this applies to the topic of this thread which was why people might not be using CMUD instead of zMUD.
Quote: |
It also seems bit messy. Too much stuff at from of you |
Can't help much without more specifics on exactly what you think is "messy". The windows can be completely customized so that only the windows you want to see are shown. I think you maybe just haven't played with CMUD enough to learn all of the customization that you can use to make it look and work the way you want. Again, you should post this to a separate thread where you can get help since it doesn't really apply to the topic of this thread. |
Ill post some screenshots about the interface bugs later on when I get home. It might have something to do with windowblinds winXP theme program. Ill test that too.
Funny that you happen to mention Visual Studio. I work with that application everysingle day of the week and I havent been able to unattach textwindows from it a way that they actually exists outside the main form which holds all of the other subwindows. I did this by accident with cmud. Was very frustrating process to try to get it back docked in to the main window. Maybe ill post a screenshot of this too. English is not my native language so the thing I mean might better be explained by screenshots =D
Sometimes presenting too much options at once makes things confusing. That is what I ment with "messy".
In the mean while I am happily using zMud =D |
Zeta Thompson Newbie
Joined: 11 Dec 2002 Posts: 9 Location: USA
Posted: Sun Jun 10, 2007 1:47 am |
ok first I multiplay 2 characters in the same party in zmud when I typed :aliasname i could set character one to do one thing and character 2 to do another, i cannot. second when I typed quit from my mud both characters quit. Thirdly I disagree about the help files. They DO need work. A novice has no clue what they mean (believe me I have spent a lot of time explaining to novices in zmud how to build a simple group k trigger) Perhaps just examples of just that, a simple group kill for muds that do not have autoassist, a simple read the prompt for a variable example, etc. Next, honestly I do not care for the lack of simplicity in the display. I am probably the only one that feels this way, but I like two windows stacked on top of each other and a command line for each. The interface took me a good 15 or 20 minutes to get how I wanted it to play a simple text based mud. Last, it is just not stable yet. I had crashes, errors, etc., as one would expect with any beta. But I will not pay to be a beta tester. I do see lots of potential in CMUD and once it is more stable and allows one to easily muitiplay without having to script (which no mud allows) I will most likely migrate to it.