al666 Beginner
Joined: 20 Dec 2006 Posts: 13
Posted: Tue Jan 16, 2007 3:54 pm
question about #makewindow command |
have been trying to get #makewindow working so it'd create a subwindow into main mud window using a simple trigger to do it, basically,
Code: |
#trigger {blah} {#makewindow blah "scrolling=yes|persistent|left=50%|top=0|width=50%|height=50%} |
what i want it to do is that it should create a new window and *set it inside of existing mud window*. basically exactly what simple #capture is doing for me atm, when it gets triggered by a exact sentence, it will make another window either horisontally, vertically etc. the trouble is, that makewindow is just doing a standalone window and i haven't yet found any way how i can dock it automatically, maybe it isn't even possible ?
thanks in advance |