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Joined: 10 Oct 2000
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 20, 2006 6:31 am   

[1.06] Settings (Font, Colour, Tick Timer, etc) Forgotten
I installed CMUD into a fresh directory and went about my usual setty-upper things like making the colours the way I like them, the fonts the right size, the tick timer on, etc.

Anyway, I quit and go back in and 'poof' they go back to defaults. So I set them up again and try again and maybe it works this time and the tick timer or colours are saved, then suddenly 2 more restarts away 'poof' they're gone again.

So then I go to the prefs page and use the drop down to select the 'default package' and try to set the settings in there instead. I got mixed results there, for example the font seems to have stuck, but the colours reset after a while and the tick timer forgot what its altered time-out value and tick command were.

So... there's something weird going on, but I'm not sure how to pin it down. I'm thinking maybe its something like the packages are getting read in a different order, eg maybe one time we start CMUD it loads MyMUD.pkg first and another time it loads default.pkg ... I dunno.

Anyone else able to confirm similar weridnesses?

The tick timer getting forgotten has been an ongoing problem for me (since 1.00) but I've found ways to work around it such as an onconnect alias which sends a #TIMER command to set it up every time.
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Joined: 10 Oct 2000
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 20, 2006 7:14 am   
I'm getting the same results with colors and fonts.
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Joined: 29 Nov 2005
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 20, 2006 7:38 am   
cant say i have ran into the settings problem. For me the changes arent immediate. I have to close and reconnect session for some of the to take ahold but for the most part they work pretty well for me. Of Course i create a brand new package as well upon the release of a new version.

Its possible we are doing the same things a very different way.

None of these are in a sub package right.

I did notice that each package has the same settings choices as the main one and the default one. you might have a conflict between them somehow.

Its still a little weird how everything pieces together. Ill try to wrap my head around this one better later.
Confucious say "Bugs in Programs need Hammer"
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Joined: 25 Sep 2000
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 20, 2006 7:07 pm   
Remember that if you try making changes to the Default Settings, they won't save since the Default Settings is marked as ReadOnly by default. In general, don't change the Default Settings package.

I can't reproduce the problem with fonts/colors. I load a session from the main screen. It only has the EnglishDirections and EnglishKeypad packages in the list. The primary package is Test.Pkg. After loading the session offline I click the Prefs and it says "Preferences for Module: Test". I go to the ANSI Color Foreground tab and change the colors. Then I close the Preferences and exit CMUD. When I start CMUD again and open the Test session Offline, my color changes seem to be there.

Packages are read in the exact order that they are listed in the Session/Edit/Files tab. The primary settings file is always loaded last.

Anyway, I think I need more of a step-by-step example of how to reproduce this problem.

Also, changes should always be immediate, or in some cases take effect when you close the Preferences window. You shouldn't need to restart CMUD to see the changes take effect.
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Joined: 10 Oct 2000
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Location: Australia

PostPosted: Wed Sep 20, 2006 11:26 pm   
1) Install CMUD to a fresh directory (I used c:\program files\cmud106\)
2) Run CMUD, Accept License
3) Click New Session, I used "Legacy's Dawning" as the title and "" (port 23) as the host
4) Click Save and Close
5) Connect to Legacy (I double clicked the icon)
6) When the login screen comes up click Prefs on the toolbar
7) On the User Interface page, uncheck "show clock", check "show tick timer"
8) On the Colours page, select "VT100" from the Scheme drop down
9) On the Ansi Colours page, in the Foreground Colours subpage, click "set colours to default" this should make the dim colours on top and the bright ones on the bottom
10) On the Fonts page, click the "AA" buttons to the right of each font box and select "Courier New, Bold, 12 point"
11) Click Close and the font size of the login screen should change
12) Restart CMUD (I used the 'X' to close it rather than file->exit)
13) Connect to Legacy
14) Sit in gob-smacked awe because it actually worked and is making a liar out of me

Ok, something weird is definatley going on because last night when I did that process these settings weren't saving (and yes, both times I used a completely clean directory).

I've looked a bit closer at both versions, for some reason the version which is misbehaving has a module with no name (don't ask me how it got created, I have no idea since it was a fresh install). I'm going to email you the package with the weird setting in case you can see anything from it.
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Joined: 25 Sep 2000
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 21, 2006 7:02 pm   
Sit in gob-smacked awe because it actually worked and is making a liar out of me

Welcome to my world :) Don't you just love stuff like this. That's what makes this stuff so hard to debug sometimes. I have also seem some wierdness with the color settings but haven't been able to pin down the cause yet. If anyone comes up with a procedure that reliably reproduces the problem, definitely post it here.
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Joined: 25 Sep 2000
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 22, 2006 9:42 pm   
Hmm, I might have discovered something interesting about this...

I you read my blog entry, you might recall that recently I removed a "fix" from the database routines dealing with maintaining the record position after an Append operation. In removing my fix (that caused problems in filtered datasets), I learned that I needed to set the AutoReposition option for the dataset.

Well, the Preferences dataset was in a different Delphi module and I had forgotten to set the AutoReposition property there. So, this could have resulted in some odd behavior regarding preference saving.

I'm thinking about releasing 1.07 later today with this fix (and others) to see if that's what the problem was.
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 22, 2006 9:49 pm   
Discord: Shalimarwildcat
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Joined: 25 Sep 2000
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Location: Colorado, USA

PostPosted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 9:23 pm   
Can someone let me know if this problem is really fixed in 1.07? I haven't seen any trouble myself, but I wanted people who were having trouble setting colors and fonts to give it a try and let me know. Thanks.
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