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Joined: 14 Oct 2000
Posts: 1368

PostPosted: Wed Sep 20, 2006 10:27 am   

Some package library suggestions
In the package library window:
1. "Edit->Delete Package" doesn't seem to actually remove the package from the online library. Instead it removes it only in your own local list, confusing you what really is in the library. There must be an easy way to delete your own package if you change your mind. I managed to upload multiple copies of the same package because of this.
2. Would be fun if it was possible to connect a package to the actual MUD list so that users could easily connect to a MUD from the package library.
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Joined: 25 Sep 2000
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Location: Colorado, USA

PostPosted: Wed Sep 20, 2006 7:11 pm   
1) Correct. Right now there isn't any way to delete a package on the server. I'll be adding that in the future. The current Delete Package option only removes it from your local copy and can be used to delete any package that you don't want to see. Obviously to delete a package on the server, it needs to confirm that you are the original author first. So that's an option just for package developers, rather than the current delete option that is intended for all users.

2) Not really sure what you mean by this. The package library has no knowledge of the MUD list. The MUD field in the package library is a free-form text field and doesn't necessarily match the MUD titles in the MUD Connector. This allows you to enter MUD names that are not in the MUD Connector list. I didn't want to restrict the input for this field.

It's possible to eventually set up a default package in the MUD list, but I can forsee issues if multiple people create packages for the same MUD...who wins? Could be a big can of worms.
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Joined: 10 Oct 2000
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Location: Australia

PostPosted: Wed Sep 20, 2006 10:40 pm   
2) I think the concept is a mud admin like me might post a 'legacy starter package' and when someone downloads it from the library it adds a session to the MUD with associated layout and automapper settings and connects you to the MUD... kinda like how the mudconnector list works but with all the correct files to go with.
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Joined: 25 Sep 2000
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Location: Colorado, USA

PostPosted: Thu Sep 21, 2006 6:57 pm   
Rainchild: That's more like the "Customized MUD front end" stuff that I forsee adding later (it's towards the end of the future plans article). Because it's more than just a package file. As you said, it's a layout, automatter settings, and potentially some custom zApp forms, etc. This requires changes to the package library to handle more generic data other than just package data.

It will probably be implemented more from the session screen where there will be another tab next to the MUD Connector tab where you can select "click and play" MUDs that have all of the files already set up. I also plan to set up stuff like this for the paid icons in the session screen, but I recognize the value of letting other MUDs set up these kind of files. But that's why it would be placed in a separate tab so that it doesn't take away from the value of the paid MUD icons on the main screen.
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