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Joined: 23 Jul 2005
Posts: 334
Location: Chicago

PostPosted: Tue Aug 22, 2006 2:48 am   

looping and functions (kinda long)
I've got an auto rescue, and when I add people to the list, it creates a long variable and creates a trigger for them when they are attacked. But after I rescue them, it disables their trigger. After the fight is over, I want to reenable the trigger (helps with lag and getting spammed with rescuing them). However... Here is what I'm trying to do to kinda automate it a little more, short of manually going in and enabling the trigger.

#variable arescuewho {bob|phil|mark|johnny}
#TRIGGER "bob_trigger" {~[ * ~] attacks on *bobl*} {rescue bob;#T- bob_trigger}
#TRIGGER "phil_trigger" {~[ * ~] attacks on *phil*} {rescue phil;#T- philtrigger}
#TRIGGER "mark_trigger" {~[ * ~] attacks on *mark*} {rescue mark;#T- makr_trigger}
#TRIGGER "johnny_trigger" {~[ * ~] attacks on *johnny*} {rescue johnny;#T- johnnytrigger}

Now my question is... Would this work?

#alias resetvar {#loop (%countitem @arescuewho),1 {#T+ %item(@arescue, %i)_trigger}}
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Joined: 18 Nov 2001
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 22, 2006 9:54 am   
#TRIGGER "bob_trigger" {~[ * ~] attacks on *bob*} {rescue bob;#T- bob_trigger;#ADDITEM Rescued {bob}}
#TRIGGER "phil_trigger" {~[ * ~] attacks on *phil*} {rescue phil;#T- philtrigger;#ADDITEM Rescued {phill}}

#ALIAS ResetRescue {#FORALL @Rescued {#T+ %concat(%i,"_trigger");#DELITEM Rescued {%i}}}

Only turning back on those you have actually turned off will be faster, and that variable will likely remain quite small.
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Joined: 17 Jun 2005
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 22, 2006 12:22 pm   
Or if you have a standard prompt and a battle prompt set it so that it turns off with standard and on with battle.
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Joined: 23 Jul 2005
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Location: Chicago

PostPosted: Tue Aug 22, 2006 2:31 pm   
kk, now i need to get someone to group with me, and find an aggro area! anyone wanna be a guinea pig? LoL! as far as the prompt... there is, but... if i'm in battle, and a mob comes into the room, and attacks one of my party members, i will automatically try and rescue them, whether or not my lag will let me right then and there, depends on how i initiated the combat with the first mob, and... if i initiated it with a special attack, that will lag me for 6 seconds for example, thats 6 seconds of combat my party member is fighting that aggro mob, and 6 seconds that my autorescue trigger is spamming me with rescues, so that when i DO get out of lag, i'm now lagging with the mud playing catchup with all my commands! hence the shutdown the rescue after one fires off deal, but... if i move to another room, or combat is over, i want to streamline turning back on my group members autorescue trigger, just in case some s**t comes down, ya know? =D

thanks again for all your help!! =D
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Joined: 14 Aug 2006
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Location: Sweden

PostPosted: Tue Aug 22, 2006 2:50 pm   
You could do something like
#INPUT {specialattack %d} {#T- autorescue; #ALARM +6 {#T+ autorescue}}
This will disable autorescue if you do that 6 second special attack, and turn it back on once you can actually use rescue again.

Also, I assume there's some kind of death message yuo could trigger on to turn triggers back on like
#TR {* hits the ground... dead} {#T+ autorescue}

Or go for
#INPUT {[eswnud]} {#T+ autorescue}
This will check any input command containing only one or more of those chars. Perhaps not good enough as it would trigger on "see". Else use
#INPUT {e|s|w|n|u|d|nw|sw|ne|se}

Or create a macro for some easily accessable key that does #T+ autorescue
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