jfields29 Newbie
Joined: 16 Jun 2006 Posts: 9
Posted: Mon Jun 19, 2006 7:35 am
Quick Database Question |
I've found a lot of people doing similar things here, but noone asking this exact question, so here goes.
Ive got an Item database, currently it returns me a list like this:
Num=69eq Name=a gold white gemstone ring Worn=FINGER Keywords=gold ring white gemstone gem stone Type=ARMOR Abilities=NOBITS Bits=MAGIC ANTI-NEUTRAL NO-CLERIC NO-MAGE NOBITS AC=0 Weight=0 Value=12576 Affects=HITROLL By 1 DAMROLL By 2 Seffects CCritical Ceffects Dice LastID=06.16.2006
This is built by this block:
Code: |
#SAY %if(%find(%trim(%0),NAME),%expanddb(%dbget(%find(%trim(%0),NAME))),"Item Not In Database") |
What I would like is, to not return null / 0 fields, and not to return the Column Name or Record Num.
I know it's possible with a big loop, but I was trying to avoid that for speed purposes. |