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Joined: 11 Feb 2003
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PostPosted: Mon May 22, 2006 5:00 pm   

Mapper Functioning Oddly
I'll list the issues I am having and see what people can come up with.

1) Mapper changes detected prompt some times with no apparent reasoning or pattern to doing so.

2) Turn off auto prompt detect (normally on even with manually entered prompt), and speedwalking ceases to work

3) Double-click speedwalk no longer functions properly when the destination is in a different zone. Moves the first direction then for some reason doesn't pick up the inherent #OK.

4) Whenever speedwalking ceases to function correctly (i.e like in 3 above), it will not work again until I close and re-open the mapper.

5) 3 and 4 above sometimes happen with no changes happening with config.

6) When things work fine. Speedwalking goes as proper, and mapping captures everything correctly.

7) The MUD is Achaea.
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Joined: 18 Nov 2001
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PostPosted: Mon May 22, 2006 11:20 pm   
Iron Realms MUDs in general, and Achaea in particular have been noted to be problems on these forums many times.

1. Tweaking the prompt such that it handles changing defenses and kai. This is often quite minor but requires some understanding of regular expressions.

2. Disabling the prompt detection is not required once a proper prompt detection has been set for all prompts.

3. Prompt detection is likely once again the problem. #OKs signal that the movement has been completed, but the prompt is still used to signal when to send the next command. Fix problem 1 first then perhaps we can consider this one again.

4. You can double-click on the little box in the lower right hand corner of the mapper window to clear the queue. This queue is used during speedwalking, and once it is out of synch will cause problems. Alternately setup a macro to issue "#STOP;#NODIR 1" to abort the speedwalking. Of course once problem 1 is fixed you are not likely to encounter problem 3, which lead to problem 4 not happening. Say that 5 times fast.

5. Something changes, the configuration never really seems to cover all rooms in Achaea. Some rooms are rather abberant with graffitti and other things.

6. Glad to hear it.

7. I also play on Achaea. My own mapping script completely overrides the mapper, and preforms its own custom regex parsing on the text, this includes some really crazy code to detect some of the wierder cimcumstances like flooded rooms and blizzards. I recently bumped into some graffiti that just didn't work. After nearly an hour of retweaking the regexes involved I got a new solution that seemed to be much better. Just a day later I bumped into another piece of graffiti that I happily walked by in brief mode, but not in verbose mode. With no solution in sight after an hour I had to give up. That is some of the difference between a system designed to work very closely with a specific mud versus one designed to work well with nearly all muds. There is no perfect solution that can be coded at this time to handle all muds all the time. You have to tweak the settings to better work with your specific mud, and then further pay attention while mapping to ensure all is working properly.
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Joined: 11 Feb 2003
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Location: USA

PostPosted: Tue May 23, 2006 12:40 pm   
Thanks for the reply, however:

1) I've tried it using Larkin's regex prompt too and still get the same issues.

2,3) Yeah, I only tried to disable prompt detection to see if that would keep it from changing the manual prompt on its own. Still don't know why it would do this.

4,5) The speedwalking issue still happens even with the queue cleared, my position reset, etc. Once it messes up with not getting the #OK, I literally have to close and reopen the mapper to get any kind of tracking to work again most times. I too believe it has to do with the prompt issue, but until I get that resolved it is still an issue. As for 5) the issue is mainly during speedwalking and not active mapping, so graffitti shouldn't affect it right?

7) The main thing about my mapper settings is that I base everything off the room name. To me, if it screws up a slight bit getting a description or the exits, I don't mind. The description I only use rarely to search for a specific thing, and undetected exits I change to be right. As long as the room name is correct, having speedwalking set to match room name should work correct? There are times that I know with IRE that it won't give what you want (such as having room text appear on the prompt line instead of a new line.

But like I said, for the most part I am satisfied with the mapper. It's that cross-zone speedwalking thing that is irritating me the most because that is the one I use the most.

EDIT: Did I mention I am up o over 30,000 rooms on this right now too?
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Joined: 11 Feb 2003
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Location: USA

PostPosted: Fri May 26, 2006 12:17 pm   
Ahh, I may have found out what was wrong. The times that this was happening I didn't realize were always happening when I wanted to speedwalk in a specific zone. Sure enough, walked into it, things stopped working right, and I thought to look then at the configured prompt and it was the changed one. Lightbulb goes off in my head, switch back to master config and save it for the zone. Works peachy now.
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