saet Apprentice
Joined: 12 Jun 2006 Posts: 106
Posted: Wed Jul 05, 2006 2:17 am
Color Questions |
So I came across the %colorname help file which introduced me tons of new color options(thought for so long that we were stuck with 16 or however many). Only problem I have is when I want to color something that I'm not triggering off directly. Like if I want to color some information I send to another window, I used to use %ansi, but that only seems to work with the regular colors. Can't get it to work with any of those other colors in the %colorname helpfile. Luckily I can just create triggers for that window that do the job(some reason I have to include mxp in front of some of them, but not in the regular window). But now I can't figure out a way to get color with a #SUB.
Example Trigger:
#TRIGGER {You are currently using (%d)~% of your shield block skill.} {#IF (%1 > 9) {#IF (%1 < 100) {#SUB {Shield~:" " %1~%}} {#SUB {Shield~: %1~%}}} {#SUB {Shield~:" " %1~%}}}
If there is a better way to right align stuff, please let me know. Have three other lines all in a row, like for them to look neat.
Now I want to color Shield: and 100% differently.
I can kind of do it, if I use #COLOR in the trigger and than #PCOL on the %1 but I want to include the %, and I needed to evaluate the number for double digits. Hmm maybe I can evaluate percentages, but anyways... is there a way I can color it like I would with %ansi for the normal colors? I thought %ansi(%colorname(slategray)) would work, but no. HALP!!!111
EDIT: Any colors that weren't working was a problem in the trigger. These are all fixed.
#ALIAS (colorlist) {#T+ ColorTest;#SHOW aliceblue antiquewhite aqua aquamarine mediumaquamarine turquoise paleturquoise mediumturquoise darkturquoise lightskyblue lightblue mediumslateblue darkslateblue dodgerblue deepskyblue cadetblue cornflowerblue blue darkblue mediumblue navy midnightblue skyblue slateblue lightsteelblue steelblue powderblue royalblue cyan darkcyan darkgreen darkolievgreen lightgreen forestgreen chartreuse lawngreen olive olivedrab greenyellow lightseagreen seagreen lime limegreen springgreen palegreen mediumseagreen mediumspringgreen tomato chocolate coral crimson firebrick darkorange orange orangered red maroon plum orchid violet mediumorchid azure beige bisque blanchedalmond blueviolet brown burlywood cornsilk darkgoldenrod darkgray darkkhaki darkmagenta darkolivegreen darkslategray darkviolet deeppink dimgray floralwhite fuchsia gainsboro ghostwhite gold goldenrod gray honeydew hotpink indianred indigo ivory khaki lavender lavenderblush lemonchiffon lightcoral lightcyan lightgoldenrodyellow lightgrey lightpink lightsalmon lightslategray lightyellow linen magenta mediumpurple mediumvioletred mintcream mistyrose moccasin navajowhite oldlace palegoldenrod palevioletred papayawhip peachpuff peru pink purple rosybrown saddlebrown salmon sandybrown seashell sienna silver slategray snow tan teal thistle wheat white whitesmoke yellow yellowgreen;#T- ColorTest}
#CLASS {ColorTest}
#TRIGGER {(aliceblue)%s} {#PCOL aliceblue %x1}
#TRIGGER {%s(antiquewhite)%s} {#PCOL antiquewhite %x1}
#TRIGGER {%s(aqua)%s} {#PCOL aqua %x1}
#TRIGGER {%s(aquamarine)%s} {#PCOL aquamarine %x1}
#TRIGGER {%s(azure)%s} {#PCOL azure %x1}
#TRIGGER {%s(beige)%s} {#PCOL beige %x1}
#TRIGGER {%s(bisque)%s} {#PCOL bisque %x1}
#TRIGGER {%s(blanchedalmond)%s} {#PCOL blanchedalmond %x1}
#TRIGGER {%s(blue)%s} {#PCOL blue %x1}
#TRIGGER {%s(blueviolet)%s} {#PCOL blueviolet %x1}
#TRIGGER {%s(brown)%s} {#PCOL brown %x1}
#TRIGGER {%s(burlywood)%s} {#PCOL burlywood %x1}
#TRIGGER {%s(cadetblue)%s} {#PCOL cadetblue %x1}
#TRIGGER {%s(chartreuse)%s} {#PCOL chartreuse %x1}
#TRIGGER {%s(chocolate)%s} {#PCOL chocolate %x1}
#TRIGGER {%s(coral)%s} {#PCOL coral %x1}
#TRIGGER {%s(cornflowerblue)%s} {#PCOL cornflowerblue %x1}
#TRIGGER {%s(cornsilk)%s} {#PCOL cornsilk %x1}
#TRIGGER {%s(crimson)%s} {#PCOL crimson %x1}
#TRIGGER {%s(cyan)%s} {#PCOL cyan %x1}
#TRIGGER {%s(darkblue)%s} {#PCOL darkblue %x1}
#TRIGGER {%s(darkcyan)%s} {#PCOL darkcyan %x1}
#TRIGGER {%s(darkgoldenrod)%s} {#PCOL darkgoldenrod %x1}
#TRIGGER {%s(darkgray)%s} {#PCOL darkgray %x1}
#TRIGGER {%s(darkgreen)%s} {#PCOL darkgreen %x1}
#TRIGGER {%s(darkkhaki)%s} {#PCOL darkkhaki %x1}
#TRIGGER {%s(darkmagenta)%s} {#PCOL darkmagenta %x1}
#TRIGGER {%s(darkolivegreen)%s} {#PCOL darkolivegreen %x1}
#TRIGGER {%s(darkorange)%s} {#PCOL darkorange %x1}
#TRIGGER {%s(darkslateblue)%s} {#PCOL darkslateblue %x1}
#TRIGGER {%s(darkslategray)%s} {#PCOL darkslategray %x1}
#TRIGGER {%s(darkturquoise)%s} {#PCOL darkturquoise %x1}
#TRIGGER {%s(darkviolet)%s} {#PCOL darkviolet %x1}
#TRIGGER {%s(deeppink)%s} {#PCOL deeppink %x1}
#TRIGGER {%s(deepskyblue)%s} {#PCOL deepskyblue %x1}
#TRIGGER {%s(dimgray)%s} {#PCOL %x1 dimgray}
#TRIGGER {%s(dodgerblue)%s} {#PCOL dodgerblue %x1}
#TRIGGER {%s(firebrick)%s} {#PCOL firebrick %x1}
#TRIGGER {%s(floralwhite)%s} {#PCOL floralwhite %x1}
#TRIGGER {%s(forestgreen)%s} {#PCOL forestgreen %x1}
#TRIGGER {%s(fuchsia)%s} {#PCOL fuchsia %x1}
#TRIGGER {%s(gainsboro)%s} {#PCOL gainsboro %x1}
#TRIGGER {%s(ghostwhite)%s} {#PCOL ghostwhite %x1}
#TRIGGER {%s(gold)%s} {#PCOL gold %x1}
#TRIGGER {%s(goldenrod)%s} {#PCOL goldenrod %x1}
#TRIGGER {%s(gray)%s} {#PCOL gray %x1}
#TRIGGER {%s(greenyellow)%s} {#PCOL greenyellow %x1}
#TRIGGER {%s(honeydew)%s} {#PCOL honeydew %x1}
#TRIGGER {%s(hotpink)%s} {#PCOL hotpink %x1}
#TRIGGER {%s(indianred)%s} {#PCOL indianred %x1}
#TRIGGER {%s(indigo)%s} {#PCOL indigo %x1}
#TRIGGER {%s(ivory)%s} {#PCOL ivory %x1}
#TRIGGER {%s(khaki)%s} {#PCOL khaki %x1}
#TRIGGER {%s(lavender)%s} {#PCOL lavender %x1}
#TRIGGER {%s(lavenderblush)%s} {#PCOL lavenderblush %x1}
#TRIGGER {%s(lawngreen)%s} {#PCOL lawngreen %x1}
#TRIGGER {%s(lemonchiffon)%s} {#PCOL lemonchiffon %x1}
#TRIGGER {%s(lightblue)%s} {#PCOL lightblue %x1}
#TRIGGER {%s(lightcoral)%s} {#PCOL lightcoral %x1}
#TRIGGER {%s(lightcyan)%s} {#PCOL lightcyan %x1}
#TRIGGER {%s(lightgoldenrodyellow)%s} {#PCOL lightgoldenrodyellow %x1}
#TRIGGER {%s(lightgreen)%s} {#PCOL lightgreen %x1}
#TRIGGER {%s(lightgrey)%s} {#PCOL lightgrey %x1}
#TRIGGER {%s(lightpink)%s} {#PCOL lightpink %x1}
#TRIGGER {%s(lightsalmon)%s} {#PCOL lightsalmon %x1}
#TRIGGER {%s(lightseagreen)%s} {#PCOL lightseagreen %x1}
#TRIGGER {%s(lightskyblue)%s} {#PCOL lightskyblue %x1}
#TRIGGER {%s(lightslategray)%s} {#PCOL lightslategray %x1}
#TRIGGER {%s(lightsteelblue)%s} {#PCOL lightsteelblue %x1}
#TRIGGER {%s(lightyellow)%s} {#PCOL lightyellow %x1}
#TRIGGER {%s(lime)%s} {#PCOL lime %x1}
#TRIGGER {%s(limegreen)%s} {#PCOL limegreen %x1}
#TRIGGER {%s(linen)%s} {#PCOL linen %x1}
#TRIGGER {%s(magenta)%s} {#PCOL magenta %x1}
#TRIGGER {%s(maroon)%s} {#PCOL maroon %x1}
#TRIGGER {%s(mediumaquamarine)%s} {#PCOL mediumaquamarine %x1}
#TRIGGER {%s(mediumblue)%s} {#PCOL mediumblue %x1}
#TRIGGER {%s(mediumorchid)%s} {#PCOL mediumorchid %x1}
#TRIGGER {%s(mediumpurple)%s} {#PCOL mediumpurple %x1}
#TRIGGER {%s(mediumseagreen)%s} {#PCOL mediumseagreen %x1}
#TRIGGER {%s(mediumslateblue)%s} {#PCOL mediumslateblue %x1}
#TRIGGER {%s(mediumspringgreen)%s} {#PCOL mediumspringgreen %x1}
#TRIGGER {%s(mediumturquoise)%s} {#PCOL mediumturquoise %x1}
#TRIGGER {%s(mediumvioletred)%s} {#PCOL mediumvioletred %x1}
#TRIGGER {%s(midnightblue)%s} {#PCOL midnightblue %x1}
#TRIGGER {%s(mintcream)%s} {#PCOL mintcream %x1}
#TRIGGER {%s(mistyrose)%s} {#PCOL mistyrose %x1}
#TRIGGER {%s(moccasin)%s} {#PCOL moccasin %x1}
#TRIGGER {%s(navajowhite)%s} {#PCOL navajowhite %x1}
#TRIGGER {%s(navy)%s} {#PCOL navy %x1}
#TRIGGER {%s(oldlace)%s} {#PCOL oldlace %x1}
#TRIGGER {%s(olive)%s} {#PCOL olive %x1}
#TRIGGER {%s(olivedrab)%s} {#PCOL olivedrab %x1}
#TRIGGER {%s(orange)%s} {#PCOL orange %x1}
#TRIGGER {%s(orangered)%s} {#PCOL orangered %x1}
#TRIGGER {%s(orchid)%s} {#PCOL orchid %x1}
#TRIGGER {%s(palegoldenrod)%s} {#PCOL palegoldenrod %x1}
#TRIGGER {%s(palegreen)%s} {#PCOL palegreen %x1}
#TRIGGER {%s(paleturquoise)%s} {#PCOL paleturquoise %x1}
#TRIGGER {%s(palevioletred)%s} {#PCOL palevioletred %x1}
#TRIGGER {%s(papayawhip)%s} {#PCOL papayawhip %x1}
#TRIGGER {%s(peachpuff)%s} {#PCOL peachpuff %x1}
#TRIGGER {%s(peru)%s} {#PCOL peru %x1}
#TRIGGER {%s(pink)%s} {#PCOL pink %x1}
#TRIGGER {%s(plum)%s} {#PCOL plum %x1}
#TRIGGER {%s(powderblue)%s} {#PCOL powderblue %x1}
#TRIGGER {%s(purple)%s} {#PCOL mxppurple %x1}
#TRIGGER {%s(red)%s} {#PCOL red %x1}
#TRIGGER {%s(rosybrown)%s} {#PCOL rosybrown %x1}
#TRIGGER {%s(royalblue)%s} {#PCOL royalblue %x1}
#TRIGGER {%s(saddlebrown)%s} {#PCOL saddlebrown %x1}
#TRIGGER {%s(salmon)%s} {#PCOL salmon %x1}
#TRIGGER {%s(sandybrown)%s} {#PCOL sandybrown %x1}
#TRIGGER {%s(seagreen)%s} {#PCOL seagreen %x1}
#TRIGGER {%s(seashell)%s} {#PCOL seashell %x1}
#TRIGGER {%s(sienna)%s} {#PCOL sienna %x1}
#TRIGGER {%s(silver)%s} {#PCOL silver %x1}
#TRIGGER {%s(skyblue)%s} {#PCOL skyblue %x1}
#TRIGGER {%s(slateblue)%s} {#PCOL slateblue %x1}
#TRIGGER {%s(slategray)%s} {#PCOL slategray %x1}
#TRIGGER {%s(snow)%s} {#PCOL snow %x1}
#TRIGGER {%s(springgreen)%s} {#PCOL springgreen %x1}
#TRIGGER {%s(steelblue)%s} {#PCOL steelblue %x1}
#TRIGGER {%s(tan)%s} {#PCOL tan %x1}
#TRIGGER {%s(teal)%s} {#PCOL teal %x1}
#TRIGGER {%s(thistle)%s} {#PCOL thistle %x1}
#TRIGGER {%s(tomato)%s} {#PCOL tomato %x1}
#TRIGGER {%s(turquoise)%s} {#PCOL turquoise %x1}
#TRIGGER {%s(violet)%s} {#PCOL violet %x1}
#TRIGGER {%s(wheat)%s} {#PCOL wheat %x1}
#TRIGGER {%s(white)%s} {#PCOL white %x1}
#TRIGGER {%s(whitesmoke)%s} {#PCOL whitesmoke %x1}
#TRIGGER {%s(yellow)%s} {#PCOL yellow %x1}
#TRIGGER {%s(yellowgreen)} {#PCOL yellowgreen %x1}
Now that I look at this #CW would have been faster to make these, but I thought these colors were only going to work with #PCOL at first.
Is there anyway to increase the textbox we type posts in? Seen this feature on most forums, this thing is so small. |
Last edited by saet on Thu Aug 10, 2006 1:05 am; edited 2 times in total |
MattLofton GURU
Joined: 23 Dec 2000 Posts: 4834 Location: USA
Posted: Wed Jul 05, 2006 4:11 am |
I haven't used colornames myself, so I'm not sure how they behave in mxp. However, mxp allows you to use RGB numbers, so if you have a list handy you can always use those:
#MXP ~<color $FFFFFF>this is white~</color>
Quote: |
Is there anyway to increase the textbox we type posts in? Seen this feature on most forums, this thing is so small.
You can click on the Reply button, which is found at both top and bottom of a topic window, on the left side. |
_________________ EDIT: I didn't like my old signature |
saet Apprentice
Joined: 12 Jun 2006 Posts: 106
Posted: Wed Jul 05, 2006 4:28 am |
Thanks, actually doing <color seagreen>dkfjsdkl</color> works fine, no need to hunt down a RGB calculator(though I did and tested that out first).
Quote: |
You can click on the Reply button, which is found at both top and bottom of a topic window, on the left side. |
Sorry, I was unclear. I meant the overall size of the message body box. It's like 3x3 inches big on my monitor @1600/1200. Though the reply box at the bottom is nice and wide. |
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