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Joined: 15 Dec 2005
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 15, 2005 1:40 pm   

converting mm2k code to zmud for clan / town relay
hi. I'm trying to convert a script from mm2k to zmud. Can someone be kind enough to let me know where I screwed up? the code is here:

#class {ClanAnnounce}
#class {Relay}

#alias {relayhelp} {#showme {@Chr(10)@Chr(10)@AnsiBold()@ForeRed() Clan To Town or Chat Relay v2.0@ForeYellow() by Cirque@Chr(10) Relay Clan Deaths, Resurrections, Levels, @Chr(10) Class Changes and Egg Fills!@Chr(10)@ForeWhite()----------------------------------------------@Chr(10) relay @ForeYellow()help @ForeWhite()- @ForeGreen()Show This Help@Chr(10)@ForeWhite() relay @ForeYellow()status @ForeWhite()- @ForeGreen()Display Relay Status@Chr(10)@ForeWhite() relay @ForeYellow()on @ForeWhite()- @ForeGreen()Toggle ALL Relays ON@Chr(10)@ForeWhite() relay @ForeYellow()off @ForeWhite()- @ForeGreen()Toggle ALL Relays OFF@Chr(10)@ForeWhite() relay @ForeCyan()talert @ForeWhite()- @ForeGreen()Town Death#Other Res#Self Res@Chr(10)@ForeWhite() relay @ForeCyan()tlevel @ForeWhite()- @ForeGreen()Town Levels Gained@Chr(10)@ForeWhite() relay @ForeCyan()teggs @ForeWhite()- @ForeGreen()Town Eggs Filled@Chr(10)@ForeWhite() relay @ForeMagenta()calert @ForeWhite()- @ForeGreen()Chat Death#Other Res#Self Res@Chr(10)@ForeWhite() relay @ForeMagenta()clevel @ForeWhite()- @ForeGreen()Chat Levels Gained@Chr(10)@ForeWhite() relay @ForeMagenta()ceggs @ForeWhite()- @ForeGreen()Chat Eggs Filled@Chr(10)@ForeWhite()----------------------------------------------}} {Relay}
#trigger {^[CLAN] %0 has been resurrected by %1.} {#if {@Var(town_alert) == 1 && @WordColor(1) == 11} {town $0 resurrected by $1!};#if {@Var(chat_alert) == 1 && @ChatConnects() > 0 && @WordColor(1) == 11} {#chatall @Var(C10)$0@Var(C11) resurrected by @Var(C14)$1@Var(C11)!@Var(C12)}} {Relay}
#trigger {^[CLAN] %0 has rejoined the land of the living.} {#if {@Var(town_alert) == 1 && @WordColor(1) == 11} {town $0 rejoined the living.};#if {@Var(chat_alert) == 1 && @ChatConnects() > 0 && @WordColor(1) == 11} {#chatall @Var(C10)$0@Var(C11) @Var(C15)rejoined the living@Var(C11).@Var(C12)}} {Relay}
#trigger {^[CLAN] %0 has BEEN KILLED!} {#if {@Var(town_alert) == 1 && @WordColor(1) == 11} {town $0 was KILLED!};#if {@Var(chat_alert) == 1 && @ChatConnects() > 0 && @WordColor(1) == 11} {#chatall @Var(C10)$0@Var(C11) was @Var(C12)KILLED@Var(C11)!@Var(C12)}} {Relay}
#trigger {^[CLAN] %0 has reached LEVEL %1!} {#if {@Var(town_level) == 1 && @WordColor(1) == 11} {town $0 reached LEVEL $1!};#if {@Var(chat_level) == 1 && @ChatConnects() > 0 && @WordColor(1) == 11} {#chatall @Var(C10)$0@Var(C11) reached @Var(C14)LEVEL $1@Var(C11)!@Var(C12)}} {Relay}
#trigger {^[CLAN] %0 has just become a %1!} {#if {@Var(town_level) == 1 && @WordColor(1) == 11} {town $0 became a $1!};#if {@Var(chat_level) == 1 && @ChatConnects() > 0 && @WordColor(1) == 11} {#chatall @Var(C10)$0@Var(C11) became a @Var(C14)$1@Var(C11)!@Var(C12)}} {Relay}
#trigger {^[CLAN] %0 turns in %1 EGGS.} {#if {@Var(town_eggs) == 1 && @WordColor(1) == 11} {town $0 turns in $1 EGGS.};#if {@Var(chat_eggs) == 1 && @ChatConnects() > 0 && @WordColor(1) == 11} {#chatall @Var(C10)$0@Var(C11) turns in @Var(C14)$1 EGGS@Var(C11).@Var(C12)}} {Relay}

#alias {relay %0} {#if {@IsEmpty($0)=1||"@Lower($0)"=="status"} {relaystatusc;relaystatust};#if {"@Lower($0)"=="talert"} {talert};#if {"@Lower($0)"=="tlevel"} {tlevel};#if {"@Lower($0)"=="teggs"} {teggs};;#if {"@Lower($0)"=="calert"} {calert};#if {"@Lower($0)"=="clevel"} {clevel};#if {"@Lower($0)"=="ceggs"} {ceggs};#if {"@Lower($0)"=="off"} {relayoff};#if {"@Lower($0)"=="on"} {relayon};#if {"@Lower($0)"=="help"} {relayhelp}} {Relay}
#alias {relaystatust} {#if {@Var(town_alert)==1} {#showme {@AnsiBold()@ForeGreen()Town Alert Relay@ForeWhite(): @ForeBlue()Enabled}} {#showme {@AnsiBold()@ForeGreen()Town Alert Relay@ForeWhite(): @ForeRed()Disabled}};#if {@Var(town_level)==1} {#showme {@AnsiBold()@ForeGreen()Town Level Relay@ForeWhite(): @ForeBlue()Enabled}} {#showme {@AnsiBold()@ForeGreen()Town Level Relay@ForeWhite(): @ForeRed()Disabled}};#if {@Var(town_eggs)==1} {#showme {@AnsiBold()@ForeGreen() Town Eggs Relay@ForeWhite(): @ForeBlue()Enabled}} {#showme {@AnsiBold()@ForeGreen() Town Eggs Relay@ForeWhite(): @ForeRed()Disabled}};;} {Relay}
#alias {relaystatusc} {#if {@Var(chat_alert)==1} {#showme {@AnsiBold()@ForeGreen()Chat Alert Relay@ForeWhite(): @ForeBlue()Enabled}} {#showme {@AnsiBold()@ForeGreen()Chat Alert Relay@ForeWhite(): @ForeRed()Disabled}};#if {@Var(chat_level)==1} {#showme {@AnsiBold()@ForeGreen()Chat Level Relay@ForeWhite(): @ForeBlue()Enabled}} {#showme {@AnsiBold()@ForeGreen()Chat Level Relay@ForeWhite(): @ForeRed()Disabled}};#if {@Var(chat_eggs)==1} {#showme {@AnsiBold()@ForeGreen() Chat Eggs Relay@ForeWhite(): @ForeBlue()Enabled}} {#showme {@AnsiBold()@ForeGreen() Chat Eggs Relay@ForeWhite(): @ForeRed()Disabled}};;} {Relay}
#alias {relayoff} {#var chat_level {0} {Relay};#var chat_alert {0} {Relay};#var chat_eggs {0} {Relay};#var town_level {0} {Relay};#var town_alert {0} {Relay};#var town_eggs {0} {Relay};#showme {@AnsiBold()@ForeGreen()Town To Clan Relay @ForeRed()FULL DISABLE}} {Relay}
#alias {relayon} {#var chat_level {1} {Relay};#var chat_alert {1} {Relay};#var chat_eggs {1} {Relay};#var town_level {1} {Relay};#var town_alert {1} {Relay};#var town_eggs {1} {Relay};#showme {@AnsiBold()@ForeGreen()Town To Clan Relay @ForeBlue()FULL ENABLE}} {Relay}
#alias {talert} {#if {@Var(town_alert) == 0} {#showme {@AnsiBold()@ForeGreen()Town Alert Relay@ForeWhite(): @ForeBlue()Enabled};#var {town_alert} {1} {Relay}} {#showme {@AnsiBold()@ForeGreen()Town Alert Relay@ForeWhite(): @ForeRed()Disabled};#var {town_alert} {0} {Relay}}} {Relay}
#alias {tlevel} {#if {@Var(town_level) == 0} {#showme {@AnsiBold()@ForeGreen()Town Level Relay@ForeWhite(): @ForeBlue()Enabled};#var {town_level} {1} {Relay}} {#showme {@AnsiBold()@ForeGreen()Town Level Relay@ForeWhite(): @ForeRed()Disabled};#var {town_level} {0} {Relay}}} {Relay}
#alias {teggs} {#if {@Var(town_eggs) == 0} {#showme {@AnsiBold()@ForeGreen()Town Eggs Relay@ForeWhite(): @ForeBlue()Enabled};#var {town_eggs} {1} {Relay}} {#showme {@AnsiBold()@ForeGreen()Town Eggs Relay@ForeWhite(): @ForeRed()Disabled};#var {town_eggs} {0} {Relay}}} {Relay}
#alias {calert} {#if {@Var(chat_alert) == 0} {#showme {@AnsiBold()@ForeGreen()Chat Alert Relay@ForeWhite(): @ForeBlue()Enabled};#var {chat_alert} {1} {Relay}} {#showme {@AnsiBold()@ForeGreen()Chat Alert Relay@ForeWhite(): @ForeRed()Disabled};#var {chat_alert} {0} {Relay}}} {Relay}
#alias {clevel} {#if {@Var(chat_level) == 0} {#showme {@AnsiBold()@ForeGreen()Chat Level Relay@ForeWhite(): @ForeBlue()Enabled};#var {chat_level} {1} {Relay}} {#showme {@AnsiBold()@ForeGreen()Chat Level Relay@ForeWhite(): @ForeRed()Disabled};#var {chat_level} {0} {Relay}}} {Relay}
#alias {ceggs} {#if {@Var(chat_eggs) == 0} {#showme {@AnsiBold()@ForeGreen()Chat Eggs Relay@ForeWhite(): @ForeBlue()Enabled};#var {chat_eggs} {1} {Relay}} {#showme {@AnsiBold()@ForeGreen()Chat Eggs Relay@ForeWhite(): @ForeRed()Disabled};#var {chat_eggs} {0} {Relay}}} {Relay}

#variable {C1} {@AnsiReset()@ForeBlue()} {Relay}
#variable {C2} {@AnsiReset()@ForeGreen()} {Relay}
#variable {C3} {@AnsiReset()@ForeCyan()} {Relay}
#variable {C4} {@AnsiReset()@ForeRed()} {Relay}
#variable {C5} {@AnsiReset()@ForeMagenta()} {Relay}
#variable {C6} {@AnsiReset()@ForeYellow()} {Relay}
#variable {C7} {@AnsiReset()@ForeWhite()} {Relay}
#variable {C8} {@AnsiReset()@ForeBlack()} {Relay}
#variable {C9} {@AnsiBold()@ForeBlue()} {Relay}
#variable {C10} {@AnsiBold()@ForeGreen()} {Relay}
#variable {C11} {@AnsiBold()@ForeCyan()} {Relay}
#variable {C12} {@AnsiBold()@ForeRed()} {Relay}
#variable {C13} {@AnsiBold()@ForeMagenta()} {Relay}
#variable {C14} {@AnsiBold()@ForeYellow()} {Relay}
#variable {C15} {@AnsiBold()@ForeWhite()} {Relay}
#variable {chat_alert} {0} {Relay}
#variable {chat_level} {0} {Relay}
#variable {chat_eggs} {0} {Relay}
#variable {town_level} {1} {Relay}
#variable {town_alert} {1} {Relay}
#variable {town_eggs} {1} {Relay}
#Class 0
#class 0
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Joined: 17 Jun 2005
Posts: 673
Location: New York

PostPosted: Thu Dec 15, 2005 2:06 pm   
#class {ClanAnnounce}
#class {Relay}

should be
#class {ClanAnnounce|Relay}

And try

#alias alias_name {stuff here}
#variable variable_name (stuff here}

end it with just one
#class 0

might be what ya need

Also, the whole @ansi stuff in the vars wont work i think.

it's stuff like this

#VAR threem {OFF for 49 ticks} {Undefined}

Last edited by Vitae on Thu Dec 15, 2005 2:17 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Joined: 15 Dec 2005
Posts: 3

PostPosted: Thu Dec 15, 2005 2:14 pm   
thanks :D
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Joined: 15 Dec 2005
Posts: 3

PostPosted: Thu Dec 15, 2005 2:36 pm   

#class {ClanAnnounce|Relay}

#alias relayhelp {#showme {@Chr(10)@Chr(10)@AnsiBold()@ForeRed() Clan To Town or Chat Relay v2.0@ForeYellow() by Cirque@Chr(10) Relay Clan Deaths, Resurrections, Levels, @Chr(10) Class Changes and Egg Fills!@Chr(10)@ForeWhite()----------------------------------------------@Chr(10) relay @ForeYellow()help @ForeWhite()- @ForeGreen()Show This Help@Chr(10)@ForeWhite() relay @ForeYellow()status @ForeWhite()- @ForeGreen()Display Relay Status@Chr(10)@ForeWhite() relay @ForeYellow()on @ForeWhite()- @ForeGreen()Toggle ALL Relays ON@Chr(10)@ForeWhite() relay @ForeYellow()off @ForeWhite()- @ForeGreen()Toggle ALL Relays OFF@Chr(10)@ForeWhite() relay @ForeCyan()talert @ForeWhite()- @ForeGreen()Town Death#Other Res#Self Res@Chr(10)@ForeWhite() relay @ForeCyan()tlevel @ForeWhite()- @ForeGreen()Town Levels Gained@Chr(10)@ForeWhite() relay @ForeCyan()teggs @ForeWhite()- @ForeGreen()Town Eggs Filled@Chr(10)@ForeWhite() relay @ForeMagenta()calert @ForeWhite()- @ForeGreen()Chat Death#Other Res#Self Res@Chr(10)@ForeWhite() relay @ForeMagenta()clevel @ForeWhite()- @ForeGreen()Chat Levels Gained@Chr(10)@ForeWhite() relay @ForeMagenta()ceggs @ForeWhite()- @ForeGreen()Chat Eggs Filled@Chr(10)@ForeWhite()----------------------------------------------}} {Relay}
#trigger {^[CLAN] %0 has been resurrected by %1.} {#if {@Var(town_alert) == 1 && @WordColor(1) == 11} {town $0 resurrected by $1!};#if {@Var(chat_alert) == 1 && @ChatConnects() > 0 && @WordColor(1) == 11} {#chatall @Var(C10)$0@Var(C11) resurrected by @Var(C14)$1@Var(C11)!@Var(C12)}} {Relay}
#trigger {^[CLAN] %0 has rejoined the land of the living.} {#if {@Var(town_alert) == 1 && @WordColor(1) == 11} {town $0 rejoined the living.};#if {@Var(chat_alert) == 1 && @ChatConnects() > 0 && @WordColor(1) == 11} {#chatall @Var(C10)$0@Var(C11) @Var(C15)rejoined the living@Var(C11).@Var(C12)}} {Relay}
#trigger {^[CLAN] %0 has BEEN KILLED!} {#if {@Var(town_alert) == 1 && @WordColor(1) == 11} {town $0 was KILLED!};#if {@Var(chat_alert) == 1 && @ChatConnects() > 0 && @WordColor(1) == 11} {#chatall @Var(C10)$0@Var(C11) was @Var(C12)KILLED@Var(C11)!@Var(C12)}} {Relay}
#trigger {^[CLAN] %0 has reached LEVEL %1!} {#if {@Var(town_level) == 1 && @WordColor(1) == 11} {town $0 reached LEVEL $1!};#if {@Var(chat_level) == 1 && @ChatConnects() > 0 && @WordColor(1) == 11} {#chatall @Var(C10)$0@Var(C11) reached @Var(C14)LEVEL $1@Var(C11)!@Var(C12)}} {Relay}
#trigger {^[CLAN] %0 has just become a %1!} {#if {@Var(town_level) == 1 && @WordColor(1) == 11} {town $0 became a $1!};#if {@Var(chat_level) == 1 && @ChatConnects() > 0 && @WordColor(1) == 11} {#chatall @Var(C10)$0@Var(C11) became a @Var(C14)$1@Var(C11)!@Var(C12)}} {Relay}
#trigger {^[CLAN] %0 turns in %1 EGGS.} {#if {@Var(town_eggs) == 1 && @WordColor(1) == 11} {town $0 turns in $1 EGGS.};#if {@Var(chat_eggs) == 1 && @ChatConnects() > 0 && @WordColor(1) == 11} {#chatall @Var(C10)$0@Var(C11) turns in @Var(C14)$1 EGGS@Var(C11).@Var(C12)}} {Relay}

#alias relay %0 {#if {@IsEmpty($0)=1||"@Lower($0)"=="status"} {relaystatusc;relaystatust};#if {"@Lower($0)"=="talert"} {talert};#if {"@Lower($0)"=="tlevel"} {tlevel};#if {"@Lower($0)"=="teggs"} {teggs};;#if {"@Lower($0)"=="calert"} {calert};#if {"@Lower($0)"=="clevel"} {clevel};#if {"@Lower($0)"=="ceggs"} {ceggs};#if {"@Lower($0)"=="off"} {relayoff};#if {"@Lower($0)"=="on"} {relayon};#if {"@Lower($0)"=="help"} {relayhelp}} {Relay}
#alias relaystatust {#if {@Var(town_alert)==1} {#showme {@AnsiBold()@ForeGreen()Town Alert Relay@ForeWhite(): @ForeBlue()Enabled}} {#showme {@AnsiBold()@ForeGreen()Town Alert Relay@ForeWhite(): @ForeRed()Disabled}};#if {@Var(town_level)==1} {#showme {@AnsiBold()@ForeGreen()Town Level Relay@ForeWhite(): @ForeBlue()Enabled}} {#showme {@AnsiBold()@ForeGreen()Town Level Relay@ForeWhite(): @ForeRed()Disabled}};#if {@Var(town_eggs)==1} {#showme {@AnsiBold()@ForeGreen() Town Eggs Relay@ForeWhite(): @ForeBlue()Enabled}} {#showme {@AnsiBold()@ForeGreen() Town Eggs Relay@ForeWhite(): @ForeRed()Disabled}};;} {Relay}
#alias relaystatusc {#if {@Var(chat_alert)==1} {#showme {@AnsiBold()@ForeGreen()Chat Alert Relay@ForeWhite(): @ForeBlue()Enabled}} {#showme {@AnsiBold()@ForeGreen()Chat Alert Relay@ForeWhite(): @ForeRed()Disabled}};#if {@Var(chat_level)==1} {#showme {@AnsiBold()@ForeGreen()Chat Level Relay@ForeWhite(): @ForeBlue()Enabled}} {#showme {@AnsiBold()@ForeGreen()Chat Level Relay@ForeWhite(): @ForeRed()Disabled}};#if {@Var(chat_eggs)==1} {#showme {@AnsiBold()@ForeGreen() Chat Eggs Relay@ForeWhite(): @ForeBlue()Enabled}} {#showme {@AnsiBold()@ForeGreen() Chat Eggs Relay@ForeWhite(): @ForeRed()Disabled}};;} {Relay}
#alias relayoff {#var chat_level {0} {Relay};#var chat_alert {0} {Relay};#var chat_eggs {0} {Relay};#var town_level {0} {Relay};#var town_alert {0} {Relay};#var town_eggs {0} {Relay};#showme {@AnsiBold()@ForeGreen()Town To Clan Relay @ForeRed()FULL DISABLE}} {Relay}
#alias {relayon} {#var chat_level {1} {Relay};#var chat_alert {1} {Relay};#var chat_eggs {1} {Relay};#var town_level {1} {Relay};#var town_alert {1} {Relay};#var town_eggs {1} {Relay};#showme {@AnsiBold()@ForeGreen()Town To Clan Relay @ForeBlue()FULL ENABLE}} {Relay}
#alias talert {#if {@Var(town_alert) == 0} {#showme {@AnsiBold()@ForeGreen()Town Alert Relay@ForeWhite(): @ForeBlue()Enabled};#var {town_alert} {1} {Relay}} {#showme {@AnsiBold()@ForeGreen()Town Alert Relay@ForeWhite(): @ForeRed()Disabled};#var {town_alert} {0} {Relay}}} {Relay}
#alias tlevel {#if {@Var(town_level) == 0} {#showme {@AnsiBold()@ForeGreen()Town Level Relay@ForeWhite(): @ForeBlue()Enabled};#var {town_level} {1} {Relay}} {#showme {@AnsiBold()@ForeGreen()Town Level Relay@ForeWhite(): @ForeRed()Disabled};#var {town_level} {0} {Relay}}} {Relay}
#alias teggs {#if {@Var(town_eggs) == 0} {#showme {@AnsiBold()@ForeGreen()Town Eggs Relay@ForeWhite(): @ForeBlue()Enabled};#var {town_eggs} {1} {Relay}} {#showme {@AnsiBold()@ForeGreen()Town Eggs Relay@ForeWhite(): @ForeRed()Disabled};#var {town_eggs} {0} {Relay}}} {Relay}
#alias calert {#if {@Var(chat_alert) == 0} {#showme {@AnsiBold()@ForeGreen()Chat Alert Relay@ForeWhite(): @ForeBlue()Enabled};#var {chat_alert} {1} {Relay}} {#showme {@AnsiBold()@ForeGreen()Chat Alert Relay@ForeWhite(): @ForeRed()Disabled};#var {chat_alert} {0} {Relay}}} {Relay}
#alias clevel {#if {@Var(chat_level) == 0} {#showme {@AnsiBold()@ForeGreen()Chat Level Relay@ForeWhite(): @ForeBlue()Enabled};#var {chat_level} {1} {Relay}} {#showme {@AnsiBold()@ForeGreen()Chat Level Relay@ForeWhite(): @ForeRed()Disabled};#var {chat_level} {0} {Relay}}} {Relay}
#alias ceggs {#if {@Var(chat_eggs) == 0} {#showme {@AnsiBold()@ForeGreen()Chat Eggs Relay@ForeWhite(): @ForeBlue()Enabled};#var {chat_eggs} {1} {Relay}} {#showme {@AnsiBold()@ForeGreen()Chat Eggs Relay@ForeWhite(): @ForeRed()Disabled};#var {chat_eggs} {0} {Relay}}} {Relay}

#variable C1 {@AnsiReset()@ForeBlue()} {Relay}
#variable C2 {@AnsiReset()@ForeGreen()} {Relay}
#variable C3 {@AnsiReset()@ForeCyan()} {Relay}
#variable C4 {@AnsiReset()@ForeRed()} {Relay}
#variable C5 {@AnsiReset()@ForeMagenta()} {Relay}
#variable C6 {@AnsiReset()@ForeYellow()} {Relay}
#variable C7 {@AnsiReset()@ForeWhite()} {Relay}
#variable C8 {@AnsiReset()@ForeBlack()} {Relay}
#variable C9 {@AnsiBold()@ForeBlue()} {Relay}
#variable C10 {@AnsiBold()@ForeGreen()} {Relay}
#variable C11 {@AnsiBold()@ForeCyan()} {Relay}
#variable C12 {@AnsiBold()@ForeRed()} {Relay}
#variable C13 {@AnsiBold()@ForeMagenta()} {Relay}
#variable C14 {@AnsiBold()@ForeYellow()} {Relay}
#variable C15 {@AnsiBold()@ForeWhite()} {Relay}
#variable chat_alert {0} {Relay}
#variable chat_level {0} {Relay}
#variable chat_eggs {0} {Relay}
#variable town_level {1} {Relay}
#variable town_alert {1} {Relay}
#variable town_eggs {1} {Relay}

#Class 0

your right. might have to complete strip thel colors out and just rewrite part of it.
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Joined: 18 Nov 2001
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 15, 2005 10:14 pm   
Use a mass %subregex on it. Something like:

#FILE 1 {mm2kscript.txt}
#FILE 2 {fixedscript.txt}
#WHILE (@Line) {
#WRITE 2 {@Line}

That should make the substitutions assuming appropiate file names, and the file is in the zMud directory. For the @WordColor you might be able to use the %linecol Predefined Variable. All references to $NN should be corrected to start numbering from 1 and be in the format of "%NN" including the quotes. Most other things are just a matter of changing @ to %, like @CHR becomes %char, @Lower become %lower.
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