Silanus Beginner
Joined: 25 Nov 2005 Posts: 13
Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2005 8:00 am
Help with a target name capture routine on a ROM mud. |
I’m new to the ROM environment and want to make a variable called @foe.
I can capture my input when I attack but I often use the shortened -kill liz- and I want to capture the longer MOB name for safety reasons. I don’t want to kick the gargantuan lizard who just walked in with my #ALIAS {kick @foe} by mistake when I’m fighting a puny lizard, Godzilla generally frowns upon such behavior.
My old LPmud sent back a confirmation line when you attacked something or were attacked in return and it was easy (even for me) to capture what I needed but the ROM I play apparently doesn’t send back confirmation messages to trigger from.
I’ve been tinkering with capturing the long mob name from either the hit/miss messages or the actual condition messages but both seem to have drawbacks and I don't know it this is the approach I should be taking.
I looked into a few combatBOT scripts because they obviously use a similar targeting system but those are way over my head. In the sake of space I’ve not posted my failed attempts. I’m not just looking for an easy fix and promise to research any help given to figure out how it works and how to modify the wisdom contained within to my next mini-script dilemma.
If the solution uses a list function on a variable I can figure them out from an earlier script example.
Thanks, the combat hit/miss examples and the condition examples are included below.
Your pathetic slash damages the confused silanus.
Your slash misses a perplexed rommudder.
Your pathetic slash mauls an ugly newcoder.
The confused silanus has some small wounds and bruises.
A perplexed rommudder has quite a few wounds.
An ugly newcoder has a few scratches. |
Vijilante SubAdmin
Joined: 18 Nov 2001 Posts: 5182
Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2005 8:26 am |
You might be able to do something with the consider command. My thoughts were roughly you type "k liz" that sends "consider liz". Then you have some text to trigger off of to set your foe variable and some idea that you aren't going to be dying instantly. It can send the actual 'kill' command.
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Silanus Beginner
Joined: 25 Nov 2005 Posts: 13
Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2005 9:02 pm |
Thank you.
That appears to be the solution to my question.
It opens doors which lead to new questions but I'll tinker around and see if I can't answer some myself.
Thanks again. |