CuChulainn Newbie
Joined: 30 Mar 2005 Posts: 3
Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2005 1:09 am
Zmud Script Troubles |
Im currently using a script for spellups on aardwolf but for some reason it now is causeing me serious trouble. What it does is casts the first spell and freezes my connection, i have to reconnect and it does the same thing with the next spell. This goes on for about 3 spells.
Now the weird thing is ive spoken to people with the same script on the same version of zmud and no problem, ive even installed exactly the same copy as they had on their systems and still the problem. No-one on the mud seems to have the same trouble.
Ill enclose the script in a seperate post to see if anyone can fathom what is wrong. Its seriously frustrating and any help or suggestions would be grately appriciated.
CuChulainn of Aardwolf. |
CuChulainn Newbie
Joined: 30 Mar 2005 Posts: 3
Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2005 1:10 am |
#CLASS {spellup}
#ALIAS spellsetup {#YESNO {p:"Yashiro's Spellup Wizard v"@spellup_version} {Setup spells for self:setspell} {Setup spells for others:setspell_others} {Help:helpspell} {*Cancel: #SAY %ansi( bright,red)Spell Setup Cancelled.}}
#ALIAS helpspell {#SAY;#SAY " "%ansi(high,green)"Spellup script help: v"@spellup_version;#SAY;#SAY %ansi(blink,high,red)*%ansi(green)--------------------------- %ansi(high,red)Commands%ansi(green) ---------------------------%ansi(blink,high,red)*;#SAY %ansi(green)|" "%ansi(high,red)"spellsetup "%ansi(green)|;#SAY %ansi(green)|" "%ansi(white)"brings up the options for this script "%ansi(green)|;#SAY %ansi(green)|" "%ansi(high,red)"spellup "%ansi(green)|;#SAY %ansi(green)|" "%ansi(white)"spells you up with the chosen spells "%ansi(green)|;#SAY %ansi(green)|" "%ansi(high,red)"givespell ~<player name~> "%ansi(green)|;#SAY %ansi(green)|" "%ansi(white)"spells up a friend with the chosen spells "%ansi(green)|;#SAY %ansi(green)|" "%ansi(high,red)"fastloadspell ~<list name~> "%ansi(green)|;#SAY %ansi(green)|" "%ansi(white)"loads a saved spellup list quickly "%ansi(green)|;#SAY %ansi(blink,high,red)*%ansi(green)----------------------------------------------------------------%ansi(blink,high,red)*;#SAY;#SAY %ansi(red)" NB: "%ansi(green)"When selecting items from the lists, pressing";#SAY %ansi(green)" a letter will cycle through the available options";#SAY %ansi(green)" beginning with that letter.";#SAY}
#VAR spellup_version {1.9}
#TRIGGER {^You don't have enough mana} {#SAY %ansi(bright,red)Ran out of mana.}
#CLASS {spellup|spells_self}
#ALIAS optionspell {#PICK {p:"Spellup self Options"} {o:1} {"["@spellup_sneakstatus"]" Sneak:sneakspell 1} {"["@spellup_shadowstatus"]" Shadow form:shadowspell 1} {"["@spellup_tracestatus"]" Pass without trace:tracespell 1} {"["@spellup_berserkstatus"]" Berserk:berserkspell 1} {"["@spellup_heightenstatus"]" Heighten senses:heightenspell 1} {---------------------------------:optionspell} {"["@spellup_cskillstatus"]" V2 clan skill "("@spellup_cskillname")":cskillspell 1} {Define your V2 clan skill:setcskillspell} {Clear current V2 clanskill:clrcskillspell} {---------------------------------:optionspell} {"["@spellup_recast_hastestatus"]" Recast haste/accelerate:hastespell_recast 1} {"["@spellup_recast_greyaurastatus"]" Recast grey aura:greyauraspell_recast 1} {"["@spellup_recast_underwaterstatus"]" Recast underwater breathing:underwaterspell_recast 1} {"["@spellup_recast_lightspeedstatus"]" Recast lightspeed:lightspeedspell_recast 1} {"["@spellup_recast_berserkstatus"]" Recast berserk:berserkspell_recast 1} {---------------------------------:optionspell} {"["@spellup_faststatus"]" Fast casting:fastspell 1} {"["@spellup_slowstatus"]" Slow casting:slowspell 1}}
#ALIAS setspell {#PICK {p:"Spellup self Setup"} {o:1} {Add a spell:addspell} {Add a trained spell:addcheckspell} {Add all trained spells:checkspell} {Remove a spell:remspell} {List current spells:listspell} {Move a spell:movespell} {---------------------------------:setspell} {Clear spell list:clearspell} {Save a spell list:savespell} {Load a spell list:loadspell} {Delete a spell list:delspell} {---------------------------------:setspell} {Spellup self options:optionspell}}
#ALIAS addspell {spellup_nolist=@spellup_fulllist;#LOOP 1,%numwords( @spellup_nolist, "|") {#IF ( %ismember( %word( @spellup_fulllist, %i, "|"), @spellup_yeslist)) {spellup_nolist=%delitem( %word( @spellup_fulllist, %i, "|"), @spellup_nolist)}};choosespell}
#ALIAS addcheckspell {spellup_spellname=%pick( "p:Select the spell filter:|o:1", "spellup|resist|ac|stats");#IF (@spellup_spellname!="") {spellup_checklevel="2";spellup_nolist="";finge}}
#ALIAS checkspell {spellup_spellname=%pick( "p:Select the spell filter:|o:1", "spellup|resist|ac|stats");#IF (@spellup_spellname!="") {spellup_checklevel="1";finge}}
#ALIAS choosespell {spellup_spellname=%pick( "p:Select the spell you want to add:|o:1", @spellup_nolist);#IF ( @spellup_spellname != "") {spellup_yeslist=%additem( @spellup_spellname, @spellup_yeslist);spellup_templist=%additem( @spellup_spellname, @spellup_templist);spellup_nolist=%delitem( @spellup_spellname, @spellup_nolist);#SAY %ansi( grey)%proper( @spellup_spellname) %ansi( bright,green)added to spellup list.;choosespell} {spellup_checkspells="";refspell}}
#ALIAS remspell {spellup_spellname=%pick( "p:Select the spell you want to remove:|o:1", @spellup_yeslist);#IF ( @spellup_spellname != "") {spellup_yeslist=%delitem( @spellup_spellname, @spellup_yeslist);#IF ( %ismember( @spellup_spellname, @spellup_templist)) {spellup_templist=%delitem( @spellup_spellname, @spellup_templist)};spellup_yeslist=%delitem( @spellup_spellname, @spellup_yeslist);#SAY %ansi( grey)%proper( @spellup_spellname) %ansi(bright,green)removed from spellup list.;remspell}}
#ALIAS listspell {#IF ( %numwords( @spellup_yeslist, "|")>0) {#SAY;#SAY %ansi(bright,green)Current spells:;#LOOP 1,%numwords( @spellup_yeslist, "|") {#SAY %ansi(white)%i %ansi(bright,red)- %ansi( grey)%proper( %word( @spellup_yeslist, %i, "|"))};#SAY} {#SAY %ansi(bright,red)No spells in list.}}
#ALIAS movespell {spellup_movename=%pick( "p:Select spell to move:|o:1", @spellup_yeslist);#IF (@spellup_movename!="") {spellup_temp_yeslist=%delitem( @spellup_movename, @spellup_yeslist);spellup_movename2=%pick( "p:Select spell to insert after:|o:1", @spellup_temp_yeslist);#IF (@spellup_movename2!="") {spellup_movepos=%eval( %ismember( @spellup_movename2, @spellup_temp_yeslist) + 1);#IF (%pos( %word(@spellup_temp_yeslist, @spellup_movepos, "|"), @spellup_temp_yeslist)>0) {spellup_temp_yeslist=%insert( @spellup_movename"|", @spellup_temp_yeslist, %pos( %word(@spellup_temp_yeslist, @spellup_movepos, "|"), @spellup_temp_yeslist))} {spellup_temp_yeslist=%additem( @spellup_movename, @spellup_temp_yeslist)};#SAY %ansi( grey)%proper( @spellup_movename) %ansi(bright,green)moved to position @spellup_movepos~.;spellup_yeslist=@spellup_temp_yeslist;movespell}}}
#ALIAS clearspell {#SAY %ansi(bright,green)Spellup list reset.;spellup_spellname="";spellup_nolist="";spellup_yeslist="";spellup_templist=""}
#ALIAS savespell {#PR spellup_temp "Enter the name of the spell list.";#IF ( @spellup_temp != "") {spellup_temp=%replace( @spellup_temp, " ", "_");#VAR spellup_list_@spellup_temp {@spellup_yeslist} {@spellup_yeslist} "spellup|spells_self";#IF ( %ismember( @spellup_temp, @spellup_lists)) {} {spellup_lists=%additem( @spellup_temp, @spellup_lists)};#SAY %ansi( grey)%proper( @spellup_temp) %ansi(bright,green)list saved.}}
#ALIAS loadspell {spellup_temp=%pick( "p:Select the list you want to load:|o:1", @spellup_lists);#IF ( @spellup_temp != "") {spellup_yeslist=~@spellup_list_@spellup_temp;spellup_templist=@spellup_yeslist;#SAY %ansi( grey)%proper( @spellup_temp) %ansi(bright,green)list loaded.;refspell}}
#ALIAS delspell {spellup_temp=%pick( "p:Select the list you want to delete:|o:1", @spellup_lists);#IF ( @spellup_temp != "") {#UNVAR spellup_list_@spellup_temp;spellup_lists=%delitem( @spellup_temp, @spellup_lists);#SAY %ansi( grey)%proper( @spellup_temp) %ansi(bright,green)list deleted.}}
#ALIAS fastloadspell {#IF ( %ismember( %1, @spellup_lists)) {spellup_yeslist=~@spellup_list_%1;spellup_templist=@spellup_yeslist;#SAY %ansi( grey)%proper( %1) %ansi(bright,green)list loaded.;refspell} {#SAY %ansi(bright,red)No list by that name.}}
#ALIAS refspell {spellup_checkspells="true";saffec}
#ALIAS spellup {spellup_sneak;spellup_shadow;spellup_trace;spellup_berserk;spellup_heighten;spellup_cskill;spellup_castlist="";#IF ( %numwords( @spellup_yeslist, "|") >0) {#IF ( %numwords( @spellup_templist, "|") >0) {spellup_castlist=@spellup_yeslist;#LOOP 1,%numwords( @spellup_yeslist, "|") {#IF ( !%ismember( %word( @spellup_yeslist, %i, "|"), @spellup_templist)) {spellup_castlist=%delitem( %word( @spellup_yeslist, %i, "|"), @spellup_castlist)}};#IF ( %ismember( "inertial barrier", @spellup_yeslist) & %ismember( "protection good", @spellup_yeslist)) {#IF ( %ismember( "inertial barrier", @spellup_castlist) & !%ismember( "protection good", @spellup_castlist)) {spellup_castlist=%delitem( "inertial barrier", @spellup_castlist)};#IF ( !%ismember( "inertial barrier", @spellup_castlist) & %ismember( "protection good", @spellup_castlist)) {spellup_castlist=%delitem( "protection good", @spellup_castlist)}};#IF ( %numwords( @spellup_castlist, "|") >0) {#IF (@spellup_mode="fast") {spellup_fast} {spellup_slow}}}} {#SAY %ansi(bright,red)No spells in spellup list.}}
#ALIAS spellup_fast {#LOOP 1,%numwords( @spellup_castlist, "|") {c ~'%word( @spellup_castlist, %i, "|")~'};spellup_castlist=""}
#ALIAS spellup_slow {#IF (%numwords( @spellup_castlist, "|")>0) {c ~'%word( @spellup_castlist, 1, "|")~'}}
#ALIAS castspell {#IF (%ismember( %-1, @spellup_yeslist)) {#IF (%ismember( %-1, @spellup_templist)) {spellup_templist=%delitem( %-1, @spellup_templist)};#IF (@spellup_mode="slow") {#IF (%word( @spellup_castlist, 1, "|")=%-1) {spellup_castlist=%delitem( %-1, @spellup_castlist);spellup_slow}}}}
#ALIAS fadespell {#IF (%ismember( %-1, @spellup_yeslist)) {#IF (!%ismember( %-1, @spellup_templist)) {spellup_templist=%additem( %-1, @spellup_templist)}}}
#ALIAS fastspell {#SAY %ansi( grey)Fast casting %ansi( bright,green)enabled.;spellup_mode="fast";spellup_faststatus="X";spellup_slowstatus=" ";#IF (%1) {optionspell}}
#ALIAS slowspell {#SAY %ansi( grey)Slow casting %ansi( bright,green)enabled.;spellup_mode="slow";spellup_slowstatus="X";spellup_faststatus=" ";#IF (%1) {optionspell}}
#VAR spellup_fulllist {shield|mental barrier|underwater breathing|armor|bless|darkness|infravision|protection evil|blur|enhanced strength|barkskin|protection good|adrenaline control|aid|avoidance|thought shield|magic circle|mystic might|levitation|giant strength|haste|inertial barrier|sense anger|call upon faith|accelerate|enlightenment|displacement|harden body|divine faith|godly embrace|fly|flesh armor|absorb|energy containment|prayer of fortune|sanctuary|magical rush|intellect fortress|pass door|indestructible aura|ectoplasmic form|biofeedback|perception|combat mind|true seeing|frenzy|stone skin|calculation|sustenance|divine swiftness|champions strength|revelation|rally|holy aura|channel energy|line of protection|protection from fire|pure faith|wolf spirits|wraith form|willpower|warmth|grey aura|compression|energy ball|antimagic shell|vaccinate|acidproof|power of faith|energy shield|awakening|shockproof|holy mirror|lightspeed|self harmony|toxic resistance|party harmony|party shield|globe of invulnerability}
#VAR spellup_yeslist {shield|enhanced strength|mental barrier|blur|underwater breathing|adrenaline control|avoidance|thought shield|armor|bless|aid|magic circle|mystic might|giant strength|sense anger|enlightenment|accelerate|displacement|harden body|godly embrace|flesh armor|absorb|energy containment|magical rush|prayer of fortune|intellect fortress|indestructible aura|perception|combat mind|stone skin|protection good|inertial barrier|divine swiftness|calculation|rally|revelation|channel energy|line of protection|wraith form|willpower|warmth|compression|antimagic shell|vaccinate|acidproof|energy shield|fly|awakening|shockproof|holy mirror|lightspeed|grey aura|self harmony|toxic resistance}
#VAR spellup_temp_yeslist {shield|enhanced strength|mental barrier|blur|underwater breathing|adrenaline control|avoidance|thought shield|armor|bless|aid|magic circle|mystic might|giant strength|sense anger|enlightenment|accelerate|displacement|harden body|godly embrace|flesh armor|absorb|energy containment|magical rush|prayer of fortune|intellect fortress|indestructible aura|perception|combat mind|stone skin|protection good|inertial barrier"|"divine swiftness|calculation|rally|revelation|channel energy|line of protection|wraith form}
#VAR spellup_nolist {haste|sanctuary|globe of invulnerability|party harmony}
#VAR spellup_templist {}
#VAR spellup_castlist {}
#VAR spellup_mode {fast}
#VAR spellup_faststatus {X}
#VAR spellup_slowstatus {}
#VAR spellup_spellname {sense anger}
#VAR spellup_lists {}
#VAR spellup_temp {Jaenelle}
#VAR spellup_checklevel {}
#VAR spellup_checkspells {}
#VAR spellup_level {161}
#VAR spellup_movename {}
#VAR spellup_movename2 {protection good}
#VAR spellup_movepos {32}
#TRIGGER {^---------------- Player : (*) ~(Online~) --------------} {#IF (@spellup_checklevel!="") {spellup_temp=%1}}
#TRIGGER {^Level (%n) *.} {#IF (@spellup_checklevel!="") {spellup_level=%1}}
#TRIGGER {(*) online since :} {#IF (@spellup_temp="%1" & @spellup_checklevel!="") {scrol}}
#TRIGGER {^You do not page long messages.} {#IF (@spellup_checklevel!="") {spellup_checkspells=@spellup_checklevel;spellup_checklevel="";spel 1 @spellup_level @spellup_spellname}}
#TRIGGER {^You currently display (*) lines per page.} {#IF (@spellup_checklevel!="") {spellup_checkspells=@spellup_checklevel;spellup_checklevel="";scroll 0;spel 1 @spellup_level @spellup_spellname;scrol %1};#IF (@spellup_checklevel_others="true") {spellup_checklevel_others="false";spellup_checkspells_others="true";scroll 0;spel 1 @spellup_level @spellup_spellname;scrol %1}}
#TRIGGER {^Level:%s%d%s(*)%sMana: * Learned: (*)~%} {#IF (@spellup_checkspells!="") {spellup_spellname=%lower(%trimright(%1));#IF (@spellup_spellname="globe of invulnerabili") {spellup_spellname="globe of invulnerability"};#IF (%2>59) {#CASE @spellup_checkspells {#IF (!%ismember( @spellup_spellname, @spellup_yeslist) & %ismember( @spellup_spellname, @spellup_fulllist)) {spellup_yeslist=%additem( @spellup_spellname, @spellup_yeslist);spellup_templist=%additem( @spellup_spellname, @spellup_templist);#SAY %ansi( grey)%proper( @spellup_spellname) %ansi(bright,green)added to spellup list.}} {#IF (!%ismember( @spellup_spellname, @spellup_yeslist) & %ismember( @spellup_spellname, @spellup_fulllist)) {spellup_nolist=%additem( @spellup_spellname, @spellup_nolist)}} {#IF (!%ismember( @spellup_spellname, @spellup_others_yeslist) & %ismember( @spellup_spellname, @spellup_others_fulllist)) {spellup_others_yeslist=%additem( @spellup_spellname, @spellup_others_yeslist);#SAY %ansi( grey)%proper( @spellup_spellname) %ansi(bright,green)added to spellup others list.}} {#IF (!%ismember( @spellup_spellname, @spellup_others_yeslist) & %ismember( @spellup_spellname, @spellup_others_fulllist)) {spellup_others_nolist=%additem( @spellup_spellname, @spellup_others_nolist)}}}}}
#TRIGGER {^ (*) Mana: * Learned: (*)~%} {#IF (@spellup_checkspells!="") {spellup_spellname=%lower(%trimright(%1));#IF (@spellup_spellname="globe of invulnerabili") {spellup_spellname="globe of invulnerability"};#IF (%2>59) {#CASE @spellup_checkspells {#IF (!%ismember( @spellup_spellname, @spellup_yeslist) & %ismember( @spellup_spellname, @spellup_fulllist)) {spellup_yeslist=%additem( @spellup_spellname, @spellup_yeslist);spellup_templist=%additem( @spellup_spellname, @spellup_templist);#SAY %ansi( grey)%proper( @spellup_spellname) %ansi(bright,green)added to spellup list.}} {#IF (!%ismember( @spellup_spellname, @spellup_yeslist) & %ismember( @spellup_spellname, @spellup_fulllist)) {spellup_nolist=%additem( @spellup_spellname, @spellup_nolist)}} {#IF (!%ismember( @spellup_spellname, @spellup_others_yeslist) & %ismember( @spellup_spellname, @spellup_others_fulllist)) {spellup_others_yeslist=%additem( @spellup_spellname, @spellup_others_yeslist);#SAY %ansi( grey)%proper( @spellup_spellname) %ansi(bright,green)added to spellup others list.}} {#IF (!%ismember( @spellup_spellname, @spellup_others_yeslist) & %ismember( @spellup_spellname, @spellup_others_fulllist)) {spellup_others_nolist=%additem( @spellup_spellname, @spellup_others_nolist)}}}}}
#TRIGGER {^-----------------------------------------------------------------------} {#IF (@spellup_checkspells!="") {#CASE @spellup_checkspells {refspell} {choosespell} {} {choosespell_others}}}
#TRIGGER {^No spells found.} {spellup_checkspells=""}
#TRIGGER {^You are affected by the following:} {#IF (@spellup_checkspells="true") {spellup_sneak="false";spellup_shadow="false";spellup_trace="false";spellup_berserk="false";spellup_heighten="false";spellup_cskill="false";spellup_templist=@spellup_yeslist}}
#TRIGGER {^Spell: (*) for} {#IF (@spellup_checkspells="true") {spellup_spellname=%1;#IF ( %ismember( @spellup_spellname, @spellup_templist)) {spellup_templist=%delitem( @spellup_spellname, @spellup_templist)}}}
#TRIGGER {^You are affected by * and *.} {#IF (@spellup_checkspells="true") {spellup_checkspells=""}}
#TRIGGER {^You are not affected by any skills or spells.} {#IF (@spellup_checkspells="true") {spellup_sneak="false";spellup_shadow="false";spellup_trace="false";spellup_berserk="false";spellup_heighten="false";spellup_cskill="false";spellup_checkspells="";spellup_templist=@spellup_yeslist}}
#TRIGGER {^You lost your concentration while trying to cast (*).} {#IF (%ismember( %1, @spellup_yeslist)) {c '%1'}}
#TRIGGER {^You have been KILLED!!} {spellup_sneak="false";spellup_shadow="false";spellup_trace="false";spellup_berserk="false";spellup_heighten="false";spellup_cskill="false";spellup_templist=@spellup_yeslist}
#CLASS {spellup|spells_self_cast}
#TRIGGER {^You are surrounded by a force shield.} {castspell shield}
#TRIGGER {^You erect a mental barrier around yourself.} {castspell mental barrier}
#TRIGGER {^You feel gills growing on your neck!} {castspell underwater breathing}
#TRIGGER {^You cast a protective armor around yourself.} {castspell armor}
#TRIGGER {^You grant yourself the favor of *.} {castspell bless}
#TRIGGER {^You twiddle your fingers and summon a globe of darkness around yourself.} {castspell darkness}
#TRIGGER {^Your eyes glow red.} {castspell infravision}
#TRIGGER {^You feel holy and pure.} {castspell protection evil}
#TRIGGER {^You make your appearance look blurred.} {castspell blur}
#TRIGGER {^You are HUGE!} {castspell enhanced strength}
#TRIGGER {^Your skin becomes tough like the bark of a tree.} {castspell barkskin}
#TRIGGER {^You feel aligned with darkness.} {castspell protection good}
#TRIGGER {^You have given yourself an adrenaline rush!} {castspell adrenaline control}
#TRIGGER {* lends a hand to aid you.$} {castspell aid}
#TRIGGER {^You now possess magical powers of avoidance.} {castspell avoidance}
#TRIGGER {^You have created a shield around yourself.} {castspell thought shield}
#TRIGGER {^A magical circle of protection forms around you.} {castspell magic circle}
#TRIGGER {^You feel your body surge with extra power.} {castspell mystic might}
#TRIGGER {^Your muscles surge with heightened power!} {castspell giant strength}
#TRIGGER {^You feel yourself moving more quickly.} {castspell haste;castspell accelerate}
#TRIGGER {^An inertial barrier forms around you.} {castspell inertial barrier}
#TRIGGER {^You can now sense anger in your surroundings.} {castspell sense anger}
#TRIGGER {* answers your call!$} {castspell call upon faith}
#TRIGGER {^You feel enlightened.} {castspell enlightenment}
#TRIGGER {^Your form shimmers and you appear displaced.} {castspell displacement}
#TRIGGER {^You feel your body harden.} {castspell harden body}
#TRIGGER {^You feel faithful to *.} {castspell divine faith}
#TRIGGER {^You are embraced by the might of *.} {castspell godly embrace}
#TRIGGER {^Your feet rise off the ground.} {castspell fly;castspell levitation}
#TRIGGER {^Your flesh turns to steel.} {castspell flesh armor}
#TRIGGER {^You feel a strong magical force surround your body.} {castspell absorb}
#TRIGGER {^You can now absorb some forms of energy.} {castspell energy containment}
#TRIGGER {^You are blessed with good fortune from *.} {castspell prayer of fortune}
#TRIGGER {^You are surrounded by a shimmering white aura of divine protection.} {castspell sanctuary}
#TRIGGER {^You feel your adrenaline pump as your body speeds up.} {castspell magical rush}
#TRIGGER {^A virtual fortress forms around you.} {castspell intellect fortress}
#TRIGGER {^You turn translucent.} {castspell ectoplasmic form;castspell pass door}
#TRIGGER {^A warm glowing aura forms around you.} {castspell indestructible aura}
#TRIGGER {^Your body begins to glow with an inner light.} {castspell biofeedback}
#TRIGGER {^You feel your concentration increase.} {castspell perception}
#TRIGGER {^You gain a keen understanding of battle tactics.} {castspell combat mind}
#TRIGGER {^You now sense magical properties held within artIFacts.} {castspell true seeing}
#TRIGGER {^You are filled with holy wrath!} {castspell frenzy}
#TRIGGER {^Your skin turns to stone.} {castspell stone skin}
#TRIGGER {^Your metabolism slows down to preserve food and drink.} {castspell sustenance}
#TRIGGER {^You begin to calculate your odds with great precision.} {castspell calculation}
#TRIGGER {^You are blessed with divine swiftness!} {castspell divine swiftness}
#TRIGGER {^You are granted the strength of *.} {castspell champions strength}
#TRIGGER {^You are granted the knowledge of the ages.} {castspell revelation}
#TRIGGER {^You rally yourself with the power of *.} {castspell rally}
#TRIGGER {^You feel protected by *.} {castspell holy aura}
#TRIGGER {^You begin to focus your energy into your weapon.} {castspell channel energy}
#TRIGGER {^You call upon * to grant you a force field of divine protection.} {castspell line of protection}
#TRIGGER {^You protect yourself from fire.} {castspell protection from fire}
#TRIGGER {^You are empowered by the purity of your faith.} {castspell pure faith}
#TRIGGER {^Finally! You are at one with the wolves.} {castspell wolf spirits}
#TRIGGER {^You enter the borders of the realm of undeath.} {castspell wraith form}
#TRIGGER {^You protect yourself from mental attacks.} {castspell willpower}
#TRIGGER {^You protect yourself from cold.} {castspell warmth}
#TRIGGER {^You surround yourself with a dull grey aura.} {castspell grey aura}
#TRIGGER {^You compress your body to increase durability.} {castspell compression}
#TRIGGER {^You are surrounded by a ball of energy.} {castspell energy ball}
#TRIGGER {^You conjure forth an anti-magic shell about you.} {castspell antimagic shell}
#TRIGGER {^You feel protected from disease.} {castspell vaccinate}
#TRIGGER {^You protect yourself from acid.} {castspell acidproof}
#TRIGGER {^Your faith drives you to strength beyond your means.} {castspell power of faith}
#TRIGGER {^You protect yourself from destructive energy.} {castspell energy shield}
#TRIGGER {^Your mind feels like a sponge as its power is awakened.} {castspell awakening}
#TRIGGER {^You protect yourself from forces of lightning.} {castspell shockproof}
#TRIGGER {^You protect yourself from light.} {castspell holy mirror}
#TRIGGER {^You feel yourself moving at the speed of light!} {castspell lightspeed}
#TRIGGER {^You are completely focused on your inner power.} {castspell self harmony}
#TRIGGER {^You inject yourself with anti-toxin.} {castspell toxic resistance}
#TRIGGER {^You are now in complete harmony with the party.} {castspell party harmony}
#TRIGGER {^You create a shield around the whole party!} {castspell party shield}
#TRIGGER {^You conjure forth a globe of physical resistance around you.} {castspell globe of invulnerability}
#CLASS {spellup|spells_self_fade}
#TRIGGER {^Your force shield shimmers then fades away.} {fadespell shield}
#TRIGGER {^Your mental barrier breaks down.} {fadespell mental barrier}
#TRIGGER {^You are no longer able to breathe underwater.} {spellup_underwater;fadespell underwater breathing}
#TRIGGER {^Your magical armor wears away.} {fadespell armor}
#TRIGGER {^You feel less righteous as the blessing upon you fades.} {fadespell bless}
#TRIGGER {^Your globe of darkness vanishes.} {fadespell darkness}
#TRIGGER {^You no longer see in the dark.} {fadespell infravision}
#TRIGGER {^You no longer feel protected by the forces of light.} {fadespell protection evil}
#TRIGGER {^You are no longer blurred.} {fadespell blur}
#TRIGGER {^You no longer feel so HUGE.} {fadespell enhanced strength}
#TRIGGER {^The bark surrounding your skin peels away, leaving you more vulnerable.} {fadespell barkskin}
#TRIGGER {^You no longer feel protected by the forces of shadow.} {fadespell protection good}
#TRIGGER {^The adrenaline rush wears off.} {fadespell adrenaline control}
#TRIGGER {^You feel less protected.} {fadespell aid}
#TRIGGER {^You can no longer avoid some attacks.} {fadespell avoidance}
#TRIGGER {^A momentary lapse of concentration causes your thought shield to fade away.} {fadespell thought shield}
#TRIGGER {^The magic circle around you shimmers and fades away.} {fadespell magic circle}
#TRIGGER {^Your mystic might fades away.} {fadespell mystic might}
#TRIGGER {^You feel weaker.} {fadespell giant strength}
#TRIGGER {^You feel yourself slow down.} {spellup_haste;fadespell haste;fadespell accelerate}
#TRIGGER {^Your inertial barrier dissipates.} {fadespell inertial barrier}
#TRIGGER {^You can no longer sense aggression.} {fadespell sense anger}
#TRIGGER {^You feel less powerful.} {fadespell call upon faith}
#TRIGGER {^You no longer feel enlightened.} {fadespell enlightenment}
#TRIGGER {^You are no longer displaced.} {fadespell displacement}
#TRIGGER {^Your body softens.} {fadespell harden body}
#TRIGGER {^You become slightly disillusioned as your faith weakens.} {fadespell divine faith}
#TRIGGER {^Your godly embrace relaxes.} {fadespell godly embrace}
#TRIGGER {^You slowly float to the ground.} {fadespell fly;fadespell levitation}
#TRIGGER {^The texture of your skin returns to normal.} {fadespell flesh armor}
#TRIGGER {^You no longer absorb magical attacks.} {fadespell absorb}
#TRIGGER {^You no longer absorb energy.} {fadespell energy containment}
#TRIGGER {^Your prayer of fortune weakens.} {fadespell prayer of fortune}
#TRIGGER {^Your brilliant white aura of sanctuary shimmers and is gone.} {fadespell sanctuary}
#TRIGGER {^Your pulse slows to a normal rate.} {fadespell magical rush}
#TRIGGER {^Your intellectual fortress crumbles.} {fadespell intellect fortress}
#TRIGGER {^You feel solid again.} {fadespell pass door;fadespell ectoplasmic form}
#TRIGGER {^The aura around your body fades away.} {fadespell indestructible aura}
#TRIGGER {^Your biofeedback is no longer effective.} {fadespell biofeedback}
#TRIGGER {^You feel less perceptive.} {fadespell perception}
#TRIGGER {^Your battle sense has faded.} {fadespell combat mind}
#TRIGGER {^You feel almost blind at the loss of your magical sight.} {fadespell true seeing}
#TRIGGER {^Your rage ebbs.} {fadespell frenzy}
#TRIGGER {^Your skin feels soft again.} {fadespell stone skin}
#TRIGGER {^Your metabolism reverts to its usual speed.} {fadespell sustenance}
#TRIGGER {^You are no longer quite so calculating.} {fadespell calculation}
#TRIGGER {^Your divine swiftness slows to a halt.} {fadespell divine swiftness}
#TRIGGER {^You feel the loss of your champion strength.} {fadespell champions strength}
#TRIGGER {^You no longer feel so intelligent.} {fadespell revelation}
#TRIGGER {^You feel yourself calm down.} {fadespell rally}
#TRIGGER {^You feel less holy.} {fadespell holy aura}
#TRIGGER {^You are no longer channelling energy.} {fadespell channel energy}
#TRIGGER {^Your force field wavers and dissipates.} {fadespell line of protection}
#TRIGGER {^Your magical barrier against fire shimmers and disappears.} {fadespell protection from fire}
#TRIGGER {^Your faith is no longer so pure.} {fadespell pure faith}
#TRIGGER {^You are no longer one with the wolves.} {fadespell wolf spirits}
#TRIGGER {^You return to the living world.} {fadespell wraith form}
#TRIGGER {^You feel less in control of your will.} {fadespell willpower}
#TRIGGER {^You feel more vulnerable to cold.} {fadespell warmth}
#TRIGGER {^Your moral standing is no longer cloaked.} {spellup_greyaura;fadespell grey aura}
#TRIGGER {^You no longer feel compressed.} {fadespell compression}
#TRIGGER {^The ball of energy around you disappears.} {fadespell energy ball}
#TRIGGER {^Your anti-magic shell disappears.} {fadespell antimagic shell}
#TRIGGER {^You feel more vulnerable to disease.} {fadespell vaccinate}
#TRIGGER {^You feel more vulnerable to acid.} {fadespell acidproof}
#TRIGGER {^You feel weaker as you question your faith.} {fadespell power of faith}
#TRIGGER {^You feel less protected from destructive energies.} {fadespell energy shield}
#TRIGGER {^Your mind feels less awake.} {fadespell awakening}
#TRIGGER {^You feel more vulnerable to lightning.} {fadespell shockproof}
#TRIGGER {^You feel less resistant to light.} {fadespell holy mirror}
#TRIGGER {^You no longer move at the speed of light.} {spellup_lightspeed;fadespell lightspeed}
#TRIGGER {^You are no longer in harmony with yourself.} {fadespell self harmony}
#TRIGGER {^You feel less resistant to poison.} {fadespell toxic resistance}
#TRIGGER {^You are no longer in harmony with your party.} {fadespell party harmony}
#TRIGGER {^You are no longer surrounded by your party shield.} {fadespell party shield}
#TRIGGER {^Your globe of invulnerability shimmers and fades.} {fadespell globe of invulnerability}
#CLASS {spellup|spells_self_slow}
#ALIAS skipspell {#IF (@spellup_mode="slow") {#IF (%word( @spellup_castlist, 1, "|")=%-1) {spellup_castlist=%delitem( %-1, @spellup_castlist);spellup_slow}}}
#TRIGGER {^You are too agile for this spell!} {skipspell magical rush}
#TRIGGER {^Your body is too hard for this spell!} {skipspell godly embrace}
#TRIGGER {^Your body is already too hard for this spell!} {skipspell harden body}
#TRIGGER {^You are already too swift for this spell.} {skipspell divine swiftness}
#TRIGGER {^You are too strong for this spell!} {skipspell power of faith;skipspell mystic might}
#TRIGGER {^You are already shielded from harm.} {skipspell shield}
#TRIGGER {^You are already surrounded by a mental barrier.} {skipspell mental barrier}
#TRIGGER {^You can already breathe underwater.} {skipspell underwater breathing}
#TRIGGER {^You are already armored.} {skipspell armor}
#TRIGGER {^You are already in the dark.} {skipspell darkness}
#TRIGGER {^You can already see in the dark.} {skipspell infravision}
#TRIGGER {^You are already protected.} {skipspell protection evil;skipspell protection good;skipspell line of protection}
#TRIGGER {^You are already blurred.} {skipspell blur}
#TRIGGER {^Your skin is already like bark.} {skipspell barkskin}
#TRIGGER {^You already have the powers of avoidance.} {skipspell avoidance}
#TRIGGER {^You are already protected by a thought shield.} {skipspell thought shield}
#TRIGGER {^You are already surrounded by a magic circle.} {skipspell magic circle}
#TRIGGER {^You are already flying!} {skipspell levitation}
#TRIGGER {^You can't move any faster!} {skipspell haste;skipspell accelerate}
#TRIGGER {^You already sense anger.} {skipspell sense anger}
#TRIGGER {^You are already displaced!} {skipspell displacement}
#TRIGGER {^You already have flesh like steel.} {skipspell flesh armor}
#TRIGGER {^You are already in sanctuary.} {skipspell sanctuary}
#TRIGGER {^You are already out of phase.} {skipspell pass door}
#TRIGGER {^You are already indestructible.} {skipspell indestructible aura}
#TRIGGER {^You are already in ectoplasmic form.} {skipspell ectoplasmic form}
#TRIGGER {^Your body is already glowing with inner light.} {skipspell biofeedback}
#TRIGGER {^You are already true seeing!} {skipspell true seeing}
#TRIGGER {^Your skin is already as hard as a rock.} {skipspell stone skin}
#TRIGGER {^You already have a slow metabolism!} {skipspell sustenance}
#TRIGGER {^You are already blessed with divine swiftness.} {skipspell divine swiftness}
#TRIGGER {^You already have a holy aura about you.} {skipspell holy aura}
#TRIGGER {^You are already protected from the effects of fire.} {skipspell protection from fire}
#TRIGGER {^Your faith is not pure enough.} {skipspell pure faith}
#TRIGGER {^You are already resistant to mental attacks!} {skipspell willpower}
#TRIGGER {^You are already warm enough!} {skipspell warmth}
#TRIGGER {^You are already surrounded by a dull grey aura.} {skipspell grey aura}
#TRIGGER {^You are already compressed.} {skipspell compression}
#TRIGGER {^You already have an anti-magic shell around you.} {skipspell antimagic shell}
#TRIGGER {^You are already vaccinated!} {skipspell vaccinate}
#TRIGGER {^You are already resistant to acid!} {skipspell acidproof}
#TRIGGER {^You are already resistant to destructive energy!} {skipspell energy shield}
#TRIGGER {^You are already resistant to lightning!} {skipspell shockproof}
#TRIGGER {^You are already protected from light!} {skipspell holy mirror}
#TRIGGER {^You are already tolerant to poisons!} {skipspell toxic resistance}
#TRIGGER {^You are already at harmony with the party.} {skipspell party harmony}
#TRIGGER {^* is already shielded by the party.$} {skipspell party shield}
#TRIGGER {^You already have a globe of invulnerability around you.} {skipspell globe of invulnerability}
#TRIGGER {^The barrier has no affect because you are already protected from evil.} {skipspell inertial barrier}
#TRIGGER {^You are already in harmony with your party.} {skipspell self harmony}
#TRIGGER {^You already have absolute faith.} {skipspell pure faith}
#TRIGGER {^You already have an inertial barrier around you.} {skipspell inertial barrier}
#TRIGGER {^You are already airborne.} {skipspell fly}
#TRIGGER {^You already have enhanced strength.} {skipspell enhanced strength}
#TRIGGER {^You already have control over your adrenaline.} {skipspell adrenaline control}
#TRIGGER {^You have already been aided.} {skipspell aid}
#TRIGGER {^Your strength has already been mystically enhanced.} {skipspell mystic might}
#TRIGGER {^You are already as strong as you can get!} {skipspell giant strength}
#TRIGGER {^You have already called on *. Don't push your luck!} {skipspell call upon faith}
#TRIGGER {^You are already enlightened.} {skipspell enlightenment}
#TRIGGER {^Your body has already been hardened.} {skipspell harden body}
#TRIGGER {^You are already faithful to *.} {skipspell divine faith}
#TRIGGER {^You are already embraced with holy might.} {skipspell godly embrace}
#TRIGGER {^You are already affected by energy containment.} {skipspell energy containment}
#TRIGGER {^You are already rushed!} {skipspell magical rush}
#TRIGGER {^You have already prayed for fortune.} {skipspell prayer of fortune}
#TRIGGER {^You already have a virtual fortress around you.} {skipspell intellect fortress}
#TRIGGER {^You are already perceptive!} {skipspell perception}
#TRIGGER {^You already understand battle tactics.} {skipspell combat mind}
#TRIGGER {^You are already calculating.} {skipspell calculation}
#TRIGGER {^You have already been granted the strength of *.} {skipspell champions strength}
#TRIGGER {^You already have the wisdom of ages.} {skipspell revelation}
#TRIGGER {^You are already rallied.} {skipspell rally}
#TRIGGER {^You are already channelling your energy.} {skipspell channel energy}
#TRIGGER {^You are already protected by the spirits of the wolves.} {skipspell wolf spirits}
#TRIGGER {^You are already on the verge of undeath.} {skipspell wraith form}
#TRIGGER {^You are already surrounded by a ball of energy.} {skipspell energy ball}
#TRIGGER {^You already have the power of faith.} {skipspell power of faith}
#TRIGGER {^Your mind is already fully awakened!} {skipspell awakening}
#TRIGGER {^You are already moving at light speed!} {skipspell lightspeed}
#TRIGGER {^You are already at peace with yourself.} {skipspell self harmony}
#TRIGGER {^You are already blessed.} {skipspell bless}
#TRIGGER {^You already absorb magical attacks.} {skipspell absorb}
#TRIGGER {^You are already in a frenzy.} {skipspell frenzy}
#TRIGGER {^Why don't you just relax for a while?} {skipspell frenzy}
#CLASS {spellup|spells_self_recast}
#ALIAS spellup_haste {#IF (@spellup_recast_hastestatus="X") {#IF (%ismember( "haste", @spellup_yeslist)) {c 'haste'};#IF (%ismember( "accelerate", @spellup_yeslist)) {c 'accelerate'}}}
#ALIAS spellup_greyaura {#IF (@spellup_recast_greyaurastatus="X") {#IF (%ismember( "grey aura", @spellup_yeslist)) {c 'grey aura'}}}
#ALIAS spellup_underwater {#IF (@spellup_recast_underwaterstatus="X") {#IF (%ismember( "underwater breathing", @spellup_yeslist)) {c 'underwater breathing'}}}
#ALIAS spellup_lightspeed {#IF (@spellup_recast_lightspeedstatus="X") {#IF (%ismember( "lightspeed", @spellup_yeslist)) {c 'lightspeed'}}}
#ALIAS hastespell_recast {#IF (@spellup_recast_hastestatus="X") {#SAY %ansi( grey)Recast haste/accelerate %ansi( bright,green)disabled.;spellup_recast_hastestatus=" "} {#SAY %ansi( grey)Recast haste/accelerate %ansi( bright,green)enabled.;spellup_recast_hastestatus="X"};#IF (%1) {optionspell}}
#ALIAS greyauraspell_recast {#IF (@spellup_recast_greyaurastatus="X") {#SAY %ansi( grey)Recast grey aura %ansi( bright,green)disabled.;spellup_recast_greyaurastatus=" "} {#SAY %ansi( grey)Recast grey aura %ansi( bright,green)enabled.;spellup_recast_greyaurastatus="X"};#IF (%1) {optionspell}}
#ALIAS underwaterspell_recast {#IF (@spellup_recast_underwaterstatus="X") {#SAY %ansi( grey)Recast underwater breathing %ansi( bright,green)disabled.;spellup_recast_underwaterstatus=" "} {#SAY %ansi( grey)Recast underwater breathing %ansi( bright,green)enabled.;spellup_recast_underwaterstatus="X"};#IF (%1) {optionspell}}
#ALIAS lightspeedspell_recast {#IF (@spellup_recast_lightspeedstatus="X") {#SAY %ansi( grey)Recast lightspeed %ansi( bright,green)disabled.;spellup_recast_lightspeedstatus=" "} {#SAY %ansi( grey)Recast lightspeed %ansi( bright,green)enabled.;spellup_recast_lightspeedstatus="X"};#IF (%1) {optionspell}}
#ALIAS berserkspell_recast {#IF (@spellup_recast_berserkstatus="X") {#SAY %ansi( grey)Recast berserk %ansi( bright,green)disabled.;spellup_recast_berserkstatus=" "} {#SAY %ansi( grey)Recast berserk %ansi( bright,green)enabled.;spellup_recast_berserkstatus="X"};#IF (%1) {optionspell}}
#VAR spellup_recast_hastestatus {}
#VAR spellup_recast_greyaurastatus {}
#VAR spellup_recast_underwaterstatus {}
#VAR spellup_recast_lightspeedstatus {}
#VAR spellup_recast_berserkstatus {}
#CLASS {spellup|spells_others}
#ALIAS setspell_others {#PICK {p:"Spellup others Setup"} {o:1} {Add a spell:addspell_others} {Add a trained spell:addcheckspell_others} {Add all trained spells:checkspell_others} {Remove a spell:remspell_others} {List current spells:listspell_others} {Move a spell:movespell_others} {---------------------------------:setspell_others} {Clear spell list:clearspell_others} {Save a spell list:savespell_others} {Load a spell list:loadspell_others} {Delete a spell list:delspell_others} {---------------------------------:setspell_others} {Spellup others options:optionspell_others}}
#ALIAS addspell_others {spellup_others_nolist=@spellup_others_fulllist;#LOOP 1,%numwords( @spellup_others_nolist, "|") {#IF ( %ismember( %word( @spellup_others_fulllist, %i, "|"), @spellup_others_yeslist)) {spellup_others_nolist=%delitem( %word( @spellup_others_fulllist, %i, "|"), @spellup_others_nolist)}};choosespell_others}
#ALIAS addcheckspell_others {spellup_spellname=%pick( "p:Select the spell filter:|o:1", "spellup|resist|ac|stats");#IF (@spellup_spellname!="") {spellup_checklevel="4";spellup_others_nolist="";finge}}
#ALIAS checkspell_others {spellup_spellname=%pick( "p:Select the spell filter:|o:1", "spellup|resist|ac|stats");#IF (@spellup_spellname!="") {spellup_checklevel="3";finge}}
#ALIAS choosespell_others {spellup_spellname=%pick( "p:Select the spell you want to add:|o:1", @spellup_others_nolist);#IF ( @spellup_spellname != "") {spellup_others_yeslist=%additem( @spellup_spellname, @spellup_others_yeslist);spellup_others_nolist=%delitem( @spellup_spellname, @spellup_others_nolist);#SAY %ansi( grey)%proper( @spellup_spellname) %ansi( bright,green)added to spellup others list.;choosespell_others} {spellup_checkspells=""}}
#ALIAS remspell_others {spellup_others_spellname=%pick( "p:Select the spell you want to remove:|o:1", @spellup_others_yeslist);#IF ( @spellup_others_spellname != "") {spellup_others_yeslist=%delitem( @spellup_others_spellname, @spellup_others_yeslist);#SAY %ansi( grey)%proper( @spellup_others_spellname) %ansi( bright, green)removed from spellup others list.;remspell_others}}
#ALIAS listspell_others {#IF ( %numwords( @spellup_others_yeslist, "|")>0) {#SAY;#SAY %ansi( bright, green)Current spells:;#LOOP 1,%numwords( @spellup_others_yeslist, "|") {#SAY %ansi( white)%i %ansi( bright, red)- %ansi( grey)%proper( %word( @spellup_others_yeslist, %i, "|"))};#SAY} {#SAY %ansi( bright, red)No spells in list.}}
#ALIAS movespell_others {spellup_movename=%pick( "p:Select spell to move:|o:1", @spellup_others_yeslist);#IF (@spellup_movename!="") {spellup_temp_others_yeslist=%delitem( @spellup_movename, @spellup_others_yeslist);spellup_movename2=%pick( "p:Select spell to insert after:|o:1", @spellup_temp_others_yeslist);#IF (@spellup_movename2!="") {spellup_movepos=%eval( %ismember( @spellup_movename2, @spellup_temp_others_yeslist) + 1);#IF (%pos( %word( @spellup_temp_others_yeslist, @spellup_movepos, "|"), @spellup_temp_others_yeslist)>0) {spellup_temp_others_yeslist=%insert( @spellup_movename"|", @spellup_temp_others_yeslist, %pos( %word( @spellup_temp_others_yeslist, @spellup_movepos, "|"), @spellup_temp_others_yeslist))} {spellup_temp_others_yeslist=%additem( @spellup_movename, @spellup_temp_others_yeslist)};#SAY %ansi( grey)%proper( @spellup_movename) %ansi( bright, green)moved to position @spellup_movepos~.;spellup_others_yeslist=@spellup_temp_others_yeslist;movespell_others}}}
#ALIAS clearspell_others {#SAY %ansi(bright,green)Spellup others list reset.;spellup_others_spellname="";spellup_others_nolist="";spellup_others_yeslist=""}
#ALIAS savespell_others {spellup_temp="";#PR spellup_temp "Enter the name of the spell list.";#IF ( @spellup_temp!="") {spellup_temp=%replace( @spellup_temp, " ", "_");#VAR spellup_others_list_@spellup_temp {@spellup_others_yeslist} {@spellup_others_yeslist} "spellup|spells_others";#IF ( !%ismember( @spellup_temp, @spellup_others_lists)) {spellup_others_lists=%additem( @spellup_temp, @spellup_others_lists)};#SAY %ansi( grey)%proper( @spellup_temp) %ansi( bright,green)list saved.}}
#ALIAS loadspell_others {spellup_temp=%pick( "p:Select the list you want to load:|o:1", @spellup_others_lists);#IF ( @spellup_temp != "") {spellup_others_yeslist=~@spellup_others_list_@spellup_temp;#SAY %ansi( grey)%proper( @spellup_temp) %ansi( bright, green)list loaded.}}
#ALIAS delspell_others {spellup_temp=%pick( "p:Select the list you want to delete:|o:1", @spellup_others_lists);#IF ( @spellup_temp != "") {#UNVAR spellup_others_list_@spellup_temp;spellup_others_lists=%delitem( @spellup_temp, @spellup_others_lists);#SAY %ansi( grey)@spellup_temp %ansi( bright,green)list deleted.}}
#ALIAS fastloadspell_others {#IF ( %ismember( %1, @spellup_others_lists)) {spellup_others_yeslist=~@spellup_others_list_%1;#SAY %ansi( grey)%proper( %1) %ansi(bright,green)list loaded.} {#SAY %ansi(bright,red)No list by that name.}}
#ALIAS givespell {#IF ( %numwords( @spellup_others_yeslist, "|")>0 & %1!="") {#LOOP 1,%numwords( @spellup_others_yeslist, "|") {c ~'%word( @spellup_others_yeslist, %i, "|")~' %1}} {#SAY %ansi( bright, red)No spells are selected for others.};group all;c 'party harm';c 'party sh'}
#ALIAS optionspell_others {#PICK {p:"Spellup others Options"} {o:1} {"["@spellup_others_autostatus"]" Give spells automatically:autospell_others 1} {Set Auto-givespell string:setautospell_others} {Clear Auto-givespell string:clrautospell_others}}
#ALIAS autospell_others {#IF (@spellup_others_autostatus="X") {#SAY %ansi( grey)Auto-givespells %ansi( bright,green)disabled.;spellup_others_autostatus=" ";#T- spells_others_auto} {#SAY %ansi( grey)Auto-givespells %ansi( bright,green)enabled.;spellup_others_autostatus="X";#T+ spells_others_auto};#IF (%1) {optionspell_others}}
#ALIAS clrautospell_others {#SAY %ansi(bright,green)Auto-givespell string reset.;spellup_others_string="";}
#ALIAS setautospell_others {spellup_others_string="";#PR spellup_others_string "Type the phrase others must say.";#IF (@spellup_others_string!="") {#SAY %ansi( bright, green)Auto-givespell string set.} {#SAY %ansi( bright, red)Not enough information to set Auto-givespell string.;spellup_others_string=""}}
#VAR spellup_others_fulllist {shield|underwater breathing|armor|bless|darkness|infravision|blur|barkskin|aid|share strength|magic circle|levitation|giant strength|haste|enlightenment|divine faith|fly|absorb|prayer of fortune|sanctuary|indestructible aura|combat mind|frenzy|divine swiftness|share wisdom|champions strength|revelation|rally|protection from fire|share intellect|warmth|grey aura|vaccinate|acidproof|energy shield|shockproof|holy mirror|lightspeed|toxic resistance}
#VAR spellup_others_yeslist {armor|bless|shield|blur|underwater breathing|aid|magic circle|giant strength|haste|enlightenment|fly|absorb|prayer of fortune|sanctuary|indestructible aura|combat mind|divine swiftness|revelation|rally|warmth|vaccinate|acidproof|energy shield|shockproof|holy mirror|lightspeed|grey aura|toxic resistance}
#VAR spellup_temp_others_yeslist {}
#VAR spellup_others_nolist {}
#VAR spellup_others_lists {}
#VAR spellup_others_spellname {}
#VAR spellup_others_string {}
#VAR spellup_others_autostatus {}
#CLASS {spellup|spells_others_auto}
#TRIGGER {(%w) says ~'@spellup_others_string~'$} {givespell %1} "" {disable}
#CLASS {spellup|skills_self}
#ALIAS spellup_sneak {#IF (@spellup_sneakstatus="X" & @spellup_sneak="false") {sneak}}
#ALIAS spellup_shadow {#IF (@spellup_shadowstatus="X" & @spellup_shadow="false") {shadow}}
#ALIAS spellup_trace {#IF (@spellup_tracestatus="X" & @spellup_trace="false") {trace}}
#ALIAS spellup_berserk {#IF (@spellup_berserkstatus="X" & @spellup_berserk="false") {berserk}}
#ALIAS spellup_heighten {#IF (@spellup_heightenstatus="X" & @spellup_heighten="false") {heighten}}
#ALIAS spellup_cskill {#IF (@spellup_cskill="false" & @spellup_cskillstatus="X") {#IF (@spellup_cskillcommand!="") {@spellup_cskillcommand} {#SAY %ansi( bright, red)No V2 clan skill set.}}}
#ALIAS sneakspell {#IF (@spellup_sneakstatus="X") {#SAY %ansi( grey)Sneak %ansi( bright,green)disabled.;spellup_sneakstatus=" "} {#SAY %ansi( grey)Sneak %ansi( bright,green)enabled.;spellup_sneakstatus="X";spellup_sneak="false"};#IF (%1) {optionspell}}
#ALIAS shadowspell {#IF (@spellup_shadowstatus="X") {#SAY %ansi( grey)Shadow form %ansi( bright,green)disabled.;spellup_shadowstatus=" "} {#SAY %ansi( grey)Shadow form %ansi( bright,green)enabled.;spellup_shadowstatus="X"};#IF (%1) {optionspell}}
#ALIAS tracespell {#IF (@spellup_tracestatus="X") {#SAY %ansi( grey)Pass without trace %ansi( bright,green)disabled.;spellup_tracestatus=" "} {#SAY %ansi( grey)Pass without trace %ansi( bright,green)enabled.;spellup_tracestatus="X"};#IF (%1) {optionspell}}
#ALIAS berserkspell {#IF (@spellup_berserkstatus="X") {#SAY %ansi( grey)Berserk %ansi( bright,green)disabled.;spellup_berserkstatus=" "} {#SAY %ansi( grey)Berserk %ansi( bright,green)enabled.;spellup_berserkstatus="X"};#IF (%1) {optionspell}}
#ALIAS heightenspell {#IF (@spellup_heightenstatus="X") {#SAY %ansi( grey)Heighten senses %ansi( bright,green)disabled.;spellup_heightenstatus=" "} {#SAY %ansi( grey)Heighten senses %ansi( bright,green)enabled.;spellup_heightenstatus="X"};#IF (%1) {optionspell}}
#ALIAS clrcskillspell {#SAY %ansi(bright,green)V2 clan skill reset.;spellup_cskillcommand="";spellup_cskillname="";spellup_cskillcast="";spellup_cskillfade=""}
#ALIAS setcskillspell {spellup_cskillcommand="";spellup_cskillname="";spellup_cskillcast="";spellup_cskillfade="";#PR spellup_cskillcommand "Type the command for your V2 clan skill";#PR spellup_cskillname "Type the name of your V2 clan skill";#PR spellup_cskillcast "Type the message when your V2 clan skill is cast";#PR spellup_cskillfade "Type the message when your V2 clan skill runs out";#IF (@spellup_cskillcommand!="" &@spellup_cskillname!="" & @spellup_cskillcast!="" & @spellup_cskillfade!="") {spellup_cskillcommand=%lower( @spellup_cskillcommand);spellup_cskillname=%lower( @spellup_cskillname);#SAY %ansi(bright,green)V2 clan skill set.} {#SAY %ansi(bright,red)Not enough information to set V2 clan skill.;spellup_cskillcommand="";spellup_cskillname="";spellup_cskillcast="";spellup_cskillfade=""}}
#ALIAS cskillspell {#IF (@spellup_cskillstatus="X") {#SAY %ansi( grey)V2 clan skill %ansi( bright,green)disabled.;spellup_cskillstatus=" ";#T- cskill_self} {#SAY %ansi( grey)V2 clan skill %ansi( bright,green)enabled.;spellup_cskillstatus="X";#T+ cskill_self};#IF (%1) {optionspell}}
#VAR spellup_sneak {true}
#VAR spellup_shadow {false}
#VAR spellup_trace {false}
#VAR spellup_berserk {false}
#VAR spellup_heighten {false}
#VAR spellup_sneakstatus {X}
#VAR spellup_shadowstatus {}
#VAR spellup_tracestatus {}
#VAR spellup_berserkstatus {}
#VAR spellup_heightenstatus {}
#VAR spellup_cskillstatus { }
#VAR spellup_cskill {false}
#VAR spellup_cskillname {clandestine}
#VAR spellup_cskillcommand {clandes}
#VAR spellup_cskillcast {You hide your true intentions and become another face in the crowd.}
#VAR spellup_cskillfade {Your facade crumbles, revealing your true nature.}
#TRIGGER {^Skill: sneak for} {#IF (@spellup_checkspells="true") {spellup_sneak="true"}}
#TRIGGER {^You fail to move silently.} {#IF (@spellup_sneakstat="X") {sneak}}
#TRIGGER {^You no longer feel stealthy.} {spellup_sneak="false"}
#TRIGGER {^You now move silently.} {spellup_sneak="true"}
#TRIGGER {^You emerge from the shadows.} {spellup_sneak="false"}
#TRIGGER {^Skill: berserk for} {#IF (@spellup_checkspells="true") {spellup_berserk="true"}}
#TRIGGER {^Your pulse speeds up, but nothing happens.} {#IF (@spellup_berserkstat="X") {berserk}}
#TRIGGER {^Your pulse races as you are consumed by rage!} {spellup_berserk="true"}
#TRIGGER {^You feel your pulse slow down.} {#IF (@spellup_recast_berserkstatus="X") {spellup_berserk};spellup_berserk="false"}
#TRIGGER {^Skill: heighten senses for} {#IF (@spellup_checkspells="true") {spellup_heighten="true"}}
#TRIGGER {^Your senses don't feel any more accurate!} {#IF (@spellup_heightenstat="X") {heighten}}
#TRIGGER {^You heighten your senses to *} {spellup_heighten="true"}
#TRIGGER {^Your senses return to normal.} {spellup_heighten="false"}
#TRIGGER {^Skill: pass without trace for} {#IF (@spellup_checkspells="true") {spellup_trace="true"}}
#TRIGGER {^You made too much noise! You can still be tracked.} {#IF (@spellup_tracestat="X") {trace}}
#TRIGGER {^You move silently through your surroundings, leaving no trace.} {spellup_trace="true"}
#TRIGGER {^You no longer pass without trace.} {spellup_trace="false"}
#TRIGGER {^You are no longer traceless.} {spellup_trace="false"}
#TRIGGER {^Skill: shadow form for} {#IF (@spellup_checkspells="true") {spellup_shadow="true"}}
#TRIGGER {^You fail to merge with the shadows.} {#IF (@spellup_shadowstat="X") {shadow}}
#TRIGGER {^You now move silently in the shadows.} {spellup_shadow="true"}
#TRIGGER {^You are no longer merged with the shadows.} {spellup_shadow="false"}
#TRIGGER {^You no longer move in the shadows.} {spellup_shadow="false"}
#CLASS {spellup|cskill_self}
#TRIGGER {^Skill: @spellup_cskillname for} {#IF (@spellup_checkspells="true") {#IF (@spellup_cskill!="") {spellup_cskill="true"}}}
#TRIGGER {^@spellup_cskillcast} {#IF (@spellup_cskill!="") {spellup_cskill="true"}}
#TRIGGER {^@spellup_cskillfade} {#IF (@spellup_cskill!="") {spellup_cskill="false"}}
#CLASS {spellup|fire'}
#VAR eq_spells {from} {from}
#CLASS {spellup|protection'}
#VAR eq_spells {of} {of}
#CLASS 0 |
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