Phyre Beginner
Joined: 12 Sep 2005 Posts: 10
Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2005 7:55 am
Autoquaff Realms of Despair |
#CLASS {Autoquaff}
#VAR quaffthres {200}
#VAR quaffon {0}
#TRIGGER {^ Phyre ~<%1/%2hp %3 gold} {
#if (%2-%1>=@quaffthres) {
#if (@quaffon=1) {} {
q heal @healcontainer
#var quaffon 1
} {}
#TRIGGER {You take a heal potion from} {#var quaffon 0}
#TRIGGER {^Your stomach cannot contain any more.} {
#var quaffon 0
drink @springname
#TRIGGER {^%1 says to you, 'set springname %2'} {#var springname %2}
#TRIGGER {^You quaff a heal potion.} {#var attemptingheal 1}
#TRIGGER {^Nothing seems to happen...} {
#if (@attemptingheal=1) {
#t- Autoquaff
say Autoquaff FAILED!
#TRIGGER {^A warm feeling fills your body.} {#var attemptingheal 0}
#TRIGGER {^%1 says to you, 'master reset autoquaff'} {
#var quaffon 0
#var attemptingheal 0
#var quaffthres 200
say Reset DONE!
#TRIGGER {^%1 says to you, 'set healcontainer %2'} {#var healcontainer %2}
#TRIGGER {^%1 says to you, 'set quaffthres %2'} {
#var quaffthres %2
The only thing you need to adapt on this is the trigger which fires on prompt.
I find this script really handy.
I have autocircle and autograsp for thieves which use principles shown here, but I will release these to people on an individual request basis.
However, if you can understand whats going on in here, you can pick up how to do autocircle/autograsp easily
have encountered a few bugs adapting it for friends.. eg adapting the prompt and then using this script in zmud 7.13b then exporting it to 6.55? or something fails to work
Which i really dont understand why |