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Joined: 03 Mar 2005
Posts: 31

PostPosted: Fri Aug 12, 2005 6:30 pm   

excluding a color to be to mapped
im trying to create a trigger that will fire whenever it sees something of cyan color. I cant figure out how to get a trigger to fire for any line of text that is colored cyan. A typical room description looks like this:

Middle of Pig Valley.
Swarms of black flies plague the lowest part of this narrow valley. Grass
covers the moist ground, although frequent passage by large, heavy animals has
pressed it flat into the earth. Occasional bare patches of mud reveal
overturned clumps of grass and rocks. Overhead, the mountain peak looms,
belching clouds of smoke into the skyline. The air is heavy with the smell of
excrement and damp soil. A gnome explorer looks about himself helplessly. A
miner's pick has been carelessly dropped here.

You see exits leading northeast, south, southwest, and west.

where mobs and items will be colored cyan. Just trying to have it trigger on the cyan text (the mobs and items) and then do a #nomap for them, so they are not included in mapper room descs.

*Edited to make it more clearer of what i'm trying to accomplish. As you can see the items and mobs run into the description.
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Joined: 23 Apr 2005
Posts: 57

PostPosted: Sat Aug 13, 2005 3:23 am   
You could try the following, which would cause each and every word received in cyan to trigger a #nomap response.

#TRIGGER {%w} {#NOMAP} "" {line=11}

However, I could be mistaken, but I think #nomap will cause the mapper to ignore the entire line, rather than just a particular word, in which case, in the example given above, you would also lose "excrement and damp soil." from the end of the room's description.
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Joined: 23 Dec 2000
Posts: 4834
Location: USA

PostPosted: Sat Aug 13, 2005 5:16 pm   
Be careful. Since the line you want is appended to a line you don't want, it's possible that #nomap will cause the mapper to not include the actual room description.

My best guess would be to use a multistate trigger to capture all of the room info. In the name, exits, and prompt (prompt must be included or this won't work) conditions, you can simply go ahead and #TAG them. For the description condition, just set the pattern as (*) and assign it to a variable. In a separate trigger, use (*) and set to line color 11. The code for this trigger would remove %1 from your room-description variable and then #TAG @description.

#trigger {*.} {#tag name}
#cond {(*)} {RoomDesc = "%1"}
#cond {You see exits leading *.} {#tag exits}

#trigger {(*)$} {RoomDesc = %remove(use the helpfile);#tag desc @RoomDesc}

No guarantees this even works, though.
EDIT: I didn't like my old signature
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