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Joined: 04 Aug 2004
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 01, 2005 9:28 pm   

Sting list in a {val1|val2|val3} pattern
I have an alias which turns on a trigger that supposed to match one of several possible outcomes. I'm trying to use a string list as part of my trigger pattern, can't seem to get it to match correctly.

So far I have something like (I apologize for the obsuure code, but I don't have the actual tirgger in front of me right now):

#VAR test {A|B|C|D}
#TRIGGER "trgTest" {^{@test blah blah blah|I can't find that|You don't have that|etc etc etc}.$} {do some stuff;#T- trgTest}

I'm trying to get the trigger to fire on any of the follwoing lines:
A blah blach blah.
B blah blach blah.
C blah blach blah.
D blah blach blah.
I can't find that.
You don't have that.
etc etc etc.

It won't match the @test correctly and I'm not sure why or how to fix it.

I have also tried:

#TRIGGER "trgTest" {^{{@test} blah blah blah|I can't find that|You don't have that|etc etc etc}.$} {do some stuff;#T- trgTest}

But that didn't match either.

Is it possible to use a string list in a pattern like this or do I need to find an alternative solution, such as creating several different triggers?
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Joined: 04 Aug 2002
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Location: Pensacola, FL, USA

PostPosted: Fri Jul 01, 2005 11:01 pm   
you can't use nested variable arrays, which is what this is:

{{@test} blah blah blah|I can't find that|You don't have that|etc etc etc}

the internal one is taken verbatim instead of expanded into the additional possibilities

try just

#TR {{@test} blah blah blah} {do your thing}

You dont really wanna do the same stuff if the item is missing anyway, do you?
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 01, 2005 11:09 pm   
I couldn't get it to work with a normal trigger, but I pieced together a regex for you

#VAR testVar {ABC123|DEF456|GHI789}
#REGEX {(?:Test123|Test456)|(?:(?:@testVar) blah blah blah)} {do whatever;and whatever else}

Will match:
ABC123 blah blah blah
DEF456 blah blah blah
GHI789 blah blah blah
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PostPosted: Sat Jul 02, 2005 12:56 am   
You have to turn on 'Allow wildcards within {} triggers' in the Preferences. Next you have to surround your @Test with braces, as Shalimar described.
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