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Joined: 22 Jul 2004
Posts: 118
Location: USA

PostPosted: Thu Jun 23, 2005 4:02 pm   

Help please?
ok i'm wondering if there's any easier way i can do these things.. like make a custom function, or whatever
on the commands:
showsongs, showpsongs, singnext, playnext, singrestart, playrestart, showsingname, showplay name
is there a way to have zmud auto-check all of that info? (read the code and you'll see what i mean, too hard to explain)
because if someone else uses this script and has more than or less than 12 songs, it will not work for them,
i would really appreciate any help

#DELCLASS {OrangScripts|OrangPlay1.0b}
#DELCLASS {OrangScripts|OrangSing1.0b}
#DELCLASS {OrangScripts|OrangPlay}
#DELCLASS {OrangScripts|OrangSing}
#CLASS {OrangScripts}
#CLASS {OrangScripts|OrangMusic}
#VAR instrument "fiddle"
#VAR P1 "psong1"
#VAR P2 "psong2"
#VAR P3 "psong3"
#VAR P4 "psong4"
#VAR P5 "psong5"
#VAR P6 "psong6"
#VAR P7 "psong7
#VAR P8 "psong8"
#VAR P9 "psong9"
#VAR P10 "psong10"
#VAR P11 "psong11"
#VAR P12 "psong12"
#VAR AmtPSongs {12}
#VAR PSongNum {1}
#VAR ContinuePlaying {1}
#ALIAS WhatInstrument {#ECHO Your current playing instrument is~: @instrument}
#ALIAS OrangPlay {#ECHO OrangPlay1.0b;#ECHO %ansi(10)The following are ways in which to use this script:%ansi(reset);#ECHO %ansi(9)ContPlay ~[on|off~]......Toggles auto-continuation of playing when songs are finished.;#ECHO %ansi(9)ChangeInstrument.......Changes your default instrument;#ECHO %ansi(9)OrangPlay..............Shows this screen.;#ECHO %ansi(9)PlayNext...............Takes you to the next song.;#ECHO %ansi(9)PlayStart..............Starts you off from where you left off.;#ECHO %ansi(9)PlayRestart............Puts you back at song number one, and lets you start to play that song.;#ECHO %ansi(9)ShowPlayName...........Shows your song number, and that song's name.;#ECHO %ansi(9)ShowPSongs.............Shows each song that can be sung.;#ECHO %ansi(9)WhatInstrument.........Shows your current playing instrument%ansi(reset)}
#ALIAS ShowPSongs {#ECHO OrangPlay1.0b;#ECHO %ansi(10)You have the following songs set up for playing:%ansi(reset);#ECHO %ansi(9)@P1;#ECHO %ansi(9)@P2;#ECHO %ansi(9)@P3;#ECHO %ansi(9)@P4;#ECHO %ansi(9)@P5;#ECHO %ansi(9)@P6;#ECHO %ansi(9)@P7;#ECHO %ansi(9)@P8;#ECHO %ansi(9)@P9;#ECHO %ansi(9)@P10;#ECHO %ansi(9)@P11;#ECHO %ansi(9)@P12 %ansi(reset)}
#ALIAS PlayNext {#ADD PSongNum 1;play @PSongNum on @instrument}
#ALIAS PlayStart {#ECHO Starting from previously played song, please wait...;#ALARM +1 {#IF (@PSongNum > 12) {#VAR PSongNum 1;play @P1 on @instrument} {#IF (@PSongNum = 1) {play @P1 on @instrument} {#IF (@PSongNum = 2) {play @P2 on @instrument} {#IF (@PSongNum = 3) {play @P3 on @instrument} {#IF (@PSongNum = 4) {play @P4 on @instrument} {#IF (@PSongNum = 5) {play @P5 on @instrument} {#IF (@PSongNum = 6) {play @P6 on @instrument} {#IF (@PSongNum = 7) {play @P7 on @instrument} {#IF (@PSongNum = 8) {play @P8 on @instrument} {#IF (@PSongNum = 9) {play @P9 on @instrument} {#IF (@PSongNum = 10) {play @P10 on @instrument} {#IF (@PSongNum = 11) {play @P11 on @instrument} {#IF (@PSongNum = 12) {play @P12 on @instrument}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}
#ALIAS PlayRestart {#VAR PSongNum {1};play @1 on @instrument}
#ALIAS ShowPlayName {#IF (@PSongNum = 1) {#ECHO Your current playing song number is @PSongNum, named ~"@P1~"} {#IF (@PSongNum = 2) {#ECHO Your current song number is @PSongNum, named ~"@P2~"} {#IF (@PSongNum = 3) {#ECHO Your current song number is @PSongNum, named ~"@P3~"} {#IF (@PSongNum = 4) {#ECHO Your current song number is @SongNum, named ~"@P4~"} {#IF (@PSongNum = 5) {#ECHO Your current song number is @PSongNum, named ~"@P5~"} {#IF (@PSongNum = 6) {#ECHO Your current song number is @PSongNum, named ~"@P6~"} {#IF (@PSongNum = 7) {#ECHO Your current song number is @PSongNum, named ~"@P7~"} {#IF (@PSongNum = 8) {#ECHO Your current song number is @PSongNum, named ~"@P8~"} {#IF (@PSongNum = 9) {#ECHO Your current song number is @PSongNum, named ~"@P9~"} {#IF (@PSongNum = 10) {#ECHO Your current song number is @PSongNum, named ~"@P10~"} {#IF (@PSongNum = 11) {#ECHO Your current song number is @PSongNum, named ~"@P11~"} {#IF (@PSongNum = 12) {#ECHO Your current song number is @PSongNum, named ~"@P12~"}}}}}}}}}}}}}
#ALIAS ContPlay {#IF (%1 = on) {#VAR ContinuePlaying 1;#ECHO Auto-continuation of playing is now activated.} {#IF (%1 = off) {#VAR ContinuePlaying 0;#ECHO Auto-continuation of playing is now de-activated.}}
#ALIAS ChangeInstrument {#PROMPT instrument "What instrument will you be using?"}
#TRIGGER {^You (*) the last note of (*)$} {#IF (@ContinuePlaying) {PlayNext} {#ECHO Auto-continue of playing is off...~"ContPlay on~" to change this option.}}}
#VAR 1 "song1"
#VAR 2 "song2"
#VAR 3 "song3"
#VAR 4 "song4"
#VAR 5 "song5"
#VAR 6 "song6"
#VAR 7 "song7"
#VAR 8 "song8"
#VAR 9 "song9"
#VAR 10 "song10"
#VAR 11 "song11"
#VAR 12 "song12"
#VAR AmtSongs {12}
#VAR SongNum {1}
#VAR ContinueSinging {1}
#ALIAS OrangSing {#ECHO OrangSing1.0b;#ECHO %ansi(10)The following are ways in which to use this script:%ansi(reset);#ECHO %ansi(9)ContSing ~[on|off~]......Toggles auto-continuation of singing when songs are finished.;#ECHO %ansi(9)OrangSing..............Shows this screen.;#ECHO %ansi(9)SingNext...............Takes you to the next song.;#ECHO %ansi(9)SingStart..............Starts you off from where you left off.;#ECHO %ansi(9)SingRestart............Puts you back at song number one, and lets you start to play that song.;#ECHO %ansi(9)ShowSingName...........Shows your song number, and that song's name.;#ECHO %ansi(9)ShowSongs..............Shows each song that can be sung.%ansi(reset)}
#ALIAS ShowSongs {#ECHO OrangSing1.0b;#ECHO %ansi(10)You have the following songs set up for singing:%ansi(reset);#ECHO %ansi(9)@1;#ECHO %ansi(9)@2;#ECHO %ansi(9)@3;#ECHO %ansi(9)@4;#ECHO %ansi(9)@5;#ECHO %ansi(9)@6;#ECHO %ansi(9)@7;#ECHO %ansi(9)@8;#ECHO %ansi(9)@9;#ECHO %ansi(9)@10;#ECHO %ansi(9)@11;#ECHO %ansi(9)@12 %ansi(reset)}
#ALIAS SingNext {#ECHO Starting from next song, please wait...;#ALARM +1 {#IF (@SongNum > 12) {#VAR SongNum 1;sing @1} {#ADD SongNum 1;#IF (@SongNum = 1) {sing @1} {#IF (@SongNum = 2) {sing @2} {#IF (@SongNum = 3) {sing @3} {#IF (@SongNum = 4) {sing @4} {#IF (@SongNum = 5) {sing @5} {#IF (@SongNum = 6) {sing @6} {#IF (@SongNum = 7) {sing @7} {#IF (@SongNum = 8) {sing @8} {#IF (@SongNum = 9) {sing @9} {#IF (@SongNum = 10) {sing @10} {#IF (@SongNum = 11) {sing @11} {#IF (@SongNum = 12) {sing @12}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}
#ALIAS SingStart {#ECHO Starting from previously played song, please wait...;#ALARM +1 {#IF (@SongNum > 12) {#VAR SongNum 1;sing @1} {#IF (@SongNum = 1) {sing @1} {#IF (@SongNum = 2) {sing @2} {#IF (@SongNum = 3) {sing @3} {#IF (@SongNum = 4) {sing @4} {#IF (@SongNum = 5) {sing @5} {#IF (@SongNum = 6) {sing @6} {#IF (@SongNum = 7) {sing @7} {#IF (@SongNum = 8) {sing @8} {#IF (@SongNum = 9) {sing @9} {#IF (@SongNum = 10) {sing @10} {#IF (@SongNum = 11) {sing @11} {#IF (@SongNum = 12) {sing @12}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}
#ALIAS SingRestart {#ECHO Resetting start-place and beginning to sing it...;#VAR SongNum 1;#ALARM +1 {sing @1}}
#ALIAS ShowSingName {#IF (@SongNum = 1) {#ECHO Your current song number is @SongNum, named ~"@1~"} {#IF (@SongNum = 2) {#ECHO Your current song number is @SongNum, named ~"@2~"} {#IF (@SongNum = 3) {#ECHO Your current song number is @SongNum, named ~"@3~"} {#IF (@SongNum = 4) {#ECHO Your current song number is @SongNum, named ~"@4~"} {#IF (@SongNum = 5) {#ECHO Your current song number is @SongNum, named ~"@5~"} {#IF (@SongNum = 6) {#ECHO Your current song number is @SongNum, named ~"@6~"} {#IF (@SongNum = 7) {#ECHO Your current song number is @SongNum, named ~"@7~"} {#IF (@SongNum = 8) {#ECHO Your current song number is @SongNum, named ~"@8~"} {#IF (@SongNum = 9) {#ECHO Your current song number is @SongNum, named ~"@9~"} {#IF (@SongNum = 10) {#ECHO Your current song number is @SongNum, named ~"@10~"} {#IF (@SongNum = 11) {#ECHO Your current song number is @SongNum, named ~"@11~"} {#IF (@SongNum = 12) {#ECHO Your current song number is @SongNum, named ~"@12~"}}}}}}}}}}}}}
#ALIAS ContSing {#IF (%1 = on) {#VAR ContinueSinging 1;#ECHO Auto-continuation of singing is now activated.} {#IF (%1 = off) {#VAR ContinueSinging 0;#ECHO Auto-continuation of singing is now de-activated.}}
#TRIGGER {^You finish the song with a bow.$} {#IF (@ContinueSinging) {SingNext} {#ECHO Auto-continue of singing is off...~"ContSing on~" to change this option.}}}
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