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Joined: 10 Jan 2002
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PostPosted: Wed May 25, 2005 12:31 pm   

MXP SUBs in triggers (funky output)
I have some MXP subs set up for when i view mob database records, they seem to act kinda strange, ie overlapping, lemme see if i can paste what i see....

i type "mobfind a wyvern" ... zmud shows:
Finding: a wyvern

5670 Name: 'a wyvern' Lvl: 17 Area: Aardwolf Zoological Park Align: evil Speedwalk: run e3n2es Room: Wyvern Enclosure Notes: Key: wyv Flags: none

(white shown as black) that is what i see, if i click on ANY yellow it sends speedwalk, ANY blue it runs to area, ANY green it runs a mapquery... the way it colors it IS affected by my screen width (a problem i've had with various #SUB's)

I have these pertinent triggers set up (%ansi(color) added to point out differences):

{Aardwolf Zoological Park}->{#SUB {<send 'go azp'>%ansi(blue)Aardwolf Zoological Park%ansi(white)</send>}}

{Align: evil}->{#CW red}

{Speedwalk: run (*) Room}->{#SUB {<send 'run %1'>%ansi(yellow)Speedwalk: run %1</send> %ansi(white)Room}}

{Room: (*) Notes:}->{temp_room = %replace( %1, ', %)
#SUB {%ansi(green)Room~: <send 'mapfind {@temp_room}'>%1</send> %ansi(white)Notes}}

{Keyword: (%w)}->{#SUB {<send 'k %1'>%ansi(red)Key~: %1</send>%ansi(white)}}

from these triggers i would assume it would look like:

5670 Name: 'a wyvern' Lvl: 17 Area: Aardwolf Zoological Park Align: evil Speedwalk: run e3n2es Room: Wyvern Enclosure Notes: Key: wyv Flags: none

dunno if it's pertinent or not... but the main part of the mobfind alias does:

#SAY %ansi( high, white) %replace( %replace( %replace( %replace( %replace( %replace( %replace( %replace( %stripansi( %dbget( %i)), mob_level, "' Lvl: "), mob_name, " Name: '"), mob_zone, " Area: "), mob_align, " Align: "), mob_speedwalk, " Speedwalk: "), mob_roomname, " Room: "), "mo ", " "), Notes, " Notes: ")

with the colors added it is easy to see... was wondering why the heck i click on one thing and something else was being sent :P The triggers work fine IF I click on the correct color, anyone have a clue to what im doing wrong in my self taught MXP SUBs... or is it just buggy?
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Joined: 20 Jul 2004
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PostPosted: Wed May 25, 2005 5:04 pm   
k, i know i'm a fool with database stuff, and hell, everyone i know says i'm just a fool..but what is up with all the %replace's?
I'd say that might be part of the prob, but dunno...
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PostPosted: Thu May 26, 2005 9:48 am   
First thing I would say to try is shift the %ansi's outside of the <send> tags in all your triggers, similar to how you have this one written.
{Room: (*) Notes:}->{temp_room = %replace( %1, ', %)
#SUB {%ansi(green)Room~: <send 'mapfind {@temp_room}'>%1</send> %ansi(white)Notes}}
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PostPosted: Thu May 26, 2005 12:48 pm   
Deathdealer... #SAY %dbget(xxx) outputs to screen like:

Num5636momob_namea grounds keepermob_level33mob_zoneAardwolf Zoological Parkmob_alignevilmob_speedwalkrun e3nmob_roomnameOn a busy walkwayNotesKeyword: ground Flags: (W)(T)Y

the %replaces replace things like "mobnamea grounds keeper" with "Name: a grounds keeper" so i can read it.
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PostPosted: Thu May 26, 2005 12:52 pm   
Vijilante, all %ansi are now outside the <send></send> tags... same deal, funky subs :(
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PostPosted: Thu May 26, 2005 1:26 pm   
as an update.. if i go into settings in zMud and turn off word wrap, all is fine... cept i gotta scroll sideways to see it all :P
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PostPosted: Fri May 27, 2005 12:48 am   
since i figured out word wrap is causing problems, i have another non-mxp non-replace example:

The ONLY thing that fixes this is disabling zMud "Word wrap", i also have another trigger that is more simplstic that i can recreate the same thing with this script:

--- begin tiersubs.txt ---
#CLASS {TierSubs|Main}
#TRIGGER {{Gladiator|Barbarian|Battlemaster|Warlord|Liege|Veteran|Berserker|Savage|General}} {#SUB Warrior}
#TRIGGER {{Priest|Oracle|Prophet|Saint|Patriarch|Martyr|Bishop|Exorcist|Crusader}} {#SUB Cleric}
#TRIGGER {{Nightblade|Rogue|Assassin|Ninja|Cutthroat|Crimelord|Stalker|Prowler|Godfather}} {#SUB Thief}
#TRIGGER {{Necromancer|Lich|Wizard|Warlock|Magician|Conjurer|Illusionist|Sorcerer|Archmage}} {#SUB Mage}
#TRIGGER {{Mystic|Telepath|Channeler|Dreamwalker|Mindflayer|Mentalist|Visionary|Mindshifter|Enlightened}} {#SUB Psionicist}
#TRIGGER {{Knight|Cavalier|Slayer|Avatar|Zealot|Terminator|Benefactor|Holy Blade|Avenger}} {#SUB Paladin}
#TRIGGER {{Hunter|Beastmaster|Tracker|Wayfinder|Woodsman|Explorer|Strider|Scout|Protector}} {#SUB Ranger}
#TRIGGER {Quest Points%s~:} {#CLASS TierSubs|main 0}
#TRIGGER {^------------------------------------------------------------$} {#Class TierSubs|main 0}

#CLASS {TierSubs|support}
#ALIAS whois {#CLASS TierSubs|main 1;~whois %1}
#ALIAS finger {#CLASS TierSubs|main 1;~finger %1}

#SHOW ----------------------------------------------------------------------
#SHOW TierSubs setup complete, now just finger or whois some tier :)
#SHOW ----------------------------------------------------------------------
--- end tiersubs.txt ---

what is does is show 1st tier (common) names in place of tiered names...

whois T9player output (raw, #IG):

[Multiclass Player: Archmage / Godfather / Crusader / General / Enlightened / Protector / Avenger ]

With wrod wrap on (this just aint right :P):

[Multiclass Player: Mage / Thief / Cleric / War Psionicist t Ranger e Paladin enger ]

with word wrap off (correct output):

[Multiclass Player: Mage / Thief / Cleric / Warrior / Psionicist / Ranger / Paladin ]

i think my use of #SUB is correct, this only happens when #SUB is used on multiple items in a sngle line WITH word wrap turned on (doesnt matter if i let zmud set the colum or what the indent setting is), Is this a bug or yet another one of those unwanted "features" ?
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Joined: 20 Jul 2004
Posts: 268

PostPosted: Fri May 27, 2005 7:50 pm   
I have "Word Wrap" and "Auto Wrap" both turned on.
"Wrap Column is greyed out and unselectable.
"Wrap Indent" is set to 3.
---------------- Player : Bregalad (Online) (AFK) ----------
Level 201 male triton WarriorT (Tier 9).
Remort: WarriorT / ClericT / ThiefT / MageT / PsionicistT / RangerT / PaladinT
Bregalad is happily married to Nato.
Bregalad's email address is ##private##
Bregalad's web address is
Bregalad is from morf si dalagerB
Bregalad is a Chosen of The Children of Baalzamon.
Bregalad online since : Mon May 23 13:51:44 2005
631/631H 495/495M 689/689V 3635x 7Q ESD>
[201 T9 Triton MLT] [AFK] Punisher Bregalad [Loose Cannon] of (male)
[Multiclass Player: General / Crusader / Godfather / Archmage / Enlightened / Protector / Avenger ]
Bregalad is a Chosen of The Children of Baalzamon.
Bregalad is happily married to Nato.
Quest Points     : [ 35558]  Qp Earned    : [383522]
Quests Complete  : [ 17448]  Quests Failed: [  2118]  Gquests Won : [     8]
Campaigns Done   : [   400]  Duels Won    : [    29] 
Hours Online     : [ 29520]  V2 Birth Date: [ 24 Nov 2001 ]
Monsters Killed  : [844691]  Times Killed       : [  261]
Combat Maze Kills: [    58]  Combat Maze Deaths : [   19]
Trained Stats    : [  1950]  Powerups           : [30771] [23044]
I'm not seeming to have any problems.
#CLASS {Tiers}
#ALIAS finger {#T+ "Tiers Triggers";~finger %1}
#ALIAS whois {#T+ "Tiers Triggers";~whois %1}
#REGEX {(?:(?<!-)-{60}(?!-)|(?<!-)-{73}(?!-))} {#T- "Tiers Triggers"}
#TRIGGER {{No-one of that name is playing.|There is no player with that name!}} {#T- "Tiers Triggers"}

#CLASS {Tiers|Tiers Triggers}
#TRIGGER {{Gladiator|Barbarian|Battlemaster|Warlord|Liege|Veteran|Berserker|Savage|General}} {#SUB WarriorT}
#TRIGGER {{Priest|Oracle|Prophet|Saint|Patriarch|Martyr|Bishop|Exorcist|Crusader}} {#SUB ClericT}
#TRIGGER {{Nightblade|Rogue|Assassin|Ninja|Cutthroat|Crimelord|Stalker|Prowler|Godfather}} {#SUB ThiefT}
#TRIGGER {{Necromancer|Lich|Wizard|Warlock|Magician|Conjurer|Illusionist|Sorcerer|Archmage}} {#SUB MageT}
#TRIGGER {{Mystic|Telepath|Channeler|Dreamwalker|Mindflayer|Mentalist|Visionary|Mindshifter|Enlightened}} {#SUB PsionicistT}
#TRIGGER {{Knight|Cavalier|Slayer|Avatar|Zealot|Terminator|Benefactor|Holy Blade|Avenger}} {#SUB PaladinT}
#TRIGGER {{Hunter|Beastmaster|Tracker|Wayfinder|Woodsman|Explorer|Strider|Scout|Protector}} {#SUB RangerT}
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PostPosted: Sun May 29, 2005 9:12 am   

[Multiclass Player: General / Crusader / Godfather / Archmage / Enlightened / Protector /
     Avenger ]

on my screen the A in avenger is under the i in multiclass... shrink your window to that size and check it. Mine is at 1280x1024 with the main portion of the mud window being at 857x678 (i.e. the mud output part) If i increase the size of my window to where zMud doesnt have to wrap or turn off word wrapping i see it correctly, if not, i see:


[Multiclass Player: Warrior / Cleric / T Mage h Psionicist t Ranger e Paladin enger ]

The only 2 things i can do is disable word wrap (defeats the purpose of it being there) or widen my window so it dont need to wrap... still seems like buggy word wrapping.

I can do this easily for the whois script, but no way can i widen enough to display:


2583 Name: 'An orc slave' Lvl: 85 Room: A Mining Tunnel Align: evil SW: 15768 - then maze Area: Ruins of Diamond Reach

all on one line... i NEED wordwrap for this.
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PostPosted: Tue May 31, 2005 3:01 pm   
My screen resolution is 1024 X 768. Smaller than yours...
How do i know what my zmud screen is set to? I know it's maximized...
Either way, since my screen is smaller, and I don't have this prob, starting to think that your fonts are set larger than mine?
My Output window is set to Courier, Regular, 10. So are the other settings.
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PostPosted: Tue May 31, 2005 4:15 pm   
mine are set to same but 12, found my exact from a printscreen then measured in psp.

anyhoo, just try narrowing your screen further and see if it does it, it is definatlely the problem on mine. My eyes hurt looking at a smaller font, but either doing that or widening the zmud window cures the whois. but no way can i stretch so far as to display the entire mobinfo.

re-wrote the whois/finger script to do it a different way, seems to have fixed it, i now see:

[Tier Classes: Warrior(General) / Cleric(Crusader) / Thief(Godfather) / Mage(Archmage) / Psionicist(Enlightened) / Ranger(Protector) / Paladin(Avenger) ]

instead of:

[Multiclass Player: General / Crusader / Godfather / Archmage / Enlightened / Protector / Avenger ]
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PostPosted: Tue May 31, 2005 8:08 pm   
Well, made my zmud screen smaller by bringing the sides closer.
[Multiclass Player: WarriorT / ClericT / ThiefT / MageT /
   PsionicistT / RangerT / PaladinT ]
Not a damned difference...
Dude, disable yours, put in mine, and see if it still does it.
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 01, 2005 5:32 pm   
Still not my main problem, i got around the tiersubs with a different script... i however cannot change the database outputting with MXP being all funky (see 1st post in this thread)

i type "mobfind a wyvern" ... zmud shows:
Finding: a wyvern

5670 Name: 'a wyvern' Lvl: 17 Area: Aardwolf Zoological Park Align: evil Speedwalk: run e3n2es Room: Wyvern Enclosure Notes: Key: wyv Flags: none

ansi color added only to show how MXP is acting screwy.

Blue = Area Name MXP sub
Green = roomfind alias MXP sub
Yellow = speedwalk MXP sub
red = keyword kill MXP link sub
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