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Joined: 11 Apr 2005
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Location: Yucaipa, Ca

PostPosted: Tue Apr 12, 2005 3:44 am   

Weapon use counter
Hello fellow zMUDer's. Im looking for a counter that will tell me how many times I used a certain skill in combat at the end, as well as the total times I've used it. Heres an example of the mud output:

A leper is cut on the head with your slash causing giant damage.

What will tell you when you land a hit (with an axe at least) is, "with your slash". Thusfar I know that the pattern should be set up as:

#tr {* with your slash *} {#add  }

#add to add to a hit variable, of which I dont know how to set up... soon to know. Combat always ends with a:

You receive (%d) experience points.

Meaning that it would have to be:

#tr {You receive (%d) experience points.} {#show %ansi(high, blue)@axenow %ansi(high, white)Hits this round!; #show %ansi(high, blue)@axetotal %ansi(high, white)Total Axe Hits!}

Where @axenow is the variable for axe hits that were landes in that combat session, and @axetotal is the number total of hits. Anyhlep would be greatly appriciated. Thanks.

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Joined: 30 Dec 2003
Posts: 226

PostPosted: Tue Apr 12, 2005 3:54 am   
Looks like you've almost got it, just make the value of your * with your slash * trigger to:

#ADD axenow 1
#ADD axetotal 1

Then on your last trigger, add at the end

#VAR axenow {}

Which clears this out for the next combat set
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Joined: 11 Apr 2005
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Location: Yucaipa, Ca

PostPosted: Tue Apr 12, 2005 4:36 am   
Ok I got this all set up...

#CLASS {betters}
#TRIGGER {* with your slash *} {
  #add axenow 1
  #add axetotal 1
#TRIGGER {You receive (%d) experience points.} {
  #show %ansi( high, blue)@axenow %ansi( high, white)Hits this round!
  #show %ansi( high, blue)@axetotal %ansi( high, white)Total Axe Hits!
  #VAR axenow {}

Its not showing me at the end of combat of the total hits. And I just changed the (%d) to an *, now it works fine. The purpose of this script is to count down to a better. Which is around 3000 hits, how can I set it to reset the variables when I get a better?


***EDIT*** Took out the lame zMUDAmp variables in the class.
***EDIT*** Removed the silly question I had in at first, I ended up hitting the same amount of times and the @axenow was not changing cause same hits in both fights :s.
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Joined: 30 Dec 2003
Posts: 226

PostPosted: Tue Apr 12, 2005 5:33 am   
If you receive some sort of text when you get a "better" (whatever that is :P), you could just do something like:

#TR {Text received when you get a better} {#VAR axetotal {}}
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Joined: 11 Apr 2005
Posts: 31
Location: Yucaipa, Ca

PostPosted: Tue Apr 12, 2005 5:54 am   
A better is what you get when you become more learned at a skill... In this mud most skills can only be practiced, or trained to 75%, after that the skill/spell can only get higher from usage. We call those skill raises a "better".

Now that thats done, thanks for that last trigger... It seemed to be quite simple script. My first. Thanks man.

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