smeagain Beginner
Joined: 21 Feb 2004 Posts: 11 Location: United Kingdom
Posted: Mon May 30, 2005 9:38 am
speedwalking not working on north directions |
Ive made an extensive map of the mud that i play (imperian) and have a fairly complicated healing system built up too.
After some initial teething troubles the mapper has always worked perfectly for me, until last night.
On opening a room properties dialog box i noticed that on the exits page the list of exit links wasnt displaying the n s, e w, ne sw combinations. When i selected an individual link however, the compass diagrams on the right of the page was showing the right directions. This was a little disconcerting, but things were still working fine at that point.
Later, the speedwalking just stopped working. I could walk around the map manually and everything would be fine.. however, if I double clicked a room, nothing would get set to the mud and after a time the 'Slow walking aborted' message would appear. Closing/reopenning the map didnt change this, nor did restarting zmud or restarting the computer.
For some reason (forget my logic now) I decided to try replacing the 'System' folder of my settings with a clean default copy by making a new imperian connection in zmud and cut/pasting into the original one. This seemed to work fine before i went to bed. However, this morning I have found that the speedwalker works fine, until it hits a north direction when again it fails to send 'n' to the mud. Its quite possible that when i tested it last night, the route simply didnt include a north direction.
At this point I should note, the exits page of room properties looks fine again.
Any advice or ideas on how to get my great map working again would be appreciated. This thing has been 6 months in the making. |