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Joined: 14 Mar 2005
Posts: 3

PostPosted: Mon Mar 14, 2005 4:48 pm   

Developing Target Script
Im fairly new to Zmud so be patient with me. I'm looking to develop a targeting script. I need some assistance in analyzing the best way to develop this script. Here is the info:

1. First I use a SQUINT skill and look in all directions. The SQUINT allows me to look an a direction as far as possible. It gives me room name and brief room description. I want to put all the room names into a directional string list. The rooms names I have put in bold italics. These room names are in yellow on the mud feedback.

The MUD feedback looks like this:

You look east as far as you can see.
Eastern boundary of wood.
A magical rune stave stands here, an unseen force holding it in place.
Up the road.
You can see no further.
370h, 370m e-
You look west as far as you can see.
Wood track.
You notice a stick lying on the ground nearby. A magical rune stave stands
here, an unseen force holding it in place.
You can see no further.

2. The next step would be to load another stringlist/dbase with the character and room name. The room name is in [At: example] and sometimes goes to the second line.

Anaroth of Mercinae [At: Consort Way ].
Balf [At: Vast entrance to the Parrian city school ].
(Bulletin Board) Belgadeth, the Shadow [At: Within the bulletin board ].
Brokenlight [At: Foyer of the Thakrian city school ].
(Bulletin Board) MisBred Caelred Parrian Brat [At: Within the bulletin board
Conrade, messenger of Parrius [At: Parrian gate by Larches Avenue ].
(Bulletin Board) Sir Cytik [At: Within the bulletin board ].
Ranger Dalgren, Northern Bear [At: Oakwood's End village green ].
Dunccan [At: Uruk-hai guardroom ].

This will get the script started. Eventually I want to compare the 2 stringlists and generate a picklist of all the targets in my line of site. Than I can pick the target and the target and direction will be automatically set.
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Joined: 14 Mar 2005
Posts: 3

PostPosted: Mon Mar 14, 2005 8:39 pm   
Ok, let me make a more direct question. First, how do I capture an entire line to a variable. Here's what my trigger looks like but it's only capturing the first word of the line:

#trigger {^(*).$} {#var roomname %1}

So than I tried this;

#trigger {^(*).$} {#var roomname {%1}}

and now it captures the first word and the complete lines.
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Joined: 14 Mar 2005
Posts: 3

PostPosted: Mon Mar 14, 2005 8:40 pm   
Nevermind. I finally got it figured out.
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