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Joined: 09 Mar 2005
Posts: 3

PostPosted: Wed Mar 09, 2005 1:18 am   

Auto-mapper question.
I just got the new Zmud a couple days ago and have only been mudding for a couple months using telnet, so I'm completely confused about the whole 'client' thing. Currently, I play Starmud and mainly got Zmud for the auto-mapper. The maps, however, I've been creating and recreating have all been completely disorganized. I'll go east in a room and the mapper with go north linking the room with a little white bar and when I try to go south it'll still go north. Does anyone know if I've messed up any of the default settings somehow or what may be the reason for the weird mapping? Your help will be greatly appreciated. -Blatant Noob.
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Joined: 09 Mar 2005
Posts: 3

PostPosted: Thu Mar 10, 2005 10:54 pm   
Was my question too vague?
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Joined: 10 Oct 2000
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 10, 2005 11:33 pm   
I created a character on StarMUD and I used the config wizard to get it to work initially.
Then go in and change your Configuration Settings - Change Room Exits -
1) Add in the field 'Exit Line Keyword" -- Obvious exits are:
2) Check the box: Exit Line contain Keyword.

When I did this it fixed most of it.
Other hints taken from Improving Room Detection from the help file:

While the automapper works well on many MUDs, it might need some adjustment to properly map your MUD. There are three common adjustments that you will want to make to your mapper.

First, you need to keep the mapper in synch with the directions you are moving on your MUD. If you move in an invalid direction, or bump into a closed door, the mapper needs to be told about this. Otherwise it will still try to create a new room in the direction you originally went. You can see which direction the mapper is currently working on displayed in the lower-right corner of the map window. This is called the Direction Queue and shows you the direction that the next room will be created in.

To tell the mapper when you have moved in a wrong direction, use the #NODIR command in a trigger. For example:

#TRIGGER {You can't go that direction} {#NODIR}
#TRIGGER {The door is closed} {#DOOR %lastdir;#NODIR}

The #NODIR command will remove the current direction from the Direction Queue. You can also clear the Direction Queue manually by double-clicking on it. Setting your location on the map manually will also clear this queue.
Next, you might need to tell the mapper to ignore certain lines from your MUD. The mapper can get very confused by lines that start with special characters such as brackets or parenthesis, since it will think that looks like your MUD prompt. To prevent a line from being seen by the mapper, use the #NOMAP command. For example, if your MUD displays the current weather in parenthesis, like: "(It is raining)" you can tell the mapper to ignore these weather lines with the trigger

#TRIGGER {^~(*~)} {#NOMAP}

Finally, some MUDs implement day and night or reduced lighting in specific rooms. When it is dark and you enter a room, it might display something like "It is pitch black". You need to tell the mapper that you have successfully entered a room since otherwise the mapper will wait until it sees the room name. To confirm the movement, use the #OK command, just like when slowwalking:

#TRIGGER {It is pitch black} {#OK}
Run as hard as a wild beast if you will, but you won't get any reward greater than that destined for you.
Source: (Egyptian)
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Joined: 09 Mar 2005
Posts: 3

PostPosted: Fri Mar 11, 2005 12:40 am   
Thanks Darmir. Seems to be working now. Anymore of your insight would be appreciated.
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