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Joined: 17 Jun 2005
Posts: 7

PostPosted: Sat Jul 02, 2005 1:44 pm   

Mapping in Achaea
I'm trying to configure the mapper to work optimally in Achaea. I've gotten the basic config settings, but capturing the room name and description still isn't working quite well enough. I'd like to make some trigs so that the name and desc will only be captured on the correct colors. Here's a sample room.

Room name, in ANSI color 3.
Room description, in ANSI color 7. No newline, then items in room, ANSI color 6. No newline, then people in room, ANSI color 14.
Newline, then exits in ANSI color 12.

I don't want to capture items in room or people in room, because they're dynamic.

Real room from the game (in parens are my additions)

(roomname)Fish Street.
(roomdesc)Heading west out of the main throng of the city, Zanzibaar turns onto Fish
Street, a narrow and ancient street, winding and weaving like a gnarled old man
through the bustling city. On either side of the street, small stalls, far less
impressive than those of the Medina, offer their goods, which consist mainly of
the fruits of the river. The street takes its name from its proximity to the
docks of Shallam, once the founding force of a city that grew from a tiny
fishing village. At the western end of Fish Street, which curves slightly, are
the western gates of the city that look out over the ancient wooden jetties and
onto the great expanse of the river: a timeless reminder of the energy and
proliferation of life that gave birth to this magnificent city. (roomitems)A runic totem is
planted solidly in the ground. Resplendent in Shallamese livery, a Herald stands
here ready to share the news. A sleek pony grazes nearby. Looking almost regal,
a greater war horse stands here. Quietly munching from a feed bag, a stocky
gypsy's pony stands here. A rugged war goat stands here, gnawing on the leather
bit of its reins. A full-grown rat prowls near your feet. (roompeople)Elder Defender
Zakarius is here. He wields a Logosian longsword in his left hand and a Logosian
Broadsword in his right. Worlo is here. He wields an iron-tipped whip in his
left hand. (this is also ANSI 3, not on a newline, and only in a few rooms.) -->)You see a sign here instructing you that WARES is the command to see
what is for sale.
(roomexits)You see exits leading north, northeast, east (open door), southeast, south (open
door), southwest (open door), and west.

Thanks in advance for any sort of help.

Forgot to mention that achaea sends things already wrapped..so there's a newline after each line that I recieve. Not sure if that's relevant, but can't hurt to put it in.

Another edit: just thought of this. Not exactly a pretty solution, but I -think- it should work, but for one problem. I could gag all ansi 6 and ansi 14 text, the only problem being that I think that would gag the whole line that it was on, and since there's no newline, it'd take out some text that I want. Is there a command to gag just a specified word or words rather than the whole line that it's on?
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