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Joined: 13 Jan 2005
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Location: Forever Forsaken

PostPosted: Thu Jan 13, 2005 9:04 am   

Zmud script needed...
I am trying to set up a trigger basicly But I know it needs to have a script or variable. This is what I want basicly. It can be put into any mud...

Player = Another Player, Char = my character

Player - Gives Weapon.
Player - Drops 25,000 coins
Player - say enchant (weapon name)
Char - Get coins
- If coins = 25,000
- cast 'Enchant Weapon' (weapon name)
- give (weapon name) Player
- If coins != 25,000 coins
- say (message)
- Give (weapon name) Player

That's what I need, if someone can give me alittle hand with this, I would apprate it. Also, it can work for armor two, just have to change Weapon name to Armor name, and spell. Basicly, it charges for weapn enchants and armor enhances.

I do know this is possible, couple of years ago a friend of mine did this, but I haven't talked with him for like 3-4 years. And not sure where or if he muds still. He went by name of Kveldulv I do remember that.
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Joined: 20 Nov 2002
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 11, 2005 1:22 am   
This is pretty insane, You actually have it done you just have to write out the code.
This is the same way I write mine, like you did I write out what I want it to do the write the code
watch as I go step by step to show you how close you where.

decide too if you want to go in order or if you don't mind getting things in any order.
Player - say enchant weapon (weapon name)
player - gives weapon (or armor)
#trigger step1a {(%w) says 'Enchant Weapon' (%w)} {customer=1;player=%1;ItemName=%2;step2}
#trigger step1b {(%w) gives you (a|an|the|some) (%w)} {customer=1;player=%1;Item=%2;step2}
#trigger step1c {(%w) gives you (a|an|the|some) (%w)} {drop %2;say Sorry %1 I am busy please try again.}

player - drops 25,000 coins
I don't like this because people cold steal it, have them give you the money instead.
#alias step2 {#t- step1a;#t- step1b;#T+ step1c;#t+ step3;say please give me @price coins for this transaction.}

#trigger step3 {(@player) gives you (@price)} {say thank you please wait;step4;#t- step3}

step 4 is your magic which I don't have that information but mine would be like this
#alias step4 {cast 'enchant weapon' @item@ItemName}
then you will have to check this step of coarse or not. mine is something like this
#trigger {the sword glows with power} {step 5}
or maybe check your mo leaves to know if it worked.

#alias step5 {give @item@itemname @player;say Thank you @player Please come again;step6}

this is where you rest everything
#alias step6 {customer=0;player="";item="";ItemName="";#t+ step1a;#t+ step1b;#t- step1c;#t- step3;say NEXT}

This has bugs but you can see the way this flows need anything else please ask.
megamog75 Smile
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