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Joined: 09 Feb 2005
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 09, 2005 1:44 am   

Catching ang gaging prompt, moving it into status bar - how?
I know there's many topics on that already but none helped of them me. People just gave concrete exaples and kill me, i don't know how to modify them for my use.

As in the title, i want to gag my prompt and make it go into my status bar and/or gauge (preferably both). Not looking for anything fancy here, just something like this:

100/100 HP 100/100 MP 100/100 AP

If someone could just give me the basics so i can modify it later, i would be very greatful.

Last edited by MaxiM on Wed Feb 09, 2005 4:14 am; edited 1 time in total
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Joined: 30 Dec 2003
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 09, 2005 2:24 am   
What does your prompt from the mud look like?
Everyone is entitled to their beliefs - until they die. Then only the truth matters.
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Joined: 09 Feb 2005
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 09, 2005 4:12 am   
Stripped from all colors and ASCII it looks like this:


And this is basicaly what i want to see in status bar, no need for pretty stuff Cool
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 09, 2005 4:39 am   
The Simple Way

#TR "PromptTr" {(%d)/(%d) HP (%d)/(%d) MA (%d)/(%d) PA} {#ST {%trigger};#GAG} "" {prompt|nocr}
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Joined: 09 Feb 2005
Posts: 4

PostPosted: Wed Feb 09, 2005 4:44 am   
OK, now i'm even more confused. I really tried to udrerstand, but i see totally different methods in every topic.
I still don't know what's the scheme behind it, too many different versions. Could someone explain that to me?
And thanks for quick response.
I would also like to know if i can add colours to status bar and how to make gauges Cool
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Joined: 15 Jan 2002
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 09, 2005 8:22 am   
I SHOULD be sleeping :p

This script is meant to be pasted into the command line (where you do all your typing at).

this tells zmud that were making a trigger

this is a unique ID for the trigger to prevent either overwrites or complete duplicates.

{(%d)/(%d) HP (%d)/(%d) MA (%d)/(%d) PA}
this is the trigger pattern to match on %d will match any number (%d) will match and save numbers

{#ST {%trigger};#GAG} "" {prompt|nocr}
these are the commands to run when it sees the pattern
#ST {%trigger} takes the whole line that fired the trigger and moves it to the Status bar
#GAG of course gags the line

this is where the class name goes (I do believe) a value of "" uses either the current default class or the root class //not sure which

this sets the options for the trigger
prompt= fire this on a prompt line (no linebreak as in most "prompts")
nocr=don't fire this when it contains a linebreak (prevents dbl firing with prompt option set)

Zmud triggers in a nutshell :p Goo night
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Joined: 10 Oct 2000
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 09, 2005 8:26 am   
This is how I'd think it through.

If I'm trying to create a trigger for:
100/100 HP 100/100 MP 100/100 AP

I'd open the settings editor and create a new trigger.
Then I'd copy and past the line I want to trigger on into the text box labeled pattern

Next I'd anchor the pattern either with a ^ at the beginning or a $ at the end, or both.
^100/100 HP 100/100 MP 100/100 AP$

Since the $ character represents a newline and most MUDs accept commands on the same line as the prompt and I'm triggering on the prompt, I'll only use the ^ at the beginning.

Then I'd realize that the number portions of the line are likely to change and I might want to assign them to Variables. zMUD's triggers automatically create internal variables, I just need to check on the syntax for trigger wildcards and how to access variables in the help file.

I could use the * character (a trigger-matching wildcard character); it will match most anything. Using just a * however, will only match the pattern, I won't be able to access the value unless I surround it with parenthesis. ( )

Since I'm only wanting to match whole numbers though, I'd rather use a more specific trigger-matching wildcard. %d is a perfect choice. If I want to use the value of the whole number somewhere else though, I'll again have to surround it with parenthesis. (%d)

Okay, being careful to preserve the spacing of my trigger pattern, I'll highlight only the parts that may change or that I want to use somewhere else (whole numbers), and type in (replace them with) the appropriate trigger-matching wildcard.

^(%d)/(%d) HP (%d)/(%d) MP (%d)/(%d) AP

Okay, that should work for matching my prompt.

Now, what do I want to do when I receive a prompt from the mud?

I want to gag it, so in the value portion of the setting editor I'm going to put #GAG.

If I want assign the first number to a variable named current_hp,
I'll put #VAR current_hp %1 above the #GAG, so in the text box labeled value I now have:

#VAR current_hp %1

%1 in this case is an internal trigger variable that was created and assigned when zMUD saw the first (%d).

%2 would be assigned to whatever the second wildcard enclosed in parenthesis matches. At this point I might have this in the value portion of my trigger:

#VAR current _hp %1
#VAR max _hp %2
#VAR current _mp %3
#VAR max _mp %4
#VAR current _ap %5
#VAR max _ap %6

The #VAR commands will create/or reassign the values of the variables which can be accessed outside of this trigger.

Now, I want to put those variables into my status line.

#ST {HP: @current_hp ~/ @max_hp MP: @current_mp ~/ @max_mp AP: @current_ap ~/ @max_ap}

Or, if I just want to send whatever I matched to the status line, I could use the %trigger function:

#ST {%trigger}

In the trigger value, The Simple Way would look something like this...

#ST {%trigger}

or The Harder but more flexible WAY would look something like this...

#VAR current _hp %1
#VAR max _hp %2
#VAR current _mp %3
#VAR max _mp %4
#VAR current _ap %5
#VAR max _ap %6
#ST {HP: @current_hp ~/ @max_hp MP: @current_mp ~/ @max_mp AP: @current_ap ~/ @max_ap}

Okay, I'm tired of this now. Hope this helps you understand a bit more.
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Joined: 09 Feb 2005
Posts: 4

PostPosted: Wed Feb 09, 2005 10:24 pm   
Thanks, that actually helped me Wink
One more thing tho - how to format status bar text? I want to make it bold/italic and maybe add a bit of colour. Is it possible?
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Joined: 23 Dec 2000
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 09, 2005 10:37 pm   
Yes, very possible but you have to do it the long way with the 6 variables rather than the version using %trigger (unless you want to apply one format/color to the entire line). What you do is to use %ansi() in front of every piece of information you want to format. %ansi() will keep going until it hits another color/ansi-related code, so when you want to stop coloring/formatting use %ansi(default) to revert back to normal format and coloration:

#STATUS {HP: %ansi(green,bold)@current_hp ~/ @max_hp%ansi(default) MP: %ansi(blue,italic)@current_mp ~/ @max_mp%ansi(default) AP: %ansi(yellow)@current_ap ~/ @max_ap%ansi(default)}
EDIT: I didn't like my old signature
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