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Robert Lapointe

Joined: 24 Nov 2004
Posts: 1

PostPosted: Wed Nov 24, 2004 2:40 pm   

Map Link Editing (Gurus?)
The Problem:
I have already mapped the my mud successfully. That part works great. In this mud there are water rooms that you need to swim to move through. In the past I was using a script to traverse these rivers and lakes because of the size of the mud. Adding that many "other" exit types just wasn't timely (We are talking thousands of rooms at 8 exits a room). The script had a few problems and I would like to clean up the entire process. I need a way to convert the pre-existing directional(n s e w ...) exit links to remapped directional links.

The Algorithm:
Given a room. Loop through its exits and determine the conditions on the exit and perform work on those exits. There are 4 basic links a room can have.

A one-way exit leading out of the room:
I need to leave that exit alone and add another two-way remapped exit in the same direction in the form <swim dir> to <swim revdir>

from this A->B to both A->B and A*-*B

A normal two-way exit:
I need this exit directions remmapped to the form <swim dir> to <swim revdir>

from this A-B to A*-*B

A one-way exit coming into the room:
These exits can be ignored.

An "other" link coming into the room:
These exits can be ignored.

Other Information:
By Remapped exits I mean "Other" exits that are mapped to the cardinal directions. Pressing 6 on the keyboard would result in the mapper converting 'e' to 'swim e'

I do not need this to loop through the map. It just needs to be given a %roomnum() and perform the necessary calculations.

I do not know if this can be done with pure zMud script. I have tried and can't seem to get it. I am thinking COM or a plugin may be the way to go. But I don't have the experience with those to get it done.

Thank you in advance.
-Robert Lapointe

As an added incentive, if the solution is truly elegant I will purchase the scripter another zMud license or make a donation of equal amount to Zugg Software in his name.
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