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Joined: 10 Oct 2000
Posts: 698

PostPosted: Wed Sep 01, 2004 11:42 pm   

Genesis - Blacksmith Console
I've never posted a script here before, so if it's not exactly right let me know.

#ALIAS set_forge {#T+ Smiths;cold=true;:SMITHS:#IF (@Auto_Pump_Status = "OFF") {#BUTTON AutoPump_Button};Auto_pump=true;:SMITHS:#IF (@Auto_Forge_Status = "OFF") {#BUTTON AutoForge_Button};Auto_forge=true;:SMITHS:#IF (@Practice_Status = "NO") {#BUTTON Prac};practice=true;Auto_blackening=false;:SMITHS:#IF (@Auto_Blackening_Status != "OFF" ) {#BUTTON Blacken_Button};Auto_edging=false;:SMITHS:Auto_Edging_Status="OFF";:SMITHS:#CALL %btncol( Edge_Button,6,7);Auto_plating=false;:SMITHS:Auto_Plating_Status="OFF";:SMITHS:#CALL %btncol( Plate_Button,6,7);Auto_marking=false;:SMITHS:#IF (@Auto_Marking_Status != "OFF" ) {#BUTTON Mark_Button}}

#CLASS {Smiths} {disable}
#ALIAS queue_item {#IF (@Forging = "true") {#IF (@Forge_List="") {Forge_List=%additem( @Forge_Item, @Forge_List);Forge_List=%push( %-1, @Forge_List)} {Forge_List=%push( %-1, @Forge_List)}} {Forge_List=%additem( %-1, @Forge_List)};:SMITHS:#VARIABLE Next_Item %item( @Forge_list, 1);:SMITHS:#VARIABLE Last_Item %item( @Forge_list, %numitems( @Forge_list))}
#ALIAS do_get {#VARIABLE shortName %if( (%numwords( @Forge_Item) = 2), %word( @Forge_Item, 2), @Forge_Item);#IF ((@Materials_Container = "DROP") OR (@Materials_Container = "")) {#CASE %db( @Item_List, @shortName) {~!get bar} {~!get bar;~!get leather} {~!get bar;~!get leather;~!get wooden pole} {~!get bar;~!get wooden pole} {~!get bar;~!get leather}} {#IF (@Materials_Container = "NONE") {} {#CASE %db( @Item_List, @shortName) {~!open @Materials_Container;~!get bar from @Materials_Container;~!close @Materials_Container} {~!open @Materials_Container;~!get bar from @Materials_Container;~!get leather from @Materials_Container;~!close @Materials_Container} {~!open @Materials_Container;~!get bar from @Materials_Container;~!get leather from @Materials_Container;~!get wooden pole from @Materials_Container;~!close @Materials_Container} {~!open @Materials_Container;~!get bar from @Materials_Container;~!get wooden pole from @Materials_Container;~!close @Materials_Container} {~!open @Materials_Container;~!get bar from @Materials_Container;~!get leather from @Materials_Container;~!close @Materials_Container}}}}
#ALIAS do_drop {#VARIABLE shortName %if( (%numwords( @Forge_Item) = 2), %word( @Forge_Item, 2), @Forge_Item);#IF ((@Materials_Container = "DROP") OR (@Materials_Container = "")) {#CASE %db( @Item_List, @shortName) {~!drop bar} {~!drop bar;~!drop leather} {~!drop bar;~!drop leather;~!drop wooden pole} {~!drop bar;~!drop wooden pole} {~!drop bar;~!drop leather}} {#IF (@Materials_Container = "NONE") {} {#CASE %db( @Item_List, @shortName) {~!open @Materials_Container;~!put bar in @Materials_Container;~!close @Materials_Container} {~!open @Materials_Container;~!put bar in @Materials_Container;~!put leather in @Materials_Container;~!close @Materials_Container} {~!open @Materials_Container;~!put bar in @Materials_Container;~!put leather in @Materials_Container;~!put wooden pole in @Materials_Container;~!close @Materials_Container} {~!open @Materials_Container;~!put bar in @Materials_Container;~!put wooden pole in @Materials_Container;~!close @Materials_Container} {~!open @Materials_Container;~!put bar in @Materials_Container;~!put leather in @Materials_Container;~!close @Materials_Container}}}}
#ALIAS do_forge {#IF (@Forge_List = "") {#ADDITEM Forge_List {@Forge_Item}};#VARIABLE Forge_Item %pop( Forge_List);:SMITHS:#VARIABLE This_Item {@Forge_Item};#IF (@Forge_List != "") {:SMITHS:#VARIABLE Next_Item %item( @Forge_list, 1)} {:SMITHS:#VARIABLE Next_Item {@Forge_Item}};:SMITHS:#VARIABLE Last_Item %item( @Forge_list, %numitems( @Forge_list));do_get;#IF (@cold = "true") {~!smpump bellow;cold=false};~!forge @Forge_Item;Forging="true"}
#ALIAS do_finish {#IF (@Auto_marking = "true") {~!smmark %1};#IF ((@Auto_edging != "false") AND (%iskey( @Item_List, %1)) AND (%db( @Item_List, %1) = 5)) {~!smedge %1 with <@Auto_edging>} {#IF ((@Auto_plating != "false") AND (%iskey( @Item_List, %1)) AND (%db( @Item_List, %1) = 5)) {~!smplate %1 with <@Auto_plating>} {#IF ((@Auto_blackening = "true") AND (%iskey( @Item_List, %1))) {~!smblacken %1;#T+ Blacken_Trig_1;#T+ Blacken_Trig_2} {#IF ((@Auto_edging != "false") AND (%iskey( @Item_List, %1))) {~!smedge %1 with <@Auto_edging>} {#IF ((@Auto_plating != "false") AND (%iskey( @Item_List, %1))) {~!smplate %1 with <@Auto_plating>} {do_store %1}}}}}}
#ALIAS do_store {#IF ((@Forge_Container = "DROP") OR (@Forge_Container = "")) {~!drop %1} {#IF (@Forge_Container = "NONE") {} {~!open @Forge_Container;~!put %1 in @Forge_Container;~!close @Forge_Container}}}
#VAR Forge_List {} {}
#VAR Forge_Item {} {}
#VAR shortName {greaves} {}
#VAR Auto_forge {true} {true}
#VAR Auto_pump {true} {true}
#VAR Materials_Container {DROP} {DROP}
#VAR Forge_Container {DROP} {DROP}
#VAR practice {true} {true}
#VAR Forging {false} {false}
#VAR cold {false} {false}
#VAR Auto_marking {false} {false}
#VAR Auto_plating {false} {false}
#VAR Auto_edging {false} {false}
#VAR Auto_blackening {false}
#VAR Item_List {stiletto1quarterstaff1longsword2shortsword2dirk2knife2sword2claymore2waraxe2halberd3club3warhammer3axe4helm5breastplate5chainmail5ringmail5platemail5boots5bracers5greaves5}
#TRIGGER "Blacken_Trig_1" {You remove your (%w) from the {furnace|forge}.$} {do_store %1;#T- Blacken_Trig_1} "" {disable}
#TRIGGER "Blacken_Trig_2" {You remove your %w (%w) from the {furnace|forge}.$} {do_store %1;#T- Blacken_Trig_2} "" {disable}
#TRIGGER {You do not have the proper materials to forge a (*).$} {Forging = false;:SMITHS:#VARIABLE This_Item "";#DELITEM Forge_List <%-1>;:SMITHS:#VARIABLE Next_Item %item( @Forge_list, 1);:SMITHS:#VARIABLE Last_Item %item( @Forge_list, %numitems( @Forge_list));#IF ((@Auto_forge = "true") AND (@Forge_List != "")) {do_forge} {~!drop tools}}
#TRIGGER {You feel too tired to forge anything right now.$} {queue_item @Forge_Item;Forging=false;:SMITHS:#VARIABLE This_Item "";:SMITHS:#VARIABLE Next_Item "";:SMITHS:#VARIABLE Last_Item "";~!drink water from large barrel;do_drop;~!drop tools}
#TRIGGER {You cannot start forging a new object while forging!$} {do_drop}
#TRIGGER {^You have finished forging the (%w).$} {Forging=false;:SMITHS:#VARIABLE This_Item "";~!sminspect %1;#IF ((@Auto_blackening = "true") OR (@Auto_plating != "false") OR (@Auto_edging != "false") OR (@Auto_marking = "true")) {do_finish <%1>} {do_store %1};#IF (@Auto_forge = "true") {do_forge} {~!drop tools}}
#TRIGGER {^You have finished forging the %w (%w).$} {Forging=false;:SMITHS:#VARIABLE This_Item "";~!sminspect %1;#IF ((@Auto_blackening = "true") OR (@Auto_plating != "false") OR (@Auto_edging != "false") OR (@Auto_marking = "true")) {do_finish <%1>} {do_store %1};#IF (@Auto_forge = "true") {do_forge} {~!drop tools}}
#TRIGGER {^You ruin what you were forging.$} {Forging=false;:SMITHS:#VARIABLE This_Item "";:SMITHS:#VARIABLE Next_Item "";:SMITHS:#VARIABLE Last_Item "";:SMITHS:#VARIABLE aforge 0}
#TRIGGER {^You seem to have ruined the item you were working on! You probably just need more practice at it.$} {~!smmelt @Forge_Item;~!drop bar;queue_item @Forge_Item;Forging=false;:SMITHS:#VARIABLE This_Item "";:SMITHS:#VARIABLE Next_Item "";:SMITHS:#VARIABLE Last_Item "";#IF (@Auto_forge = "true") {do_forge} {~!drop tools}}
#TRIGGER {You can forge no such thing.$} {Forging = false;queue_item @Forge_Item;:SMITHS:#VARIABLE This_Item "";#VARIABLE shortName %if( (%numwords( @Forge_Item) = 2), %word( @Forge_Item, 2), @Forge_Item);#IF ((@Materials_Container = "DROP") OR (@Materials_Container = "")) {#CASE %db( @Item_List, @shortName) {~!drop bar} {~!drop bar;~!drop leather} {~!drop bar;~!drop leather;~!drop wooden pole} {~!drop bar;~!drop wooden pole} {~!drop bar;~!drop leather}} {#IF (@Materials_Container = "NONE") {} {#CASE %db( @Item_List, @shortName) {~!open @Materials_Container;~!put bar in @Materials_Container;~!close @Materials_Container} {~!open @Materials_Container;~!put bar in @Materials_Container;~!put leather in @Materials_Container;~!close @Materials_Container} {~!open @Materials_Container;~!put bar in @Materials_Container;~!put leather in @Materials_Container;~!put wooden pole in @Materials_Container;~!close @Materials_Container} {~!open @Materials_Container;~!put bar in @Materials_Container;~!put wooden pole in @Materials_Container;~!close @Materials_Container} {~!open @Materials_Container;~!put bar in @Materials_Container;~!put leather in @Materials_Container;~!close @Materials_Container}}};~!drop tools}
#TRIGGER {You need to be holding the tools before you can forge.$} {queue_item @Forge_Item;Forging=false;:SMITHS:#VARIABLE This_Item "";:SMITHS:#VARIABLE Next_Item "";:SMITHS:#VARIABLE Last_Item "";do_forge}
#TRIGGER {You have no (%w) with you to use.$} {#IF (@Auto_edging = %1) {Auto_edging=false;:SMITHS:Auto_Edging_Status="OFF";:SMITHS:#CALL %btncol( Edge_Button,6,7)} {Auto_plating=false;:SMITHS:Auto_Plating_Status="OFF";:SMITHS:#CALL %btncol( Plate_Button,6,7)}}
#TRIGGER {You feel you will need more (%w) to do the job.$} {#IF (@Auto_edging = %1) {Auto_edging=false;:SMITHS:Auto_Edging_Status="OFF";:SMITHS:#CALL %btncol( Edge_Button,6,7)} {Auto_plating=false;:SMITHS:Auto_Plating_Status="OFF";:SMITHS:#CALL %btncol( Plate_Button,6,7)}}
#TRIGGER {^The forge's heat subsides a little.$} {cold=true;#IF ((@Forging = "true") AND (@Auto_pump = "true")) {~!smpump bellow;cold=false}}

#CLASS {Smiths|Saves}
#ALIAS getnosave {Count_Item=%-1;#IF (%ends( @Count_Item, "s")) {~!count @{Count_Item}es} {~!count @{Count_Item}s};#T+ Sort_save}
#ALIAS stopgetting {#T- Sort_Saves1;#T- Sort_Saves2;close @cont}
#VAR Count_Item {bracers} {}
#VAR check_num {} {}
#TRIGGER "Sort_save" {^You count (*) {@Count_Item}{e|}s.$} {check_num=%ismember( %1, @cardnums);#IF (@check_num < 100) {} {check_num=99};~!appraise %item( @ordnums, @check_num) @Count_Item;~!open @Forge_Container;#T+ Sort_Saves1;#T+ Sort_Saves2;#T- Sort_save} "" {disable}
#TRIGGER "Sort_Saves2" {^You appraise that the weight is %d grams and you guess its volume is about %d milliliters. You estimate its worth to %d cc. This object seems to be able to last a while.$} {#ADD check_num -1;#IF (@check_num < "1") {~!close @Forge_Container;#T- Sort_Saves1;#T- Sort_Saves2} {#ALARM +1 {~!appraise %item( @ordnums, @check_num) @Count_Item}}} "" {disable}
#TRIGGER "Sort_Saves1" {^You appraise that the weight is %d grams and you guess its volume is about %d milliliters. You estimate its worth to %d cc.$} {~!get %item( @ordnums, @check_num) @Count_Item;~!put @Count_Item in @Forge_Container;#ADD check_num -1;#IF (@check_num < "1") {~!close @Forge_Container;#T- Sort_Saves1;#T- Sort_Saves2} {#ALARM +1 {~!appraise %item( @ordnums, @check_num) @Count_Item}}} "" {disable}
#TRIGGER {You would get (%d) gold, (%d) silver and %d copper coins for the *.$} {#IF ('%1' > '2' AND '%2' > '46') {#COLOR RED} {#COLOR WHITE}}
#VARIABLE cardnums {one|two|three|four|five|six|seven|eight|nine|ten|eleven|twelve|thirteen|fourteen|fifteen|sixteen|seventeen|eighteen|nineteen|twenty|twenty-one|twenty-two|twenty-three|twenty-four|twenty-five|twenty-six|twenty-seven|twenty-eight|twenty-nine|thirty|thirty-one|thirty-two|thirty-three|thirty-four|thirty-five|thirty-six|thirty-seven|thirty-eight|thirty-nine|forty|forty-one|forty-two|forty-three|forty-four|forty-five|forty-six|forty-seven|forty-eight|forty-nine|fifty|fifty-one|fifty-two|fifty-three|fifty-four|fifty-five|fifty-six|fifty-seven|fifty-eight|fifty-nine|sixty|sixty-one|sixty-two|sixty-three|sixty-four|sixty-five|sixty-six|sixty-seven|sixty-eight|sixty-nine|seventy|seventy-one|seventy-two|seventy-three|seventy-four|seventy-five|seventy-six|seventy-seven|seventy-eight|seventy-nine|eighty|eighty-one|eighty-two|eighty-three|eighty-four|eighty-five|eighty-six|eighty-seven|eighty-eight|eighty-nine|ninety|ninety-one|ninety-two|ninety-three|ninety-four|ninety-five|ninety-six|ninety-seven|ninety-eight|ninety-nine|one hundred|one hundred one|one hundred two|one hundred three|one hundred four|one hundred five|one hundred six|one hundred seven|one hundred eight|one hundred nine|one hundred ten|one hundred eleven|one hundred twelve|one hundred thirteen|one hundred fourteen|one hundred fifteen|one hundred sixteen|one hundred seventeen|one hundred eighteen|one hundred ninteen|one hundred twenty}
#VARIABLE ordnums {first|second|third|fourth|fifth|sixth|seventh|eighth|ninth|tenth|eleventh|twelfth|thirteenth|fourteenth|fifteenth|sixteenth|seventeenth|eighteenth|nineteenth|twentieth|twentyfirst|twentysecond|twentythird|twentyfourth|twentyfifth|twentysixth|twentyseventh|twentyeighth|twentyninth|thirtieth|thirtyfirst|thirtysecond|thirtythird|thirtyfourth|thirtyfifth|thirtysixth|thirtyseventh|thirtyeighth|thirtyninth|fortieth|fortyfirst|fortysecond|fortythird|fortyfourth|fortyfifth|fortysixth|fortyseventh|fortyeighth|fortyninth|fiftieth|fiftyfirst|fiftysecond|fiftythird|fiftyfourth|fiftyfifth|fiftysixth|fiftyseventh|fiftyeighth|fiftyninth|sixtieth|sixtyfirst|sixtysecond|sixtythird|sixtyfourth|sixtyfifth|sixtysixth|sixtyseventh|sixtyeighth|sixtyninth|seventieth|seventyfirst|seventysecond|seventythird|seventyfourth|seventyfifth|seventysixth|seventyseventh|seventyeighth|seventyninth|eightieth|eightyfirst|eightysecond|eightythird|eightyfourth|eightyfifth|eightysixth|eightyseventh|eightyeighth|eightyninth|ninetieth|ninetyfirst|ninetysecond|ninetythird|ninetyfourth|ninetyfifth|ninetysixth|ninetyseventh|ninetyeighth|ninetyninth|one hundredth}


:SMITHS:#CLASS {General}
:SMITHS:#BUTTON 1 {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {541} {15} {Pos} {0} {5} {14} {} {Separ} {} "" {} {} {}
:SMITHS:#BUTTON 2 {FORGE : @Next_Item} {GEN:~!get tools;GEN:do_forge} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {200} {39} {Pos} {16} {6} {79} {} {} {} "" {} {} {}
:SMITHS:#BUTTON 3 {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {10} {39} {Pos} {15} {205} {14} {} {Separ} {} "" {} {} {}
:SMITHS:#BUTTON 4 {Auto Forge : @Auto_Forge_Status} {#IF (@aforge = "true") {aforge=false;Auto_Forge_Status="OFF";#CALL %btncol( AutoForge_Button,4,7);GEN:Auto_forge=false} {aforge=true;Auto_Forge_Status="ON";#CALL %btncol( AutoForge_Button,4,15);GEN:Auto_forge=true}} {Auto forge OFF} {GEN:Auto_forge=true} {} {} {} {Size} {115} {40} {Pos} {16} {216} {79} {1} {} {} "" {} {} {AutoForge_Button}
:SMITHS:#BUTTON 5 {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {10} {39} {Pos} {15} {330} {8} {} {Separ} {} "" {} {} {}
:SMITHS:#BUTTON 6 {Auto Pump : @Auto_Pump_Status} {#IF (@apump = "true") {apump=false;Auto_Pump_Status="OFF";#CALL %btncol( AutoPump_Button,4,7);GEN:Auto_pump=false} {apump=true;Auto_Pump_Status="ON";#CALL %btncol( AutoPump_Button,4,15);GEN:Auto_pump=true;GEN:~!smpump bellow}} {Air OFF} {GEN:Auto_pump=true} {} {} {} {Size} {115} {39} {Pos} {16} {341} {79} {4} {} {} "" {} {} {AutoPump_Button}
:SMITHS:#BUTTON 7 {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {11} {39} {Pos} {15} {455} {8} {} {Separ} {} "" {} {} {}
:SMITHS:#BUTTON 8 {Clear Queue} {Next_Item="";Last_Item="";GEN:Forge_List=""} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {80} {40} {Pos} {16} {467} {79} {} {} {} "" {} {} {}
:SMITHS:#BUTTON 9 {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {541} {10} {Pos} {54} {5} {14} {} {Separ} {} "" {} {} {}
:SMITHS:#BUTTON 10 {.} {} {} {} {} {1} {} {Size} {553} {6} {Pos} {65} {1} {127} {7} {} {} "" {} {} {}
:SMITHS:#BUTTON 11 {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {541} {10} {Pos} {70} {5} {24} {} {Separ} {} "" {Stack} {} {}
:SMITHS:#BUTTON 12 {ARMOURS} {#T- Armours} {ARMOURS} {#T+ Armours} {} {1} {} {Size} {264} {17} {Pos} {81} {6} {49} {7} {} {} "" {} {} {}
:SMITHS:#BUTTON 13 {.} {} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {5} {249} {Pos} {67} {275} {127} {7} {} {} "" {} {} {}
:SMITHS:#BUTTON 15 {WEAPONS} {#T- Weapons} {} {#T+ Weapons} {} {1} {} {Size} {262} {17} {Pos} {81} {285} {49} {7} {} {} "" {} {} {}
:SMITHS:#BUTTON 16 {.} {#T- Treatments} {} {#T+ Treatments} {} {1} {} {Size} {553} {6} {Pos} {313} {1} {127} {7} {} {} "" {} {} {}
:SMITHS:#BUTTON 17 {.} {#T- Status} {} {#T+ Status} {} {1} {} {Size} {553} {6} {Pos} {362} {1} {127} {8} {} {} "" {} {} {}
:SMITHS:#BUTTON 26 {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {5} {233} {Pos} {80} {269} {24} {} {Separ} {} "" {} {} {}
:SMITHS:#BUTTON 37 {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {5} {470} {Pos} {0} {0} {23} {} {Separ} {} "" {Stack} {} {}
:SMITHS:#BUTTON 38 {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {264} {10} {Pos} {302} {5} {23} {} {Separ} {} "" {} {} {}
:SMITHS:#BUTTON 57 {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {5} {233} {Pos} {80} {279} {23} {} {Separ} {} "" {} {} {}
:SMITHS:#BUTTON 58 {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {7} {470} {Pos} {0} {546} {23} {} {Separ} {} "" {Stack} {} {}
:SMITHS:#BUTTON 59 {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {262} {10} {Pos} {302} {284} {23} {} {Separ} {} "" {} {} {}
:SMITHS:#BUTTON 60 {.} {#T- Miscellaneous} {} {#T+ Miscellaneous} {} {1} {} {Size} {553} {6} {Pos} {403} {1} {120} {16} {} {} "" {} {} {}
:SMITHS:#BUTTON 61 {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {541} {52} {Pos} {408} {5} {16} {} {Separ} {} "" {Stack} {} {}
:SMITHS:#BUTTON 62 {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {541} {10} {Pos} {460} {5} {8} {} {Separ} {} "" {} {} {}

:SMITHS:#CLASS {General|General Variables}
:SMITHS:#VAR This_Item {} {}
:SMITHS:#VAR Next_Item {} {}
:SMITHS:#VAR Last_Item {} {}
:SMITHS:#VAR aforge {true} {true}
:SMITHS:#VAR apump {true} {true}
:SMITHS:#VAR Auto_Forge_Status {ON} {ON}
:SMITHS:#VAR Auto_Pump_Status {ON} {ON}
:SMITHS:#TRIGGER ({@This_Item}) {#IF (@This_Item = "") {#CALL %btncol(Currently_Button,0,8)} {#CALL %btncol(Currently_Button,0,15)}} "" {prompt}

:SMITHS:#CLASS {Treatments}
:SMITHS:#BUTTON 77 {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {541} {10} {Pos} {317} {5} {72} {} {Separ} {} "" {} {} {}
:SMITHS:#BUTTON 78 {BLACKENING : @Auto_Blackening_Status} {#IF (@Auto_Blackening_Status = "ON") {Auto_Blackening_Status="OFF";#CALL %btncol( Blacken_Button,6,7);GEN:Auto_blackening=false} {Auto_Blackening_Status="ON";#CALL %btncol( Blacken_Button,6,15);GEN:Auto_blackening=true}} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {115} {24} {Pos} {328} {6} {103} {} {} {} "" {} {} {Blacken_Button}
:SMITHS:#BUTTON 79 {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {6} {24} {Pos} {327} {120} {72} {} {Separ} {} "" {} {} {}
:SMITHS:#BUTTON 80 {EDGING : @Auto_Edging_Status} {} {EDGING : OFF|EDGING : COPPER|EDGING : SILVER|EDGING : GOLD|EDGING : PLATINUM} {Auto_Edging_Status=OFF;#CALL %btncol( Edge_Button,6,7);GEN:Auto_edging=false|Auto_Edging_Status=COPPER;#CALL %btncol( Edge_Button,6,15);GEN:Auto_edging=copper|Auto_Edging_Status=SILVER;#CALL %btncol( Edge_Button,6,15);GEN:Auto_edging=silver|Auto_Edging_Status=GOLD;#CALL %btncol( Edge_Button,6,15);GEN:Auto_edging=gold|Auto_Edging_Status=PLATINUM;#CALL %btncol( Edge_Button,6,15);GEN:Auto_edging=platinum} {} {} {} {Size} {147} {24} {Pos} {328} {127} {103} {0|0|0|0|0} {} {} "" {} {} {Edge_Button}
:SMITHS:#BUTTON 81 {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {5} {24} {Pos} {327} {273} {72} {} {Separ} {} "" {} {} {}
:SMITHS:#BUTTON 82 {PLATING : @Auto_Plating_Status} {} {PLATING : OFF|PLATING : COPPER|PLATING : SILVER|PLATING : GOLD|PLATING : PLATINUM} {Auto_Plating_Status=OFF;#CALL %btncol( Plate_Button,6,7);GEN:Auto_plating=false|Auto_Plating_Status=COPPER;#CALL %btncol( Plate_Button,6,15);GEN:Auto_plating=copper|Auto_Plating_Status=SILVER;#CALL %btncol( Plate_Button,6,15);GEN:Auto_plating=silver|Auto_Plating_Status=GOLD;#CALL %btncol( Plate_Button,6,15);GEN:Auto_plating=gold|Auto_Plating_Status=PLATINUM;#CALL %btncol( Plate_Button,6,15);GEN:Auto_plating=platinum} {} {} {} {Size} {147} {24} {Pos} {328} {279} {103} {0|0|0|0|0} {} {} "" {Right} {} {Plate_Button}
:SMITHS:#BUTTON 83 {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {6} {24} {Pos} {327} {425} {72} {} {Separ} {} "" {} {} {}
:SMITHS:#BUTTON 84 {MARKING : @Auto_Marking_Status} {#IF (@Auto_Marking_Status = "ON") {Auto_Marking_Status="OFF";#CALL %btncol( Mark_Button,6,7);GEN:Auto_marking=false} {Auto_Marking_Status="ON";#CALL %btncol( Mark_Button,6,15);GEN:Auto_marking=true}} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {115} {24} {Pos} {328} {432} {103} {} {} {} "" {} {} {Mark_Button}
:SMITHS:#BUTTON 85 {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {541} {10} {Pos} {351} {5} {72} {} {Separ} {} "" {} {} {}

:SMITHS:#CLASS {Treatments|Treatments Variables}
:SMITHS:#VAR Auto_Blackening_Status {OFF} {OFF}
:SMITHS:#VAR Auto_Plating_Status {OFF} {OFF}
:SMITHS:#VAR Auto_Edging_Status {OFF} {OFF}
:SMITHS:#VAR Auto_Marking_Status {OFF} {OFF}
:SMITHS:#VAR Plate_Control {0} {0}
:SMITHS:#VAR Edge_Control {0} {0}
:SMITHS:#VAR Blacken_Control {0} {0}
:SMITHS:#VAR Mark_Control {0} {0}

:SMITHS:#CLASS {Miscellaneous}
:SMITHS:#BUTTON 69 {DRINK} {GEN:~!drink from large barrel} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {50} {30} {Pos} {420} {11} {87} {} {} {} "" {} {} {}
:SMITHS:#BUTTON 70 {SMITHS} {GEN:~!smlist;GEN:~!smcheck} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {66} {30} {Pos} {420} {67} {87} {} {} {} "" {} {} {}
:SMITHS:#BUTTON 71 {@Start_Container} {} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {105} {22} {Pos} {423} {138} {27} {} {Separ} {} "" {} {} {}
:SMITHS:#BUTTON 72 {@Start_Container} {Containers_Menu} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {105} {22} {Pos} {423} {138} {59} {} {Menu} {} "" {} {} {BContainer}
:SMITHS:#BUTTON 73 {--> PRODUCT -->} {#CASE @dummyToggle {#ADD dummyToggle 1;#T- BContainer;#T+ EContainer} {#ADD dummyToggle 1;#T- BContainer;#T- EContainer} {#VARIABLE dummyToggle 1;#T+ BContainer;#T- EContainer}} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {87} {22} {Pos} {423} {243} {26} {} {} {} "" {Explore} {} {}
:SMITHS:#BUTTON 74 {@Current_Container} {} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {105} {22} {Pos} {423} {329} {27} {} {Separ} {} "" {} {} {}
:SMITHS:#BUTTON 75 {@Current_Container} {Containers_Menu} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {105} {24} {Pos} {423} {329} {59} {} {Menu} {} "" {} {} {EContainer}
:SMITHS:#BUTTON 76 {Practice : @Practice_Status} {#IF (@Practice_Status = "YES") {Practice_Status="NO";#CALL %btncol( Prac,5,7)} {Practice_Status="YES";Start_Container="FLOOR";Current_Container="FLOOR";#CALL %btncol( Prac,5,15);GEN:Materials_Container="DROP";GEN:Forge_Container="DROP"}} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {102} {30} {Pos} {420} {439} {95} {} {} {} "" {} {} {Prac}

:SMITHS:#CLASS {Miscellaneous|Misc Variables}
:SMITHS:#ALIAS create_new_menu_item {#PROMPT New_Container "What container do you want to add?";#WHILE (@New_Container = "") {};#IF (@New_Container != "") {#VAR New_Container %concat( "#MENU", " ", ~{, ~", @New_Container, ~", ~}, " ", ~{, "Practice_Status=", ~", "NO", ~", ~;, "#IF", " ", ~(, ~", ~@, "dummyToggle", ~", " = 1", ~), " {Start_Container=", ~", @New_Container, ~", ~;, "GEN:Materials_Container=", ~", @New_Container, ~", ~}, " ", ~{, "#IF", " ", ~(, ~", ~@, "dummyToggle", ~", " = 2", ~), " ", ~{, "Current_Container=", ~", @New_Container, ~", ~;, "GEN:Forge_Container=", ~", @New_Container, ~", ~}, " ", ~{, ~}, ~}, ~}, " ", ~", "Containers_Menu", ~", " ", ~", ~");#EXEC @New_Container;#VAR New_Container "";GEN:} {#VAR New_Container ""}}
:SMITHS:#VAR BContainer {0} {0}
:SMITHS:#VAR EContainer {0} {0}
:SMITHS:#VAR dummyToggle {1} {1}
:SMITHS:#VAR Practice_Status {YES} {YES}
:SMITHS:#VAR Start_Container {FLOOR} {FLOOR}
:SMITHS:#VAR New_Container {} {}
:SMITHS:#VAR Current_Container {FLOOR} {FLOOR}
:SMITHS:#VAR dummyVar {} {}

:SMITHS:#CLASS {Miscellaneous|Containers_Menu} {menu}
:SMITHS:#MENU {"HOLD"} {Practice_Status="NO";#IF (@dummyToggle = 1) {Start_Container=Hold;GEN:Materials_Container="NONE"} {#IF (@dummyToggle = 2) {Current_Container=HOLD;GEN:Forge_Container="NONE"} {}}} ""
:SMITHS:#MENU {"FLOOR"} {#IF (@dummyToggle = 1) {Start_Container=FLOOR;GEN:Materials_Container="DROP"} {#IF (@dummyToggle = 2) {Current_Container=FLOOR;GEN:Forge_Container="DROP"} {}}} ""
:SMITHS:#MENU {"ADD NEW CONTAINER"} {create_new_menu_item} ""
:SMITHS:#MENU {-} {} ""
:SMITHS:#MENU {black backpack} {Practice_Status=NO;#IF (@dummyToggle = 1) {Start_Container=black backpack;GEN:Materials_Container=black backpack} {#IF (@dummyToggle = 2) {Current_Container=black backpack;GEN:Forge_Container=black backpack} {}}} ""
:SMITHS:#MENU {pouch-belt} {Practice_Status=NO;#IF (@dummyToggle = 1) {Start_Container=pouch-belt;GEN:Materials_Container=pouch-belt} {#IF (@dummyToggle = 2) {Current_Container=pouch-belt;GEN:Forge_Container=pouch-belt} {}}} ""
:SMITHS:#MENU {saddlebag} {Practice_Status=NO;#IF (@dummyToggle = 1) {Start_Container=saddlebag;GEN:Materials_Container=saddlebag} {#IF (@dummyToggle = 2) {Current_Container=saddlebag;GEN:Forge_Container=saddlebag} {}}} ""

:SMITHS:#CLASS {Armours}
:SMITHS:#BUTTON 14 {HEAD} {} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {264} {20} {Pos} {97} {5} {23} {} {Separ} {} "" {} {} {}
:SMITHS:#BUTTON 18 {Helm} {GEN:queue_item helm} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {87} {25} {Pos} {118} {6} {62} {} {} {} "" {} {The iron helm is made to be worn on the head.} {}
:SMITHS:#BUTTON 19 {Great Helm} {GEN:queue_item great helm} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {90} {25} {Pos} {118} {93} {59} {} {} {} "" {} {The great helm is made to be worn on the head.} {}
:SMITHS:#BUTTON 20 {Plate Helm} {GEN:queue_item plate helm} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {87} {25} {Pos} {118} {183} {62} {} {} {} "" {} {The plate helm is made to be worn on the head.} {}
:SMITHS:#BUTTON 21 {BODY ARMOUR / FEET} {} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {272} {20} {Pos} {142} {1} {23} {} {Separ} {} "" {} {} {}
:SMITHS:#BUTTON 22 {Breastplate} {GEN:queue_item breastplate} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {87} {25} {Pos} {163} {6} {62} {} {} {} "" {} {The polished iron breastplate is made to be worn on the chest and on the back.} {}
:SMITHS:#BUTTON 23 {Chainmail} {GEN:queue_item chainmail} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {90} {25} {Pos} {163} {93} {62} {} {} {} "" {} {The iron chainmail is made to be worn on the chest, on the right arm, on the left arm and on the back.} {}
:SMITHS:#BUTTON 24 {Ringmail} {GEN:queue_item ringmail} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {87} {25} {Pos} {163} {183} {62} {} {} {} "" {} {The iron ringmail is made to be worn on the chest, on the right arm, on the left arm and on the back.} {}
:SMITHS:#BUTTON 25 {Platemail} {GEN:queue_item platemail} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {87} {25} {Pos} {188} {6} {62} {} {} {} "" {} {The iron platemail is made to be worn on the chest, on the right arm, on the left arm and on the back.} {}
:SMITHS:#BUTTON 27 {Ribbed Platemail} {GEN:queue_item ribbed platemail} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {122} {25} {Pos} {188} {93} {59} {} {} {} "" {} {The ribbed platemail is made to be worn on the chest and on the back.} {}
:SMITHS:#BUTTON 28 {Boots} {GEN:queue_item boots} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {55} {25} {Pos} {188} {215} {62} {} {} {} "" {} {The pair of iron boots is made to be worn on the right foot and on the left foot.} {}
:SMITHS:#BUTTON 29 {ARMS} {} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {273} {20} {Pos} {212} {0} {23} {} {Separ} {} "" {} {} {}
:SMITHS:#BUTTON 30 {Bracers} {GEN:queue_item bracers} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {50} {25} {Pos} {233} {6} {62} {} {} {} "" {} {The iron bracers is made to be worn on the right arm and on the left arm.} {}
:SMITHS:#BUTTON 31 {Scalemail Bracers} {GEN:queue_item scalemail bracers} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {111} {25} {Pos} {233} {56} {62} {} {} {} "" {} {The scale mail bracers is made to be worn on the right arm and on the left arm.} {}
:SMITHS:#BUTTON 32 {Platemail Bracers} {GEN:queue_item platemail bracers} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {103} {25} {Pos} {233} {167} {59} {} {} {} "" {} {The platemail bracers is made to be worn on the right arm and on the left arm.} {}
:SMITHS:#BUTTON 33 {LEGS} {} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {273} {20} {Pos} {257} {0} {23} {} {Separ} {} "" {} {} {}
:SMITHS:#BUTTON 34 {Greaves} {GEN:queue_item greaves} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {50} {25} {Pos} {278} {6} {62} {} {} {} "" {} {The pair of iron greaves is made to be worn on the legs.} {}
:SMITHS:#BUTTON 35 {Scalemail Greaves} {GEN:queue_item scalemail greaves} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {112} {25} {Pos} {278} {56} {62} {} {} {} "" {} {The scalemail greaves is made to be worn on the legs.} {}
:SMITHS:#BUTTON 36 {Platemail Greaves} {GEN:queue_item platemail greaves} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {102} {25} {Pos} {278} {168} {59} {} {} {} "" {} {The platemail greaves is made to be worn on the legs.} {}

:SMITHS:#CLASS {Weapons}
:SMITHS:#BUTTON 39 {EDGED} {} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {265} {20} {Pos} {97} {282} {23} {} {Separ} {} "" {} {} {}
:SMITHS:#BUTTON 40 {Longsword} {GEN:queue_item longsword} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {80} {25} {Pos} {118} {285} {59} {} {} {} "" {} {The sword is made to be wielded in any hand.} {}
:SMITHS:#BUTTON 41 {Shortsword} {GEN:queue_item shortsword} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {82} {25} {Pos} {118} {365} {62} {} {} {} "" {} {The sword is made to be wielded in any hand.} {}
:SMITHS:#BUTTON 42 {Dirk} {GEN:queue_item dirk} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {46} {25} {Pos} {118} {447} {62} {} {} {} "" {} {The knife is made to be wielded in any hand.} {}
:SMITHS:#BUTTON 43 {Knife} {GEN:queue_item knife} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {54} {25} {Pos} {118} {493} {62} {} {} {} "" {} {The knife is made to be wielded in any hand.} {}
:SMITHS:#BUTTON 44 {Bastard Sword} {GEN:queue_item bastard sword} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {110} {25} {Pos} {143} {285} {62} {} {} {} "" {} {The sword is made to be wielded in both hands.} {}
:SMITHS:#BUTTON 45 {Claymore} {GEN:queue_item claymore} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {79} {25} {Pos} {143} {395} {62} {} {} {} "" {} {The sword is made to be wielded in both hands.} {}
:SMITHS:#BUTTON 46 {Stiletto} {GEN:queue_item stiletto} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {73} {25} {Pos} {143} {474} {62} {} {} {} "" {} {The knife is made to be wielded in any hand.} {}
:SMITHS:#BUTTON 47 {AXES} {} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {265} {20} {Pos} {167} {282} {23} {} {Separ} {} "" {} {} {}
:SMITHS:#BUTTON 48 {Battle Axe} {GEN:queue_item battle axe} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {85} {25} {Pos} {188} {285} {62} {} {} {} "" {} {The axe is made to be wielded in any hand.} {}
:SMITHS:#BUTTON 49 {Short Axe} {GEN:queue_item short axe} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {77} {25} {Pos} {188} {370} {62} {} {} {} "" {} {The axe is made to be wielded in any hand.} {}
:SMITHS:#BUTTON 50 {Iron Waraxe} {GEN:queue_item iron waraxe} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {100} {25} {Pos} {188} {447} {62} {} {} {} "" {} {The axe is made to be wielded in both hands.} {}
:SMITHS:#BUTTON 51 {POLEARMS} {} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {265} {20} {Pos} {212} {282} {23} {} {Separ} {} "" {} {} {}
:SMITHS:#BUTTON 52 {Quarterstaff} {GEN:queue_item quarterstaff} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {134} {25} {Pos} {233} {285} {62} {} {} {} "" {} {The polearm is made to be wielded in both hands.} {}
:SMITHS:#BUTTON 53 {Halberd} {GEN:queue_item halberd} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {128} {25} {Pos} {233} {419} {62} {} {} {} "" {} {The polearm is made to be wielded in both hands.} {}
:SMITHS:#BUTTON 54 {POUNDERS} {} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {264} {20} {Pos} {257} {282} {23} {} {Separ} {} "" {} {} {}
:SMITHS:#BUTTON 55 {Spiked Club} {GEN:queue_item spiked club} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {133} {25} {Pos} {278} {285} {62} {} {} {} "" {} {The club is made to be wielded in any hand.} {}
:SMITHS:#BUTTON 56 {Warhammer} {GEN:queue_item warhammer} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {129} {25} {Pos} {278} {418} {62} {} {} {} "" {} {The club is made to be wielded in both hands.} {}

:SMITHS:#BUTTON 63 {Working on :} {} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {65} {35} {Pos} {367} {5} {15} {} {Separ} {} "" {} {} {Currently_Button}
:SMITHS:#BUTTON 64 {@This_Item} {} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {120} {35} {Pos} {367} {70} {15} {} {Separ} {} "" {} {} {}
:SMITHS:#BUTTON 65 {Next Item :} {} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {61} {35} {Pos} {367} {192} {11} {} {Separ} {} "" {} {} {}
:SMITHS:#BUTTON 66 {@Next_Item} {@Next_Item} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {120} {35} {Pos} {367} {253} {11} {} {Separ} {} "" {} {} {}
:SMITHS:#BUTTON 67 {Last Item :} {} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {53} {35} {Pos} {367} {373} {11} {} {Separ} {} "" {} {} {}
:SMITHS:#BUTTON 68 {@Last_Item} {} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {120} {35} {Pos} {367} {426} {11} {} {Separ} {} "" {} {} {}

Add the following to the room scripts of the forges:
#TRIGGER {^You drink some water from the large barrel.$You feel refreshed.$} {~!drink water from large barrel}
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