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Joined: 27 Jul 2004
Posts: 35

PostPosted: Tue Jul 27, 2004 10:45 pm   

AutoSum of parts of list
Hey all. Im trying to figure out a way to automate alot of the grunt work within a business I run in a MOO, Tissue Recycling. (remember "Bring out cher dead!" *BONG!*)



You lower a Rova's severed upper torso into the organic tissue processor.
[Operating Console] Processing tissue mass...
[Operating Console] 14 units chest tissue successfully extracted.
[Operating Console] 13 units head tissue successfully extracted.
[Operating Console] 16 units throat tissue successfully extracted.
[Operating Console] 15 units left shoulder tissue successfully extracted.
[Operating Console] 15 units right shoulder tissue successfully extracted.
[Operating Console] 14 units left upper arm tissue successfully extracted.
[Operating Console] 14 units right upper arm tissue successfully extracted.
[Operating Console] 15 units left forearm tissue successfully extracted.
[Operating Console] 15 units right forearm tissue successfully extracted.
[Operating Console] 14 units left hand tissue successfully extracted.
[Operating Console] 17 units right hand tissue successfully extracted.
[Operating Console] 17 units brain tissue successfully extracted.
[Operating Console] 16 units eye tissue successfully extracted.
[Operating Console] 14 units eye tissue successfully extracted.
[Operating Console] 18 units lung tissue successfully extracted.
[Operating Console] 15 units heart tissue successfully extracted.
[Operating Console] Processing complete.
You get out your male severed lower torso.
You lower a male severed lower torso into the organic tissue processor.
[Operating Console] Processing tissue mass...
[Operating Console] 15 units abdomen tissue successfully extracted.
[Operating Console] 17 units groin tissue successfully extracted.
[Operating Console] 14 units left thigh tissue successfully extracted.
[Operating Console] 15 units right thigh tissue successfully extracted.
[Operating Console] 16 units left calf tissue successfully extracted.
[Operating Console] 14 units right calf tissue successfully extracted.
[Operating Console] 13 units left foot tissue successfully extracted.
[Operating Console] 17 units right foot tissue successfully extracted.
[Operating Console] 16 units stomach tissue successfully extracted.
[Operating Console] 15 units small intestine tissue successfully extracted.
[Operating Console] 15 units large intestine tissue successfully extracted.
[Operating Console] 15 units liver tissue successfully extracted.
[Operating Console] 16 units kidney tissue successfully extracted.
[Operating Console] 14 units kidney tissue successfully extracted.
[Operating Console] Processing complete.

How I want this to work is:

[Operating Console] 16 units kidney tissue successfully extracted.
[Operating Console] 14 units kidney tissue successfully extracted.
[Operating Console] Processing complete.
You have processed XXXX units of tissue total.

Also, I would love if there was some way for me to make a report that keeps track of How much Ive grabbed in the last hour, last day, last week, last month, and total (with a way to log names so I know who to pay.)

Thanks a bunch!
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Joined: 27 Jul 2004
Posts: 35

PostPosted: Tue Jul 27, 2004 11:02 pm   
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Joined: 11 Nov 2003
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Location: USA

PostPosted: Tue Jul 27, 2004 11:11 pm   This should work...
#action {^You lower * into the organic tissue processor.$} {#VAR tissue 0}
#action {^~[Operating Console~] (%d) units * tissue successfully extracted.$} {#add tissue %1}
#action {^~[Operating Console~] Processing complete.$} {#show {You have processed @tissue units of tissue total.}}
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Joined: 27 Jul 2004
Posts: 35

PostPosted: Wed Jul 28, 2004 3:08 am   
#CLASS {Tissue Processing Tracker}
#ALIAS cprocess {
amputate chest from first corpse
amputate abdomen from first corpse
process first torso
process first torso
#VAR tissue {0}
#TRIGGER {^~[Operating Console~] (%d) units * tissue successfully extracted.$} {
#add tissue %1
#add tissuetotal %1
#TRIGGER {^~[Operating Console~] Processing complete.$} {
#show {You have processed @tissue units of tissue from this part.}
#show {You have processed @tissuetotal units of tissue total.}
#TRIGGER {^You lower * into the organic tissue processor.$} {
#VAR tissue 0
#VAR tissuetotal

This is the core of my basic system. There are 29 types of tissue, I need to make a report that I can dump to a txt automatically, track each one individually (running total), and then total tissue of all types ...

Also, need to find out if there is a way for ZMUD to ask for input, save the name inputed as a variable, and spit it out onto that corpses report.

hmmm....time to think.
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Joined: 28 Nov 2003
Posts: 313
Location: Australia

PostPosted: Wed Jul 28, 2004 9:22 am   
Gruesome, makes me wonder who'd make a mud where you have to do that. Anyways, this should track a running total for each individual tissuetype, and total tissue.
#TRIGGER {^~[Operating Console~] (%d) units (*) tissue successfully extracted.$} {#add tissue %1;#add tissuetotal %1;#addkey Tissues TissueTypes %additem("%2",%db(@Tissues,TissueTypes));#addkey Tissues "%2" %eval(%db(@Tissues,"%2")+%1);#addkey Tissues TotalTissues %eval(%db(@Tissues,TotalTissues)+%1}

I wasn't sure when you'd want to clear your running totals, maybe once a week, once a month, whenever. But to do so, just
#unvar Tissues

The following will report your running totals, and log it to the file, TissueReport.txt:
#alias TissueReport {#file 1 TissueReport.txt;#write 1 {Tissue report as at %time(dddd"," dd mmmm yyyy)};#forall %db(@Tissues,"TissueTypes") {#ECHO You have %db(@Tissues,"%i") units of %i Tissue.;#write 1 {You have %db(@Tissues,"%i") units of %i Tissue.}};#ECHO In total, you have %db(@Tissues,"TotalTissues");#write 1 {In total, you have %db(@Tissues,"TotalTissues")};#close 1}

As for your last request, check out the #prompt command.
#PR VariableName caption
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