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Joined: 20 Jul 2004
Posts: 38
Location: Australia

PostPosted: Wed Jul 21, 2004 4:13 pm   

multiple commands in exit links confuses mapper tracker
I'm using Zmud 7.05, and am trying to run around the mud in fast mode, but am having a problem when it comes to putting multiple commands in the link exits as the mapper tracker doesn't update after that room. After some testing I found that if I use just one command, the mapper works fine, if I use multiple commands, with a regular direction on the end, the mapper works fine, but if there are multiple commands and no direction, the tracker gets left behind, but all the commands are sent and work fine for the mud.

E.g If I have a link from room A to room B
then if the command to go across the link is:

'Press button' - Works fine
'Press button;pull lever' - Loses tracker.
'Press button;pull lever;e' - Works fine.

Now I have used a fudge to bypass the problem by using a teleport command at the end to force move the tracker, but when I put a pause in the next room with a trigger to '#step' or '#ok' when the transport has finished moving, or whatever, the speedwalk does not continue.
If someone could please either let me know what I have missed somewhere, or point me in the right direction, if would be much appreciated.

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