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Joined: 13 Feb 2004
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Location: USA

PostPosted: Thu Jul 15, 2004 10:41 pm   

Floating window with buttons?
I have played with creating a floating status window with text, but can such a thing also contain buttons that can be clicked to execute commands? (If not, that could be very handy. It's hard to map every useful thing to do fast in a combat onto macro keys; it'd be nice to be able to shunt some of them off onto buttons on a separate window that only comes up when I need it.)

If not, I might just compact the buttons I have on the button bar now and try to squeeze a bunch more in, maybe have some in a class that gets enabled/disabled, though I hate to give up vertical space for more buttons when my 80-column MUD width leaves a bunch of horizontal space free anyway.
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Joined: 14 Oct 2000
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 16, 2004 8:53 am   Re: Floating window with buttons?
Theragil wrote:
I have played with creating a floating status window with text, but can such a thing also contain buttons that can be clicked to execute commands? (If not, that could be very handy. It's hard to map every useful thing to do fast in a combat onto macro keys; it'd be nice to be able to shunt some of them off onto buttons on a separate window that only comes up when I need it.)

If not, I might just compact the buttons I have on the button bar now and try to squeeze a bunch more in, maybe have some in a class that gets enabled/disabled, though I hate to give up vertical space for more buttons when my 80-column MUD width leaves a bunch of horizontal space free anyway.

This depends on how you create the status window. If you create it using "#window name" then you can click that window/frame and then press the "triggers" button to add stuff to it just like with the main output window.

If you are using the Windows->Status window then I don't think you can place buttons in it.
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Joined: 10 Oct 2000
Posts: 698

PostPosted: Fri Jul 16, 2004 12:50 pm   

I hate to give up vertical space for more buttons when my 80-column MUD width leaves a bunch of horizontal space free anyway.

If you open up a button's setting in the settings editor, the tab labeled 'Position/Size' allows you to place the button on one of four panels. Each panel may reside in a different area of the main, or a #WINDOW-created, window. If you're concerned about losing vertical space, you can shift your buttons to the left, right or both.

As far as I know, you can't create buttons on the window called 'Status Window'; it is a unique window that has mostly uneditable properties.

At least two additional methods are available.Twisted Evil One way would be to create a new floating window using #WIN for stats, and buttons could be added to it. This will take a bit more and involved scripting because you'll have to send the actions to the main window using the focus character(colon(:) by default). I did this and passing variables between windows had me stumped for a couple weeks before I posted for help and the gurus showed me how.

It is also possible to create links with MXP tags to achieve a simple button effect with or without buttons in a second window. I haven't played with this at all, but I've seen it done.

If you enjoy fast-paced combat, I'd suggest just moving/creating your buttons to the side. If you enjoy fiddling with scripts and stuff, then by all means create a new window and give it some text, buttons, gauges, links and knobs. Practically anything is possible with zscript if you're willing to take the time to learn it.
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