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Joined: 27 Apr 2001
Posts: 110

PostPosted: Tue May 18, 2004 7:55 pm   

DR2 and XML...
Here is an example of what the XML being sent by DR2 will look like..

We adhere pretty closely to the XML standard I believe. For example, here is an example for when your hit points are altered.

<dialogData id='minivitals'><skin id='healthSkin' name='healthBar' controls='health' left='0%' top='0%' width='25%' height='100%'/><progressBar id='health' value='84' text='health 84%' left='0%' customText='t' top='0%' width='25%' height='100%'/></dialogData>

I have never had the need to play with MXP much, so am by no means an expert. Will zMud's MXP be able extract the 'health 84%'?
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PostPosted: Wed May 19, 2004 7:53 am   
I haven't tested this, but in *theory* you should just be able to register the tag with MXP and then use #MXPTRIG to trigger on the tag.

To register the tag (assuming DR2 isn't sending their own <!ELEMENT> tags):

#MXP <!ELEMENT progressBar EMPTY>

then you can do:

#MXPTRIG progressBar {...}

In the trigger, the %mxp record has the attributes, so %mxp.text should have the 'health 84%' value I think. Play around with it and take a look at the help for #MXPTRIG. You can also simulate MUD input using the MXP command like this:

#MXP <progressBar id='health' value='84' text='health 84%' left='0%' customText='t' top='0%' width='25%' height='100%'/>

to test the trigger.

It's possible that you might need to put zMUD into the "always Secure" MXP mode. The easiest way to do this is using the #PUEBLO command, which also activates the Pueblo emulation extensions.
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Joined: 23 Apr 2003
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PostPosted: Fri May 21, 2004 1:02 am   
I'm connecting to DRT with the StormFront protocol, so I'm receiving the tags. If I turn off the MXP/HTML option in Emulation Prefs, I can see all of them, and with this option on, most don't show up (though a few do here and there). I'm unable to use any of them. I tried your example for the progressbar, and it didn't work. To try something easier, here's what I get from the server (MXP/HTML off):

<prompt time="1085093734">& gt</prompt>

I want to get this time to display, so I did:

#MXPTRIG prompt {#SH The gametime is %mxp.time}

As aside, it created a trigger with the id "prompt", the pattern {#SH The gametime is %mxp.time}, and a Value of null. I reinput it as "#MXP prompt prompt {#SH The gametime is %mxp.time}", and the trigger is set right - a pattern and id of "prompt" and a value of {#SH The gametime is %mxp.time}. It's still not working. I even tried %mxp(time).

My big question is, is there a way can I look at the Elements and list their fields and values? Are there any functions or commands related to Elements other than %mxp?
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Joined: 23 Apr 2003
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PostPosted: Mon May 24, 2004 7:49 pm   
Bumping to see if I can get an answer. I still haven't found a solution to this problem
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Joined: 23 Apr 2003
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PostPosted: Thu May 27, 2004 8:40 pm   
Bumping again, hoping for a response of some sort, in the name of all the DR players who will want to adapt when the actual game upgrades to DR2
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Joined: 27 Feb 2003
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 04, 2004 11:29 am   
Have any of you beta testers figured this one out?

Are we going to get any new features with DR2 using zMUD?
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Joined: 03 Nov 2000
Posts: 59

PostPosted: Thu Jun 10, 2004 8:00 pm   
I haven't found any clean ways to use zMUD's built in functionality to deal with the new Simu XML format, so I've actually started writing a parser plugin to handle and translate it. Progress has been slow (due to a complete lack of documentation and their heavy use of flag arrays and numeric codes) and is as-I-find-time, but it's moving along -- currently have the stat bars, inventory and spell-tracking systems working, and my current task is to decode the flags that define the clickable links.

I'm working with GS4, not DR2, but I imagine that much of what I'm doing will be translatable without much trouble. If there's any interest, I'll post more when I'm further along.
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Joined: 23 Apr 2003
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 12, 2004 6:25 pm   
That sounds helpful, Cypren. DR isn't going to have the plethora of clickable links that GS4 has.

As an aside, Natala is considering adding the new features of DR2's XML to the gsl tagging system. If it does happen, it won't be until after it's fully released. But it will be nice to have all of those features (HP/MP/etc bars, inventory, etc) added to the existing easy-to-use gsl support that zMUD already has. All DR players, keep your eyes open on the DR message boards for Natala asking for what format we want those codes to take.
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Joined: 11 Jul 2004
Posts: 1

PostPosted: Sun Jul 11, 2004 6:25 am   
After experimenting with DR2 and reading through the documentation a couple times, I got it working and I must say that I'm impressed with the MXP capabilities in ZMud. There are some problems with using it with DR2 though. The empty tags in DR2 end with "/>", but ZMud doesn't seem to recognize that as a valid ending to an MXP tag so it doesn't catch it.

From the previous example, this:
#MXP <progressBar id='health' value='84' text='health 84%' left='0%' customText='t' top='0%' width='25%' height='100%'/>
doesn't work because it ends with the "/>".

I did a quick #SUBSTITUTE ">" for "/>" and it works ok except in cases where it needs to substitute more than 7 or 8 items on a single line, in which case the info comes out garbled instead of properly substituted. It actually gets to be a pretty ugly work-around, especially since room exits are shown as empty tags with the "/>" closing and there are often a lot of room exits. I was hoping that future versions of ZMud would recognize "/>" as a proper ending for a tag, or if it already works, that someone could tell me how to get it working!

Also, I was wondering if there was a way to display buttons without the mouseover effects. For example, in the other DR front ends we have a graphical representation of the position of our character: sitting, standing, kneeling, prone, etc. I would like to be able to recreate the same thing without the mouseover box popping up around it, more because I find it aesthetically displeasing than for any functionality since it does work as is.

That's about it, thanks!

PS. I've been using ZMud for nearly 4 years now, and it really is the best MUD Client around. Thanks for keeping it up to date!
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