tejing Wanderer
Joined: 21 Dec 2001 Posts: 59 Location: USA
Posted: Tue May 18, 2004 4:25 am
auto travelto on the two towers |
this script creates an alias "r" which you can follow with a bunch
of 2 letter versions of the city names (one word city names are the
first 2 letters, 2 word city names are the first letter of the first
word, and the first letter of the second) and it will go through all
those traveltos in a row. so: "r by br ri rh th" at the greyhavens
signpost will take you all the way to thranduils. you can even
follow it with commands like so: "r by br ri;.3en" and it will
travel to rivendell (from greyhavens or belegost) then when it gets
there, it will execute ".3en"
Code: |
#CLASS {travelto} {enable}
#ALIAS r {
#IF (@TravelQueue!="") {getstops} {
travelling = 1
#LOOP %numitems( %replace( "%-1", " ", "|")) {
#if (@trav( %item( %replace( "%-1", " ", "|") , %i)) = "No such destination!") {
travelling = 0
#echo %item( %replace( "%-1", " ", "|") , %i): No such destination!
#IF (@travelling!="1") {#echo Travelling aborted!} {
#IF (%numparams) {
TravelQueue=%replace( "%-1", " ", "|")
#exec @travc( %item( @TravelQueue, 1))
#move @travc( %item( @TravelQueue, 1))
#DELNITEM TravelQueue 1
#until (@travelling=0) {#noop}
#ALIAS getstops {
#if (@travelling) {
#if (%numitems( @TravelQueue) = 0) {
travelling = 0
#if (%numitems( @TravelQueue) >= 1) {
#loop [%numitems( @TravelQueue)] {#echo @travn( %item( @TravelQueue, %i))}
#echo %numitems( @TravelQueue) remaining.
#VAR trav {%if( (%1 != "ri") AND (%1 != "br") AND (%1 != "by") AND (%1 != "gh") AND (%1 != "be") AND (%1 != "os") AND (%1 != "mt") AND (%1 != "rh") AND (%1 != "th") AND (%1 != "ad") AND (%1 != "lo") AND (%1 != "da") AND (%1 != "ed") AND (%1 != "es") AND (%1 != "er") AND (%1 != "dl") AND (%1 != "li"), "No such destination!", "")}
#VAR travc {%if( %1 = "ri", "travelto rivendell")%if( %1 = "br", "travelto bree")%if( %1 = "by", "travelto bywater")%if( %1 = "gh", "travelto greyhavens")%if( %1 = "be", "travelto belegost")%if( %1 = "os", "travelto osgiliath")%if( %1 = "mt", "travelto minastirith")%if( %1 = "rh", "travelto rhosgobel")%if( %1 = "th", "travelto thranduils")%if( %1 = "ad", "travelto adornas")%if( %1 = "lo", "travelto lothlorien")%if( %1 = "da", "travelto dolamroth")%if( %1 = "ed", "travelto edoras")%if( %1 = "es", "travelto esgaroth")%if( %1 = "er", "travelto erebor")%if( %1 = "dl", "travelto dale")%if( %1 = "li", "travelto linhir")}
#VAR travn {%if( %1 = "ri", "Rivendell")%if( %1 = "br", "Bree")%if( %1 = "by", "Bywater")%if( %1 = "gh", "Grey Havens")%if( %1 = "be", "Belegost")%if( %1 = "os", "Osgiliath")%if( %1 = "mt", "Minas Tirith")%if( %1 = "rh", "Rhosgobel")%if( %1 = "th", "Thranduils")%if( %1 = "ad", "Adornas")%if( %1 = "lo", "Lothlorien")%if( %1 = "da", "Dol Amroth")%if( %1 = "ed", "Edoras")%if( %1 = "es", "Esgaroth")%if( %1 = "er", "Erebor")%if( %1 = "dl", "Dale")%if( %1 = "li", "Linhir")}
#VAR travelling {0}
#VAR TravelQueue {}
#TRIGGER {{Travelto: Destination reached!|You're already there!}$} {
#IF (@TravelQueue!="") {
#exec @travc( %item( @TravelQueue, 1))
#move @travc( %item( @TravelQueue, 1))
#DELNITEM TravelQueue 1
#TRIGGER {Travelto can only be used at a signpost.} {
@travelqueue = ""
@travelling = 0
#TRIGGER {^Travelto: no such destination from here.$} {
TravelQueue = ""
@travelling = 0