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Joined: 26 Apr 2004
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PostPosted: Mon Apr 26, 2004 11:20 pm   

password probs
Zmud kinda logs my password or somert so when I'm connecting to muds its shoving the pword in...except its doing it wrong and I cannot connect or anything now <_> If anyone could tell me how to turn the whole pword thing very thankful, if can email instead of posting, please do.

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Joined: 26 Apr 2004
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 29, 2004 9:22 pm   
I'm at the end of me tether, please help anyone. Just post how I can bloody stop it
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Joined: 28 Nov 2000
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PostPosted: Fri Apr 30, 2004 8:38 am   
To disable automatic login, select Edit from the character selection screen, go to the Character tab, and uncheck the box next to:
Automatically use this character name and password to log in

This problem has often been addressed before. Fixing your autologin so it works correctly is probably a better solution than merely disabling it. A search of this forum will probably turn up numerous topics which can tell you how to do that.
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Joined: 09 May 2004
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PostPosted: Sun May 09, 2004 12:36 am   
Originally posted by LightBulb

Fixing your autologin so it works correctly is probably a better solution than merely disabling it. A search of this forum will probably turn up numerous topics which can tell you how to do that.

Fixing the damn program is probably a better solution than either.

My client waited until I paid good money for it, and set aside an afternoon, then got me temporarily banned from the MUD by spamming the password. Thanks, Zuggsoft!

Please either remove this feature, disable the prompt to set it up (forcing manual configuarion), or warn people that it doesn't work. If you can't code a feature that works, don't include that feature.
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Joined: 28 Nov 2000
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PostPosted: Sun May 09, 2004 4:10 am   
Please address nasty complaints directly to Zugg in private email. Public venting only makes you look like an obnoxious idiot. It won't solve your problem and it certainly won't help thayr.

Thousands of people have used the Autologin wizard without problems. Most of them had no problems because they were bright enough to check that everything was correct when the wizard gave them the opportunity to. The wizard works reasonably well, but it's not possible to create one which will work perfectly on every MUD. There's just no substitute for human intelligence, which is why YOU ARE GIVEN THE OPPORTUNITY TO SEE EXACTLY WHAT THE WIZARD WILL DO AND CHANGE ANYTHING THAT ISN'T CORRECT before you hit OK . In other words, it already requires manual configuration and warns you that it might not work without changes. Perhaps it's time you learned how to read before you click.

I wouldn't normally have responded to a complaint directed to Zugg, but you directly involved me when you hijacked the topic by quoting my answer to thayr.
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Joined: 09 May 2004
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PostPosted: Sun May 09, 2004 7:14 am   
Originally posted by LightBulb

Please address nasty complaints directly to Zugg in private email. Public venting only makes you look like an obnoxious idiot. It won't solve your problem and it certainly won't help thayr.

First off, no. The bugrep instructions asked me not to report known bugs. This is clearly a known issue, and therefore not an appropriate topic for a bugrep. However, there's no policy that _I_ saw saying "make nice with Thayr and Lightbulb on the forums".

Second, people have used it without problems, yes. When there _is_ a problem, you get exactly the opposite of your intended results - no ability to play on a MUD, instead of enhanced ability to do so. That is not "reasonably well". A rifle that shoots correctly a hundred times and shoots you once is not "reasonable".

Anyway, unless there's some standard configuration that fires off the username in an infinite loop, no, I didn't see exactly what it would do before I hit "OK". I didn't see any warnings in the autolog help file about this. I didn't see a warning in the wizard. It isn't addressed in the FAQ, it isn't sticky in the discussion forums.

Perhaps if you want someone to READ, you should WRITE it. Don't assume your telepathic powers will transmit bug information along with the download. Better yet, you should fix the damn program.
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Joined: 15 Jan 2002
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PostPosted: Sun May 09, 2004 10:42 am   
A rifle that shoots correctly a hundred times and shoots you once is not "reasonable"

No. but it has been known to happen........

However, there's no policy that _I_ saw saying "make nice with Thayr and Lightbulb on the forums".

Well where does it say you can make mean either Lightbulbs reply was to FIX the inccorect fields NOT fix the autologin which is NOT broken.

Anyway, unless there's some standard configuration that fires off the username in an infinite loop

That is the way it is DESIGNED to work lemme take you through the steps and WHY it is important to make sure its Correct:

Welcome please enter your name: //Initial Line NAME Trigger SEND #CHAR (Stored in the Autolog and MOST Problematic for super clickers)
Password: // SEND #PW then Disable Autologin until next CONNECT

So if the NAME field of the autologin is not set correctly THIS is what happens.
Welcome please Enter your name:
That User does not exist!
Welcome please Enter your name:
That User does not exist!
Welcome please Enter your name:

As you can see having the wrong Fields CAN set you in a loop AS can having the wrong triggers. A better way to vent this would have been with an IDEA Remeber Zmud is designed around USER ideas Zugg can't be expected to think of everything. so HERE it is.

With the advent of #COND triggers in 6.40+? Could it be possible to set up the autologin as such so that if one of the FIELDS is not correct it won't be AS likely to keep resending the wrong field. And also if its not could NO be the default answer the autologin wizard (because I am not sure what is)

Now for a fact I know THIS is what would happen Zugg would see that it makes some sense add that Idea to his Wish List and the next time he updates Zmud he will look at the wish list and if Feasable will Imp it. And you can say to yourself reporting my Bad experiances with Zmud and how they could be corrected just made Zmud better for everyone.
I could go on but I won't
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Joined: 09 May 2004
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PostPosted: Sun May 09, 2004 11:38 pm   
So if the NAME field of the autologin is not set correctly THIS is what happens.

That is not what is occuring. When prompted for a user name, it fires my username (which is correct) repeatedly as fast as it can. It got it off several hundred times before I could so much as close ZMUD. My password was set correctly, but it never had a chance to trigger, because it was busy firing off my username.

The only fields I set in the autolog trigger were username and password, although it's theoretically possible that I bumped a key while trying to press <enter>, but I think I'd've noticed. Even if that were the case, there should be _no_ configuration that leads to a loop of this sort. There's no time when I can imagine wanting an infinite autolog loop.

The MUD then read every other copy of the username as a password, which caused it to lock me out. If that's correct behavior, then I'm the Pope. Incorrect behavior is a sign of a poor or buggy feature. A buggy feature should be fixed or removed, or partially disabled.
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Joined: 28 Nov 2000
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PostPosted: Mon May 10, 2004 5:29 am   
It sounds like you have a trigger loop. That's not a previously known problem with the Autolog wizard nor did I anywhere suggest that it is.

You should stop responding to my posts as though I am Zugg. I'm not. Again, you would do better to communicate directly to Zugg if you simply wish to complain about his product or make suggestions for altering it rather than seek solutions to your own problem. Any modification of the Autolog wizard won't help you until the next release comes out which isn't likely to happen for many months. Immediate help will have to work with the existing version.

Post the triggers from the Autolog class and any nonblank atconnect aliases. Also have a look for any other triggers which send your character name, %char, or use the #CH command and post those as well.

And no, there isn't any written policy which requires politeness. Common courtesy is something your parents should have taught you and no rule should be needed.
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