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Joined: 15 Jan 2002
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 14, 2004 3:05 am   

Pathfinder map Project
Fed up with countless people asking me how do I get to xxxx from yyyy I wrote this thing
As it is it can be tweaked to work with any just about any mud if anyone has ideas on things I did wrong things they want to see etc just post here. also feel free to attempt to guide me in the right direction with my problem below.

#CLASS {Pathfinder}
#ALIAS AncMapfilter {#CALL %mapfilter([Zoneid]=2 OR [Zoneid]=4 OR [Zoneid]=5 OR [Zoneid]=8)}
#ALIAS pathfinder {#IF (%numitems( @pathfind.from)=1 AND %numitems( {reply Please pick a more specific destination room. No Destination room found. ERROR 1x0};#IF (%numitems( @pathfind.from)=0 AND %numitems( {reply Please pick a more specific starting room. No starting room found. ERROR 0x1};#IF (%numitems( @pathfind.from)=0 AND %numitems( {reply Please pick a more specific destination and starting room. No Starting or Destination room found. ERROR 0x0};#IF (%numitems( @pathfind.from)=1 AND %numitems(>1) {reply Please pick a more specific destination room. Multiple Destination rooms found. ERROR 1xg1};#IF (%numitems( @pathfind.from)>1 AND %numitems( {reply Please pick a more specific starting room. Multiple starting rooms found. ERROR g1x1};#IF (%numitems( @pathfind.from)>1 AND %numitems( {reply Please pick a more specific starting and Destination room. Multiple starting rooms found. No destination room found. ERROR g1x0};#IF (%numitems( @pathfind.from)=0 AND %numitems(>1) {reply Please pick a more specific starting and destination room. No starting room found. Multiple Destinations found. ERROR 0xg1};#IF (%numitems( @pathfind.from)=1 AND %numitems( {reply Your Directions are %pathfrom( @pathfind.From, @pathfind.To)}}
#VAR Pathfind {}
#VAR pathideas {}
#TRIGGER {^(%w) tells you, 'Era ({Anc|Med|Ind}) From (*) Dest (*)'} {Pathfind="";Pathfind.For=%1;Pathfind.Filter=%mapfilter;Pathfind.From=%mapquery( {[NAME] LIKE '%%replace( %3, "'", "''")%'});Pathfind.To=%mapquery( {[NAME] LIKE '%%replace( %4, "'", "''")%'});#CALL %mapfilter("");Pathfinder}
#TRIGGER {^(%w) tells you, 'path'} {Tell %1 Welcome to my PATH beta testing please be as SPECIFIC as possible with room names. Format is ERA Anc|Med|Ind FROM room name DEST room name;Tell %1 Example usage folows bear in mind this is BETA ideas are welcome in the form of "Tell me idea path my idea";Tell %1 tell me ERA Anc FROM The Silver Branch Inn DEST Mount Apesas}
#TRIGGER {^(*) tells you, 'idea path (*)'} {#ADDITEM Pathideas {%1}}

Problems on my end (modified to what I NEED it to do) I for the LIFE of me cannot get %mapquery to use %mapfilter. (is there a setting somewhere for this I might have bumped)

In a new char with new settings and a new map I created 3 zones three rooms each "room one" in zone one "room two" in zone to Etc then did
#CALL %mapfilter(zoneid=1 OR zoneid=3)
#SAY %mapquery {[NAME] like '%road%'}
and it correctly uses the filter outputting 1|3

but if I try the same thing on my char/map it completly ignores the filter when using %mapquery (using #say %numrooms correctly returns the number of rooms for the filter)
so I exported my settings deleted my *.mud opened up my char made a reimported my settings opened a blank map and used zonecopy to copy my map in yet still no go here is what I am trying to do I am beginning to think my whole mapper format is corrupt

#ALIAS AncMapfilter {#CALL %mapfilter(Zoneid=2 OR Zoneid=4 OR Zoneid=5 OR Zoneid=8)}
(formated for readability)
TRIGGER: ^(%w) tells you, 'Era ({Anc|Med|Ind}) From (*) Dest (*)'
#exec %2mapfilter //correctly sets filter verified using #says throughout trigger
Pathfind.From=%mapquery( {[NAME] LIKE '%%replace( %3, "'", "''")%'}) //will capture roomkeys of rooms NOT in filter also for some reason I am noticing it treating LIKE as = and stripping the % or something '%yadda%'
Pathfind.To=%mapquery( {[NAME] LIKE '%%replace( %4, "'", "''")%'}) //Will capture room keys NOT in filter
#CALL %mapfilter("")

I wonder if I would have better luck using ADO/SQL etc for the most part
*MDAC 2.8/Jet 4.0/Zmud 7.05/Win 2ksp4*

Edit:Fixed a few typos I noticed added sys specs
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