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Joined: 08 Feb 2001
Posts: 89
Location: USA

PostPosted: Mon Mar 08, 2004 1:54 pm   

Yet Another Automapper Question

I'm a bit baffled by this. I am trying to get the automapper to work on Arctic MUD (mud.arctic.org). It's a modified DIKU system. The room output appears normal. I think the problem must lie in zMud's paragraphing or something.

Rooms look something like this:

96H 124V 25989X 0C Exits:D> look
The Pig and Whistle
    A small brass bell sits on a rosewood table along with a guest book.
There is no need to ring for attention, however; you are getting plenty of
that already. A brass sign assures you of the quarters' legendary comfort.
Assorted keys dangle from an iron loop here.
A bulletin board with the heading 'Wanted' has been posted on the far wall.
A beefy bouncer stands near the innkeeper, watching for trouble.
Ed, the crotchety innkeeper stands here.

96H 124V 25989X 0C Exits:D>

and again with the ANSI codes inserted:

<27>[32m<27>[0;37m<27>[32m96H <27>[0;37m<27>[32m124V <27>[0;37m25989X 0C <27>[0;37mExits:D> <27>[2zlook
<27>[36mThe Pig and Whistle<27>[0;37m
    A small brass bell sits on a rosewood table along with a guest book.
There is no need to ring for attention, however; you are getting plenty of
that already. A brass sign assures you of the quarters' legendary comfort.
<27>[33m<27>[1mAssorted keys dangle from an iron loop here.
A bulletin board with the heading 'Wanted' has been posted on the far wall.
<27>[0;37m<27>[31m<27>[1mA beefy bouncer stands near the innkeeper, watching for trouble.
Ed, the crotchety innkeeper stands here.
<27>[32m<27>[0;37m<27>[32m96H <27>[0;37m<27>[32m124V <27>[0;37m25989X 0C <27>[0;37mExits:D>

I've left the ansi codes in to illustrate the issue. In this case, you'll notice that after the room description there are two lines each of two different colors. (Yellow and red in this case.) The first color is for items in the room and the second is for mobs. If there are both items and mobs in the room, then the mapper works fine. The mapper works fine also if there are only mobs. Confusion ensues, however, when there are no mobs, but some items do exist. I've seen situations where the automapper will assume that the yellow line is the room name, and I've seen situations where the automapper will simply not recognize anything -- leaving the last direction entered on the stack.

Any ideas as to how to deal with this? It should be easy:

should indicate the room name and the next lines until an ansi escape code or a blank line is the description.

I'm baffled, as I would expect zMud to get this one right automatically. I'm guessing it's something obvious that I'm overlooking -- it usually is. :)

Thanks in advance,


P.S. I think room names not delivered in proper case may also be causing trouble: e.g. "The Intersection of Apple and Orange Streets"
Not sure, though.
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