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Joined: 12 Mar 2004
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Location: USA

PostPosted: Fri Mar 12, 2004 1:01 am   

Capturing the next line of output
I am a relatively new Zmud programmer and I've already come to my first setback. I'm trying to make a trigger so that if I have a pet and the pet kills the mob instead of me, I will automatically get the money from the corpse, examine the corpse and then take items from the corpse if they are held within a variable @loot_objects. Right now I am having a problem with being able to capture the very next line outputted from the mud.


The pattern is: You hear (%w)'s death cry.
#IF (@mob_kill_line = ~"Bob") {get coins corpse|examine corpse}

Instead of bob in the parenthesis I want the very next line proceeding the pattern which sets off the trigger. Anyone help would be appreciated.
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Joined: 01 Aug 2003
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Location: USA

PostPosted: Fri Mar 12, 2004 3:28 am   
You said you wanted it for the 'very next line' but I am assuming you mean the line directly above (or preceding) the pattern you supplied. This will trigger off the very next line:

#trigger {You hear %w's death cry.}
#cond {(%w)} {#if (%ismember(%1,@mob_kill_line)) {get coins corpse;examine corpse}} {Within|Param=1}

Or to fire off the preceding line:

#trigger {You hear %w's death cry.} {#loop %numitems(@mob_kill_line) {#if (%line2=~ "%item(@mob_kill_line,%i)") {get coins corpse;examine corpse}}}

Also, from now on please give more information. You didnt supply the preceding line, or the pattern you receive when you look into the contents of the corpse.
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