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Joined: 01 Sep 2002
Posts: 15
Location: Miami

PostPosted: Wed Feb 18, 2004 5:11 am   

Another Quick Helpless Question From A Lunatic
I am back guys, well here is the thing, I just started playing a new mud and apperently the mud wraps the tells/says/gossips/etc when they get to 80 characters. I currently have a capture trigger to send to other windows but it only gets the first 80 characters this is what I got:

Pattern: (*) gossips '
Value: #CAP Gossip

What Actually comes out of the mud is this:

Lothos GOSSIPS 'wander through the hallways of my school, you will find all
kinda of interesting jewelry'

and sometimes its even like this:

You GOSSIPS 'So how is everyone this fine day? I'm in a good mood right now
just noticed I am almost completely mastered recall and swipe gold and sword

How can I make it work can any of you guys help me? Lightbulb I know your around there youve helped me before heh oh yeah by the way I am using 6.40
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Joined: 10 Oct 2000
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Location: USA

PostPosted: Wed Feb 18, 2004 3:45 pm   
First, the new 7.01 version is out which is a lot faster than previous versions and has many nice extra feautures. You should try looking into it.

Now, in your case, you are lucky since your MUD delimits the gossips with apostrophes. This allows you to start capturing when you see the whoever gossips message and end capturing at the first line that ends with an apostrophe (which might be that line itself). This can all be done with a state trigger:
#TRIGGER "capGossip" {* gossips '(*)} {#CAPTURE Gossip;#IF (!%ends( "%1", "'")) {#STATE "capGossip" 1}} "" {manual}
#CONDITION {(*)} {#CAPTURE Gossip;#IF (%ends( "%1", "'")) {#STATE "capGossip" 0}} {manual}
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