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Joined: 30 Apr 2003
Posts: 43
Location: Sweden

PostPosted: Tue Feb 17, 2004 4:03 pm   

Getting Crazy!!!
tell me something that is REALLY annoying me.

This is something I want to be triggerd:
Intelligence: 95

The trigger looks:
Intelligense (%d)
#VARIABLE @int %1
#IF (@int < 95) {#VARIABLE @intc 498} {#VARIABLE @intc 779}
#SUBSTITUTE {Intelligence: %1 (%eval(5 - %15)) * @intc}

first of all. the Variable "Int" isin't added. and it's empty. WHy?! Secondly the Eval thing doesn't work.. Any help? please..
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Joined: 10 Oct 2000
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Location: USA

PostPosted: Tue Feb 17, 2004 5:03 pm   
I'm not sure what your tring to do, but i see a couple minor issues.

1. Your missing the : in your trigger
2. #var @int %1 is wrong, should be #var int {%1}
3. your division sign is incorrect, you have , where it should be /
4. Your %eval function looked wrong, i rewrote it.

When using variables, use the @ symbol in front when you want to access the value within the variable.

Try this

Intelligense~: (%d)

#VARIABLE int {%1}
#IF (@int < 95) {#VARIABLE intc 498} {#VARIABLE intc 779}
#SUBSTITUTE {Intelligence: %1 %eval((5 - %1/5) * @intc)}
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Joined: 28 Nov 2000
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Location: USA

PostPosted: Tue Feb 17, 2004 5:35 pm   
Intelligence, not intelligense.
Intelligence: (%d) should be in the Pattern, not the Value, it's not clear which section you have it in.
is the correct symbol for modulo division. It should not be changed to /.
Based on experience, : can be used in the pattern without ~.

Pattern: Intelligence: (%d)
#VARIABLE int {%1}
#IF (@int < 95) {#VARIABLE intc 498} {#VARIABLE intc 779}
#SUBSTITUTE {Intelligence: %1 %eval((5 - %15) * @intc)}

To answer your question, the variable "Int" isn't added because the #VARIABLE command supports indirect variable-naming. When you put "int" as the name, the variable created is @int. When you put @int as the name, the name is whatever value is in @int. So, if @int is "smart", then #VARIABLE int 25 changes the value of @int to 25, but #VARIABLE @int 25 creates a new variable, @smart, with the value of 25.
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Joined: 30 Apr 2003
Posts: 43
Location: Sweden

PostPosted: Tue Feb 17, 2004 8:48 pm   
Working perfeclty, thanks.
Q1: Is it possible to add more IF's?
Q2: And is it possible to make that into a var?
The sum that I get after %eval((5 - %15) * @intc
to insert it into a variable called intsum?


#VARIABLE int {%1}
#IF (@int < 95) {#VARIABLE intc 498} {#VARIABLE intc 779}
#IF (@int < 80) {#VARIABLE intc 398} {#VARIABLE intc 579}
#SUBSTITUTE {Intelligence: %1 %eval((5 - %15) * @intc)}

Is that possible? I wanna do a IF
for every 5 stats.. starting from

20-100.. : 20|25|30|35 etc..

So if I have below 25 it will cost 24gp. If it is larger then 25 49gp. Less then 30 49gp and larger 69.. etc..
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Joined: 10 Oct 2000
Posts: 656
Location: USA

PostPosted: Tue Feb 17, 2004 10:38 pm   
You can nest if statements.

If you want to put the final value in a varable you can do so by.

#var intsum {%eval((5 - %15) * @intc)}

for your if statements something like this should get you started.
There are many different ways to write that type of nested if, I perfer to seperate them like this instead of nesting them. Nesting can get very confusing.

#IF (@int > 95) {#noop}
#if ((@int < 95) and (@int >= 85)) {#noop}
#if ((@int < 85) and (@int >= 75)) {#noop}
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