vordak13 Newbie
Joined: 03 Feb 2004 Posts: 1
Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2004 6:48 pm
Newbie Script |
Ok this wil probably sound fairly newb, but I forgot a lot of my scripting and was hoping I could get a push in the right direction.
In Godwars one does quests through going, retrieving an object, and placing it on a card. i am able to teleport to these mobs/objects. What I am trying to do is write an Alias/macro for get (item) corpse;complete quest (item). Yet i cannot for the life of me remember how to use the variable.
Suppose I wanted to pace it all in an alias, this is how I would like it to look, it would need 2 variables, mob and item:
mgate (mob);enter gate;kill (mob; get (item) corpse;complete quest (item).
The 3 major questions:
1. How do I define the mob variable?
2. is there any way to set up the "get (item) corpse" command to wait till the mob is dead?
3. How do I define the item variable?
I realize i am probably 9/10th of the way figured out, but I would appreciate help.
Thanks |