superbovine Newbie
Joined: 19 Jun 2003 Posts: 8
Posted: Fri Nov 28, 2003 8:32 pm
Crimson2 mud - answering machine script |
Ok, wrote this script. i called it an answering script. i am biasing off of this script
ok i got the idea from here, only made it for tell and beep. this could be easy modified for other channels.
#class {AnswerMachine}
#trigger {(%1) tells you '(%2)'} {#win tells "["%time("hh:nn:ss")"] "%1" tells you '"%2"'"}
#trigger {(%1) beeps you} {#win tells "["%time("hh:nn:ss")"] "%1" beeps you"}
#class 0
this will make a class that will contain there two triggers. just cut and paste.
then you need to make an alias or trigger to enable the class. ok remember this aren't not in the class folder. there up 1 level.
#al am {%if( 1=%class( AnswerMachine), setAoff, setAon); #close tells}
#al setAoff {#class AnswerMachine 0}
#al setAon {#class AnswerMachine 1}
or you could do a trigger using afk command, which isn't complicated. |