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Joined: 23 Nov 2003
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Location: Denmark

PostPosted: Sun Nov 23, 2003 11:31 pm   

Complete newbie question about prompt
So i just installed zmud and i'm using it for the very first time.
I understand i can get my mud prompt to not be in the text-window and be in a status bar instead?
first of all how do i do that ? my mud prompt looks like this:
<3pm 5268/5268hp 4370/4370ma 1601mv Opp:None ES TNL:17958> #

Also i'd like it if it didn't show the string i send to the mud..
can that be done?
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Joined: 28 Oct 2003
Posts: 164

PostPosted: Sun Nov 23, 2003 11:49 pm   
#TRIGGER {~<%a &%dhp/&%d{maxhp}hp &%dmana/&%d{maxmana}ma &%d{movement}mv Opp:&%aopponent %a TNL:%d~>} {#GAG}

That will catch your prompt and store various values into variables. I don't know what "ES" (alignment?) and "TNL" are, so I didn't actually store them in any variable. Also, I left out the time, since I thought that was pretty useless since zMUD shows it in the bottom right anyway.

Now, if you wanted a status bar or status gauges (my preference), it's pretty easy. The easiest way for you to do this is to open the Settings window and click the little arrow next to the New button and choose Status Bar. Now you can type in something like this:

Health:@hp/@maxhp Mana:@mana/@maxmana

Notice that you can put the variables captured from the prompt in there, with a @ in front of them.

I prefer status gauges. To add one of those, choose new Button instead. Set the Kind to Gauge. Set the caption to "HP" or "Health" or whatever you want. Then click on the Gauge tab and put @hp for Value. Put @maxhp for Gauge Max. For Gauge Low, you can put in a calculation. This is handy for coloring your health bar bright red when you are low in HP. For instance, you could put @maxhp/10 and it would color red when your hp was one tenth of your max.

I would suggest playing around with this and see if it's what you want.

As far as gagging what YOU send to the mud, someone else will have to answer that one.
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Joined: 23 Dec 2000
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Location: USA

PostPosted: Mon Nov 24, 2003 12:18 am   
To gag your commands, you will have to do a few things:

1)turn off the Echo Commands option in preferences

2)create a command-line trigger that matches everything and gags it:

#oninput {%*} {#gag} //in this case the %* wildcard is completely safe since nothing is being captured to a variable (dunno if you actually need it, though, depending on your command set)

3)create a normal trigger that gags every possible command generated via script (trigger output, alias, etc). These commands sent to the mud are NOT matched against command-line triggers.

4)use #SEND to push output directly to the datastream instead of echoing it to the screen.

You don't need to implement all of these options, but you will need at least one or two.
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