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Joined: 29 Oct 2003
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Location: USA

PostPosted: Wed Oct 29, 2003 4:22 pm   

Child Windows
I have been experimenting with child windows, and I noticed an annoying tendency to add blank lines to the parent window everytime text gets shifted to the child window. Here is an example:

The following text is the original output from the mud:

An Ogre (huge)*-* Clan Bloodlust *-*(F) stands here.
A Drow Elf (medium) *-* Clan Bloodlust *-* (B) stands here.
A Gityanki (large) *-* Clan Bloodlust *-* (F) stands here.

The trigger I am testing goes something like this:
#tr {A |An }{@enemyrace} ({@size})*({@rank}) {@position}.
window2:send text <--sends text to the second window to get filtered
window: <--resets command input to the parent window

The child window recieves the original line of text and then filters it to the following (independant of the parent window):

Ogre (huge)(F)
Drow Elf (medium)(BACKRANKED)
Githyanki (large)(F)

The problem is I end up seeing this in the parent window rather then the original mud output:

An Ogre (huge) *-* Clan Bloodlust *-* (F) stands here.

A Drow Elf (medium) *-* Clan Bloodlust *-* (B) stands here.

A Gityanki (large) *-* Clan Bloodlust *-* (F) stands here.

The added blank lines get extremely annoying when you have something like 10 or more "enemy" races existing in a given room. Is there a way to get rid of the blank lines that get added every time you send text to the child window?
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Joined: 28 Nov 2000
Posts: 4817
Location: USA

PostPosted: Wed Oct 29, 2003 6:26 pm   
:window2:To send a command to a different window without changing the focus

Instead of changing the focus to the child window and then changing it back, just send the text without changing focus.
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