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Joined: 15 Dec 2000
Posts: 37
Location: USA

PostPosted: Sat Oct 25, 2003 11:58 pm   

Need advice on converting tintin to zmud
I found some very good tintin scripts that people swear by on the mud I play. I never used tintin so I dont understand how the scripts are working. I want to take on the task of trying to get zmud to work with these scripts. What advice would you give me for this task?

Some things I could do is TRY to find the tintin language somewhere and go piece by piece of coverting each script into something zmud can understand. Does anyone that has used tintin, know of a place that I can find a learn the commands that tintin uses?

I've seen in old zmud version's where it said (up to?) 90 percent of tintin scripts can be imported/converted into zmud. Does this still apply to the newer zmud versions? Or if I was to try importing these tintin scripts into zmud, should I try to find the oldest version of zmud I can find in order that most of the tintin script can be converted? I would then have to upgrade the zmud, maybe by steps, to the newest version of zmud. IF I do try this route, would there be anyway to know which parts of the script did not convert? I'm guessing that there is no way to tell if a certain part of a script imported until you try it. The sad truth is, no matter how great people say these scripts are, I have never tried them and so would not really know if its working, or if its not working, which part has the problem.

What advice would you have for me in this task?
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Joined: 16 Dec 2002
Posts: 103

PostPosted: Sun Oct 26, 2003 5:39 am   
My advice would be to import the scripts. You can enclose the entire script in a class testclass {} block or something to try to quarantine the new stuff if you're really worried. As far as telling whether or not the new stuff works... You say that they are supposed to be useful - if so, it should be obvious whether or not they work.
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Joined: 25 May 2003
Posts: 4

PostPosted: Mon Oct 27, 2003 12:38 am   
The tintin language is almost entirely a subset of the Zmud language. Some of the syntax differs minorly (pattern matching, $var instead of @var, etc), but you probably won't see anything in these scripts that you cant find information on in the Zmud help files.

However, these ancient tintin scripts that get passed around on muds for ever and ever are often poorly designed, and it is worth taking a look and seeing if you can take advantage of modern Zmud features to make it a better script.
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