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Joined: 07 Nov 2001
Posts: 53
Location: Australia

PostPosted: Sat Sep 13, 2003 1:15 pm   

ACX Pro + new ACSpedia = lots of missing Dung Maps
Since changing the database to the new site I've noticed a number of dungeons no longer have an active "Dungeon Map" option in the Views menu.

2 dungeons that I know used to generate a Map view option, and are now missing them, are Tusker Tunnels and Tusker Holding.

Any ideas?
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Joined: 09 Feb 2001
Posts: 42

PostPosted: Sat Sep 13, 2003 5:27 pm   
Can't you manually change the dungeon url to point to the map? Chances are they might of gotten a new number associated with them in main database file which made them incompatible with acmap file that holds all dungeon urls

I looked at the dungeon.dat file and it doesn't have anything associated with the dungeon so might want to manually add dungeon url from acmap to it using ac explorer.
You will want to
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Joined: 14 Sep 2003
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 14, 2003 2:46 am   
If there's something isn't doing that it should be, please let me know. When I coded it, I took the original places.dat with what the new places.dat generated, and compared them with a hex editor and file diff tool. The only difference between the two is that my code doesn't like thing like umlauts etc, so you get a ? instead of the real character. Polecat and I discussed some things I can do to possibly help with that, which I'll be trying out today.

I don't know how ACExplorer determines which locations equate to the dungeons - the dungeon ID / /loc id isn't stored in the database. (Yet. That's one of the things I'm going to change.) I noticed a dungeon.dat file with the URLs in them, along with dungeon names and IDs. Also, I saw an acmaps.dat like you get from I don't know how they all fit together though, so I'm not sure what to do to fix it at the moment. Sorry.
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Joined: 25 Sep 2000
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 16, 2003 12:30 am   
The dungeon map information is not stored in AC Spedia at all. The Update Data command in AC Explorer downloads the latest data from any of the data sources you have defined. You'll notice that 2 data sources are defined by default: one for AC Spedia for the basic location info, and one for AC Maps for the map information. AC Maps returns a list of dungeon IDs that it has maps for. AC Explorer stores this information into the DUNGEON.DAT file. This is a list of dungeon ID values, dungeon names, and the URL for the map.

The way AC Explorer handles new dungeons is dynamically. When you enter a new dungeon that is not yet in the DUNGEON.DAT file, AC Explorer adds a new entry with the dungeon ID sent by the AC game client (if you have tracking enabled), and if there was a dungeon location from AC Spedia in that location in the game, the name of the dungeon is also captured.

With zExplorer, you'll be able to send the URL of the dungeon map as a seperate XML field from the database (AC Spedia or whatever database server you are using). This isn't yet supported in zExplorer but will be added at the same time as the tracking features. So, zExplorer will not be using the seperate DUNGEON.DAT file...all of the information will be stored in the database file itself.
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