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Joined: 12 Sep 2003
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 12, 2003 3:35 am   

System clock error?
Recently, Zmud for some reason seemed to get into some argument with windows, in the result of a whole lot of 'memory access violations' errors. After about 2 minuites of dealing with the rapidly popping up messages, I finally got Zmud to close.

When I tried to restart it, it gave an error about the System Clock having an unusable date, and to check that it was right, or connect to the internet and let it check.

well, as I had done nothing to the clock, I checked it. Several times as I could see nothing amiss with it. Still the right time, date, and year. I changed it, then changed it back to make sure.

when I had it check itself though the net, it just hung for a while, then closed returning a window which flashed a problem not resolved message.

This being the first problem I've ever seen with Zmud (after using some pretty error producing clients in the past), I unlicensed it, uninstalled it, and reinstalled.

Not though, when I go to relicense it, it again hangs for a while before returing the same 'System Clock Invalid' message.

I've got no clue what causes this, nor how to fix it.

I have sent an e-mail to the Elicense, just to chech with thrm on this matter (who knows) but was wondering if anyone had seen or dealt with this problem before.

I am currently running Zmud 6.62 on Win98 se. Win is fully updated.

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PostPosted: Fri Sep 12, 2003 5:25 am   
UNfortunatly my friend, IT seems Zmud thinks it is another time and date.

1) you might have inadvertantly had your clock set wrong before you had a problem then after you restarted zmud your date had been fixed.
2) There are other reasons but unlikly.

Why reinstall did not work:
elicence leaves a configuration file behind so that you can't cheat it, by useing your free 30-days the uninstall reinstall and use another 30 days(not you, but people).

Solutions: BUY elicense
1)I know you said that you bought it, but I have had some experience in this area and I have never seen this happen if you bought the elicence.
2)So you say you do have a license, ok ok.
bufore running Zmud, goto your system clock and change the date by one forward. 9-10-03 would goto 9-11-03. start zmud if you get a problem change the date by one again, try again. Eventually it will work.

How to get it set back to the right date?
My experience has led me to reformatting my hard drive and reinstalling everything.try to install a backup program incase this ever happens again. (I use GOBACK) becarefull as some programs like to wipe out youe Elicense, but they are easy to reinstall I have done mine about a hundred times.
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Joined: 15 Feb 2005
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 16, 2006 6:26 am   Clock Issues
I've searched the many posts about clock errors while loading zmud and haven't found a decent answer that solves my problem.

I have recently wiped my pc and reinstalled windows - something we all have to do now and then. As per usual, I downloaded all of my favorite programs, filezilla, putty, ect. I also downloaded Zmud expecting to easily put in my registration information and be up and running.

What I now get is a clock error stating that my system time has changed. It has not changed and is completely accurate. Other than re-wipe my pc (god I hope not) what the heck can I do to get my zmud to work? What a pain this is turning out to be, I've never had this happen to me before but I am very turned off to the software (which I've paid for and should be able to easily use) due to this bug and I highly doubt I'll bother buying cmud or anything else if I have to reformat over this.

What are my options?
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Joined: 25 Sep 2000
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 16, 2006 6:50 am   
You need to upgrade to the 7.21 version of zMUD that gets rid of eLicense. Then you won't get any clock errors. Can't help you for the old 6.62, sorry.

If you still get a clock error with 7.21, then email us and we can help you more. But 7.21 only cares about the date/time during the trial period, so if you have a valid reg code, then you shouldn't get any error with 7.21.

You should never have to reformat.

In general, all questions regarding licenses should be emailed to support@zuggsoft.com. We can't help much with private license issues in a public forum.
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