Dielantha Beginner
Joined: 29 Nov 2002 Posts: 12 Location: USA
Posted: Sun Apr 06, 2003 12:48 am
Autoroller - Darkmists MUD |
Import this script into your zmud and your good to go. ;-) It will go until it hits a total of 92 or above. You can change the setpoint (currently 92) to something higher if you want but it takes much longer. Best bet is to stick with 92.
#CLASS {Autoroller}
#ALIAS initroll {#var maxroll 0;#var high 0;#var max1 0;#var max2 0;#var max3 0;#var max4 0;#var max5 0;#status {%ansi( bold, red)current roll: @total %ansi( bold, blue)setpoint: @setpoint %ansi( bold, red)high roll: @high %ansi( bold, blue) max possible: @maxroll} autoroll}
#VAR setpoint {92}
#VAR STR {18}
#VAR INT {20}
#VAR WIS {18}
#VAR DEX {20}
#VAR CON {16}
#VAR total {92}
#VAR max1 {18}
#VAR max5 {17}
#VAR max4 {21}
#VAR max3 {18}
#VAR max2 {21}
#VAR maxroll {95}
#VAR high {92}
#TRIGGER {Strength: &str Intelligence: &int Wisdom: &wis Dexterity: &dex Constitution: &con} {#var total %EVAL( @str + @int + @wis + @dex + @con);#say {%ansi( bold, red)"Max is " @max1 " " @max2 " " @max3 " " @max4 " "@max5};#IF (@total < @setpoint) {no} {#beep;#status {Finished Rolling... got a @total};#wait 120000;#status ""};#If (@max1 < @str) {#var max1 {@str}};#If (@max5 < @con) {#var max5 {@con}};#If (@max4 < @dex) {#var max4 {@dex}};#If (@max3 < @wis) {#var max3 {@wis}};#If (@max2 < @int) {#var max2 {@int}};#var maxroll {%EVAL( @max1 + @max2 + @max3 + @max4 + @max5)};#If (@high < @total) {#var high {@total}}}
#CLASS 0 |